1. Admission Calender for 2025-2026. Click here for Details. 2. PRELIMS Test Series 2024-2025. Click here to Register. 3.75X75 Current Affairs Course-Batch 2 on January 26. Click here to Register. 4.7-Stage Interview Program [Batch 2] Click here to Register. 5. 7-Stage Interview Workbook Pdf. Click here to Download. 6. RBI Grade B-Full Course. Click here to Register.

One Officer, One Idea - Contest

What change would you bring as an IAS or IPS Officer?

Hello sir / mam
I am here to answer about the question "if i became IAS in the future,what will i do to the
I will keep the district garbage free .
I will take care of education and health.
In schools i will make a common health check ups for students and teachers once a year.
I will maintain people to follow the rules which is already given in the constitution .
I will ask people what are the flaws and problems and solve accordingly.
Thank you sir / mam

Moukthika U

The rural segment is slowly developing in the field of education but when compared to male
population female population is still behind in the literacy ratio
So i would bring a change by increasing the literacy ratio of female by encouraging them to
attend schools regularly and enroll themselves in the learning process. And also to break all
sorts of barriers that stops them from attaining education.


"Change I wish to see and bring our city.
1) It's really hard to find dustbins on the streets, which is essential for any city. The
unavailability of that makes people throw the waste directly to the roads.
2) A strict action for all the contractors who dig the road for whatsoever reason, it should be
their responsibility to bring back the road to its initial state. But our people dig the road
complete their work and close it simply with sand and move on. Whereas the roads will be
later laid by a politician taking that as an advantage and canvasing for votes with that.
Contractors who fail to lay the roads on the estimated date of completion of the project
should be fined highly and no further contract should be provided to him."

Aakash Manokaran

Not going to bring a change in anything that is existing, rather to do what is in the protocol
and make the existing ideas work brilliantly to give a change for my state.
Also If i have power to implement new idea of change then I would ensure the slums get the
equal earning in the society as they still lives in the hut nearby by sewage or railway tracks.
All the sc/st upliftment acts are still not enjoyed by people who really need, I would make
sure that they have the understanding of earning, money like affluent classes of the society.
And go to next stage.
To do this we don't need a power in govt anyway.

Aaron obeth sunder singh

"One thing I want to change if I’ll be the IAS or IPS officer is - I will make a team under me
24/7 to work for the people who is not Responding people in the proper way and not treating
the people with respect, in the government office.
Recently I read the news that the college girl commit sucide for not giving the community
certificate as soon she died without treatment.
Government should act for the people and respond with the respect"


"""நான் ஐயுளு அதிகாரி ஆனால் முதலில் நான் செ ய்ய நினை த்து இருப்பது
என் மாவட்டத்தில் உள்ள பிச்சை எடுக்கும் மக்கள் இ அனாதை
குழந்தை கள் இ மற்றும் பெ ரிய ோர்கள் இவர்களுக்கு அடிப்படை வசதிகள்
செ ய்து க ொடுத்து என் மாவட்டத்தில் ஒரு பிச்சை எடுக்கும் மக்கள் கூட
இல்லாத நிலை யை க ொண்டு வருவே ன்.....
நான் ஐயுளு அதிகாரி ஆனால் முதலில் நான் செ ய்ய நினை த்து இருப்பது
என் மாவட்டத்தில் உள்ள பிச்சை எடுக்கும் மக்கள் இ அனாதை
குழந்தை கள் இ மற்றும் பெ ரிய ோர்கள் இவர்களுக்கு அடிப்படை வசதிகள்
செ ய்து க ொடுத்து என் மாவட்டத்தில் ஒரு பிச்சை எடுக்கும் மக்கள் கூட
இல்லாத நிலை யை க ொண்டு வருவே ன்.....
தினம் தினம் காவல் அதிகாரிகளுடன் இணை ந்து நானே இரவு ர ோந்து
செ ன்று தவறை தட்டி கே ட்டு நடவடிக்கை எடுத்து ஒரு ஆட்சியர்
இப்படியும் கீழே உள்ள வே லை களை யும் கடமை யாக நினை த்து செ ய்ய
வே ண்டும் என்று செ ய்து காட்டுவே ன்....இது எல்லாம் நிச்சயம் செ ய்வே ன்....
2. என் மாவட்டத்தில் ஒரு ஏழை மக்கள் கூட பசியால் ஒரு நாளின் ஒரு
வே ளை உணவு கூட உண்ணாமல் அன்று உறங்க கூடாது அதற்கு
அவர்களுக்கு தே வை யான ஒரு வே லை வாய்ப்புகள் முகாம் மூலம்
ஏற்பாடு செ ய்து தருவே ன் ...
ஜாதி மதம் வே றுபாடு க ொண்டு நடக்கும் வெ றி பிடித்த அப்படிப்பட்ட
மக்களை யாருக்கும் பயப்படாமல் என் உயிர் ப ோனாலும் அதை பார்த்து
பயப்படாமல் அவர்களை குண்டர் சட்டம் மூலமாகவ ோ ஜாமீனில் வெ ளி
வர முடியாத பிரிவின் கீழ் அவர்களுக்கு நான் நீதிமன்றம் மூலம்
தண்டனை வாங்கி தர முயற்சி செ ய்து அந்த முயற்சியில் வெ ற்றியும்
பெ றுவே ன்.....
3. நம் நாட்டில் நிறை ய காவல் நிலை யங்களில் pநனெiபெ உயளநள நிறை ய
உள்ளன இ இதனால் நீதி கிடை ப்பதும் தாமதம் ஆகிறது இஇதனால் அப்பாவி
மக்கள் ஏழை மக்கள் நிறை ய பாதிப்புக்கு உள்ளாகும் நிலை இன்னும்
இருக்கிறது....எனவே என் ஆட்சிக்கு உட்பட்ட மாவட்டத்தில் தினம் தினம்
ஒவ்வ ொரு காவல் நிலை யம் எளைவை செ ய்து காவல் அதிகாரிகளிடம்
விசாரணை செ ய்து உயளந விரை வாகவும் சரியாகவும் முடிவு பெ ற
ஏற்பாடுகள் செ ய்வே ன்.....
4. ஆதரவற்ற நிலை யில் அனாதை இல்லத்தில் வாழும் சிறு வயது
குழந்தை களை தத்தெ டுத்து வளர்க்க ஒரு வாரம் மக்களை நே ரில்
சந்தித்தும் மறுவாரம் ஒவ்வ ொரு தெ ருவிலும் அட்டவணை படி
விழிப்புணர்வு செ ய்து தத்தெ டுக்க ஏற்பாடு செ ய்வே ன்....இதில் தத்தெ டுக்கும
பெ ற்ற ோர்கள் நல்லவர்களா என்பதை முறை யாக விசாரித்து அவர்கள்
நல்லவர்கள் என்று முடிவு வரும் பட்சத்தில் அவர்களிடம் அனாதை
பிள்ளை கள் தத்தெ டுக்க ஒப்படை க்க படுவார்கள்....
5. என்னுடய ஆட்சிக்கு உட்பட்ட மாவட்டத்தில் உணவில் கலப்படம்
இல்லாத நிலை இ ஊழல் லஞ்சம் இல்லாத நிலை யை க ொண்டு
வருவே ன்....
உருவாக்குவே ன் .... எண்ணுடை ஆட்சிக்கு உட்பட்ட மாவட்டத்தில்
பணிபுரியும் அரசு அலுவலர்கள் ஒருவர் கூட லஞ்சம் வாங்காத
சூழ்நிலை யை உருவாக்க நான் கடின முயற்சி செ ய்து அந்த முயற்சியில்
வெ ற்றியும் பெ றுவே ன்....
இறுதியாக பிரதமர் மற்றும் ஜனாதிபதி அவர்களிடம் சிறந்த ஆட்சியர்
என்ற கெ ளரவம் பெ றுவே ன்இ...
மக்களிடம் நல்ல ஆட்சியாளர் என்று பெ யர் பெ ற்று ஒரு நல்ல உiஎடை ளநசஎயவெ
ஆக நான் எப்ப ொழுதும் இருப்பே ன்....

பெ ற்ற ோர்கள் நல்லவர்களா என்பதை முறை யாக விசாரித்து அவர்கள்
நல்லவர்கள் என்று முடிவு வரும் பட்சத்தில் அவர்களிடம் அனாதை
பிள்ளை கள் தத்தெ டுக்க ஒப்படை க்க படுவார்கள்....
5. என்னுடய ஆட்சிக்கு உட்பட்ட மாவட்டத்தில் உணவில் கலப்படம்
இல்லாத நிலை இ ஊழல் லஞ்சம் இல்லாத நிலை யை க ொண்டு
வருவே ன்....
உருவாக்குவே ன் .... எண்ணுடை ஆட்சிக்கு உட்பட்ட மாவட்டத்தில்
பணிபுரியும் அரசு அலுவலர்கள் ஒருவர் கூட லஞ்சம் வாங்காத
சூழ்நிலை யை உருவாக்க நான் கடின முயற்சி செ ய்து அந்த முயற்சியில்
வெ ற்றியும் பெ றுவே ன்....
இறுதியாக பிரதமர் மற்றும் ஜனாதிபதி அவர்களிடம் சிறந்த ஆட்சியர்
என்ற கெ ளரவம் பெ றுவே ன்இ...
மக்களிடம் நல்ல ஆட்சியாளர் என்று பெ யர் பெ ற்று ஒரு நல்ல உiஎடை ளநசஎயவெ
ஆக நான் எப்ப ொழுதும் இருப்பே ன்...."""

"Abdul Rahuman K "

z"What if i :
What exactly Right now sasikanth senthil IAS (Rtd) doing working with society to understand
their need and act accordingly.
With power engaging youngsters to involve in social work and engaged in sports activities to
stay away from drugs."

"Abdul salam "

License ilama drive pana allow pana matan

Abishek S

"Plan :- schooling system ah matanum...!
1.adi kudutu padika vaikanum !
2.study ela vaika kodatu !
3.daily konja nearam aatu velaiyada allow pananum.!"

Abhinav Ajay V E

"Myself Abinaya .If I were an IAS officer I would
prefer safety for women and I used to help poor by the power in correct way. My aim is no
poor in future India.

Abinaya J

"Tamil Nadu should be made clean first....
And nerya Peru... Nalla padichitu illana nerya thiramai irrukuravagaluku..for example sports
government jobs ...ellam thiramaiyum irrunthum nerya Peruku ethuvum kidaikama poiduthu
..first of all merit nalla mark nalla win panravagaluku muthal urimai kidaikanum..na kandipa
ias or IPS ana kandipa itha mathuva"


"I will do my best to cancel alcohol and
prostitution.people are normalising prostitution but it's totally affect the society and
importantly it breaks the children's heart who all affected by them.....how it can be a normal
thing when it breaks the total families peace and joy....sir i will do my level best to introduce
new way to punish them....if it's become more ok for our future generation then no one will
going to understand that how it affects one family and little hearts children's..we have to
leave good and New new great things for our upcoming generation.... prostitution is not at all
a business it's a sin..they have to be published then only others stop do that... otherwise they
continue this as normal...if punishment or penalty will become a solution they might stop
doing that...i have seen so many families are affected by this....we must talk about this....i
will do my level best to prove that this is not ok...it is totally destroying all good things in
family..it applies both men and women... just only for money some are doing extreme bad
things to the affected family....even society and everyone are accepting this is normal and
police won't take case against them bcoz prostitution is legal...?? How it can be legal...
definitely i will do something and create impact about this issue...In villages they are
considering this as normal (no one feel that pain until they experience it)
I have been thinking about this issues...can i stop
this issues in our society??...is this possible...i didn't have an answer ..but one thing i am
sure about i will make a way to stop that as much as possible

"Abinaya S "

"We should keep our nation clean and healthy
We can give responsibility to youngsters, volunteers
On Sunday, cleaning ,adding needs in their area like common dustpin, planting tress etc
For that they should awarded in every month
Following this most of the ideas will arrive from many people and our area, district and nation
in clean and healthy"

Abirami Murugavel

" If I will become a collector, then I must conduct
eligibility test for all existing government teachers based on their standard. so that we will
come to a conclusion whether who are all enough qualified or who are all need more
practice and training or who all are not qualified for designation ,by means of that we can
take necessary steps accordingly
The test must be related to,
Their qualifications, which means their specialization
Their discipline
Their way of teaching etc...
because I believe that the students not only learn
from the books they learn from the people around them,
Importantly from teachers. if the student felt that the teacher is not perfect with any one of
these aspect then they also follow the same
To rise a good & responsible citizen, firstly rise a
good & responsible student by means of good & responsible teacher.
thank you for great opportunity to share my

"Abirami "

"So After I became an Ips officer I would
restrict child labour because I think this is the root cause for every problem in the society. If
the child is sent for work he is not aware of the society and due to stress he or she is gets
addicted to drugs and not aware of education and finally the next generation get collapsed.
So child labour should be restricted completely. So I will do that job. Thank you."


"what if I will became a IAS officer I will clean the
noyal river now a days it seems like a ditch filled with full of chemical water disposed by
dyeing units and will give punishments to the people those who are not following
government mini rules (like throwing dusts and spitting in public places etc.) Like planting
number of trees so that our environment will become a healthy and greeny."

Afrim A

"நான் I.A.S அல்லது I.P.S officer ஆனால்
என்னை ப ோல் இந்தியாவில் மாற்றம் ஏற்படுத்த நினை க்கும் மணவர்களை
என்னை ப ோலவே I.A.S அல்லது IPS ஆக்குவே ன் ஏன்னெ ன்றால் நான் 4 பே யர்
களை முன்னே ற்றினால் கூட அவர்கள் 40 பே யர்களை முன்னே ற்றுவார்கள் 40
பே யர்கள் 400 ஆகும் நாங்கள் அனை வரும் சே ர்ந்து இந்தியாவை
மாற்றியமை ப்ப ோம்...."

"Ajay Kumar "

"Storage godown increase panuven (like paddy
godown avoid wastage of paddy) more then paddy export panuven. It will be used to
increase indian economic value."

Ajay. E

"Opinion of Future IAS officer's:
I will fulfill the tasks assigned to me according to the authority given to me and
according to the law without any defect.
Common Opinion:
There is no need for any change here, just maintain it correctly, everything we need
is in Tamil Nadu and,
Every government servant should do their duty properly.
It is sufficient for the higher officer to remedy the deficiencies in the work of such a
government servant

Ajaypandi. M

"காற்று மாசுபாடு &ப ோக்குவரத்து
நெ ரிசலை த் தவிர்க்க காரில் (Car) நான்கிற்கு குறை வான நபர்கள் பயணம்
செ ய்வதை த் தடை செ ய்ய வே ண்டும்
தகுந்த காரணங்கள் இருந்தால் மட்டும்
நான்கிற்கு குறை வானவர்கள் பயணம் செ ய்ய வே ண்டும்"

"Ajin "

"The Idea is to *""Promote Best driving Practices, yearly review of drivers to continue with their
licensing and slowly inculcating the the habit of following traffic rules- Rationality behind this
idea is to have Zero accidents as do we have in industrial areas & don't want to see a single
drop of blood wasting in roads.* Even with worst road conditions accidents could be zero if
we are at atmost caution. ""BETTER LATE THAN NEVER"""

Ajith Balaji R

"Drugs not used for under 18age
2)Panmasala & coollip full stop pannanum
3) create and improve village facilities
4)awareness for importance of education for dropout sudent
5) Discipline"

AjithkumarB R

"நா ஐ.ஏ.எஸ் அதிகாரியானால் பை பிள்,
குர்ஆன் , பகவத் கீதை . இவை மூன்றை யும் பாடப்புத்தகங்களில் சே ர்ப்பே ன்
அப்ப ோது தான் நம் மாணவர்களுக்கு இவை எல்லாம் ஒரு சாதியை சே ர்ந்தது
ஒரு மதத்தை சே ர்ந்தது என்ற எண்ணம் த ோன்றாமல் இவை மூன்றும் நாம்
அறிய வே ண்டிய பாடங்கள் என்று த ோன்றும்,நாம் வளர்க்க வே ண்டிய அறிவு
என்று த ோன்றும். இது தான் நான் ஐ.ஏ.எஸ் அதிகாரியாக இருந்தால்
செ ய்திருப்பே ன"


"The way my idea is
Chennai's famous river in 1940's
The name of the river ""Kuvam""
That day river as using for travel to other state's like
Anthara pradesh,Karnataka....etc.,
So i will clean & clear the river and reuse for
travelling,transport serivce for import system,tourist place...etc.,
And the river has having to live many living organism
like 80+ fishes and one speical living organism is crocodile
But now a days the crocodile is gone
So this is my one of the dream...✨"


"1. Targeted compulsory value education course to children and adolescent which includes
mental and reproductive health ,sanitation and most importantly environmental protection
measures and vocational education covering holistically from govt schools to private
schools.This should involve experts and coordinated efforts from dept like health and family
welfare, dept of envt and cc ,dept of skill devt ,dept of higher edn ,dept of msme,etc .The
foundation for reaping demographic dividend for the upcoming years should be laid now .
2. strict surveillance of basic traffic rule that is driving cars and riding motorcycles by
children less than 16 yrs and those without driving license.The importance of this issue can
be best understood by the NCRB statistics of road accident deaths -2021 in which speeding
and reckless driving account for nearly 80% of deaths in India ."


என்னுடை ய ஆசை என்னவெ ன்றால் படிக்கக்கூடிய ஏழை மற்றும் நடுத்தர
மாணவர்களுக்கு அரசு துறை களில் உள்ள அனை த்து வே லை பிரிவும் அதை
படிப்பது எப்படி என்றும் ஒரு படம் ஒரு அங்கமாக (chapter)வை க்கவே ண்டும்.
ஏழை மாணவர்களுக்கு மே ல ோட்டமான வே லை வாய்ப்புகள் மட்டுமே
தெ ரிகிறது நிறை ய பிரிவுகள் துறை களில் தெ ரியவில்லை . நன்றி!!!"


"My aim is to become a IPS officer and it's been there since my 8th grade now after doing my
graduation and doing masters i realized the poor use of forensics in india If i become a IPS
officer i would like to change this situation and contribute to make officials get trained in
forensics thereby we can solve a lots of cases"

Alex Antony J

"Response to instagram post.
I would like to bring changes to students in tamil nadu, who footboards on bus/train. bc of
non-permitting them inside the cabin due to innumerable."

Aloysious 22,

"There is no proper library in my village... no proper
public toilets.. no proper primary health care.. seriously if there is any medical emergency we
need to travel around 10 kms to the hsptl.. and more than that students completing 12th and
ug still have no idea about any government exams both state and central level exams... they
are randomly completing any degree and getting married.. so will bring change in those
And till now enga village la government exams
prepare panni clear pannavanga nu yaarume ila.. bcos no one have any idea about that.. so
kandipa awareness kudupa..."

Amaru K

"நான் க ொண்டு வர நினை க்கும் மாற்றம்: தற்ப ோது அரசு பள்ளிகளில் மாணவர்
சே ர்க்கை அதிகரித்திருப்பது அரசு பள்ளிகளின் தரமான கல்வித் திறன்
வளர்ச்சி மே ம்பாட்டால் அல்ல, தனியார் பள்ளிகளின் கல்விக் கட்டண
த ொகை யை செ லுத்த முடியாததால் மட்டுமே . இந்த நிலை மாறி
உண்மை யான தரமான கல்வி தரும் ந ோக்கத்துடன் மட்டுமே அரசு பள்ளியில்
சே ர்க்க ஆசிரியர்களை யும் பெ ற்ற ோர்களை யும் தயார் படுத்த வே ண்டிய
நடவடிக்கை களை மே ற்க ொள்வே ன"


"சுயசார்பு நகரங்கள், கிராமங்கள் :-
அவசரகா ல நிலை (war,natural disaster) ப ோன்ற நே ரங்களில் நகரங்களுக்கு
இடை யே ஆன த ொடர்புகள்(power supply) துண்டிக்க படலாம், உணவு
எரிப ொருள், அன்றா ட தே வை ப ொருட்கள் ஆகி யவற்றை அந்த கிரமமே அல்லது நகரமே
உற்பத்தி செ ய்திக ொள்ளும் திறனை அதி கரி க்க வே ண்டும்
கிராமங்கள் தங்கள் தே வை களை 80℅
தங்களால் பூர்த்தி செ ய்யமுடியும், நகரங்கள் 95% தே வை களை பூர்த்தி செ ய்ய


"I will become a IAS officer..after that I ll change the education system and try to empower the
person to know about our country and support them to develop there self development and
give equal importance for employment opportunities to all"

"Anitta Mary "

"Hello there. I'm Angel Jebamalar from
Sivagiri, Tenkasi district. I'm 22 years old. I have completed B.Com degree.
If I become an IAS officer one day, I'll make maximum effort to abolish the concept of *child
marriage* completely.
Also I would like to enhance the women empowerment in all the fields. My main goal is there
should not be any Indian is unemployed"

Angel Jebamalar T

"Hi ,this is anjana from Nagercoil
Nan IAS officer uh anal 1)first roads lam sari pananum because helmets licence ipd neriya
vishium ku importance kudukrom ana kavanikla padadha roads nala neriya accident ls
nadakudhu so roads sari panuven.
2) 10 ,12 th cld students ku good communication English , competitive exams or IT courses
... future kaga use Agra courses kondu Vara muyarchipen.
3) indha adharcard ,ration cards lam mistake irukudhunu queue la ninu makkal kashtapatu
sari pana vandhalum thapu thapa marubadium alayavekra dhuku edhadhu nala mudivu
kondu varuven.....adhula work panravanga careless nala paamara makal dhn kashta
paduranga adhukaga edhadhu nala vazhi panuven
4) endha district ponalum. Anga ulla govt hospitals , police stations ipd makal ku help panra
public services la edhadhu matram kondu varuven..... collector ku direct uh contact panra
system use pani idhla yemathravanga ,alatchiyama irukravangaluku edhadhu panuven.
5) liquor, cigrette ipd pata vishium lam limited case la one day oru adhar card ku gents ku
ivlo dhan limited system kondu varnum .
6) mudincha alavu na irukra Vara lancham avoid panuven."


"Na IAS future la ava,but i can do one change of this
I request and call cheif minister Roadside orphans,roadside stay people,orphans
people ku district by district caring home center iruknm request panni ill change my world"

Anitha M

"My Duty:
2.Infinity explain 3.Agriculture
4.How to studying ? purpose of study
5.Explain to No caste.,
only religion.
Thank you!"

Annavimuthu N

"1.Women emporwerment kaga various
app especially for safety apps and troll free number and thn i will form a team
management.........2.Road facilities problem especially in village will be solved.....3.Talk to
youth to bring more innovation and conducting awarness meeting regarding any issues.
4.Social welfare(சமூக ஆர்வலர்) in each and every ward in a district will take a report on
any issues in particular surroundings will be solved.....5.Tournament for cultural,sports will be
conducted and given price to support...it will increase our traditional practice....6.Monthly visit
the respective district to communicate with the peoples and will know their
needs.....7.Education will be given to the people who suffer to pay money or not able to
study......8.In school sex education can be implemented or awarness will be given to the
students.........9.In constitional zero hour is there likewise, In school zero hour could be
implemented to take rest or old traditional games or yoga or sports should be strictly
implemented.....10.social fake messages or negative social influencers will be banned......."

Anu M

"நான் க ோவை யில் தினமும் என்
கல்லூரிக்கு பே ருந்தில் செ ல்கிறே ன். சில நாட்கள் இரண்டு மணி நே ரம்
காத்துக்கிடப்பே ன். படியில் பயணம் செ ய்து காயமடை ந்தவர்களை நே ரில்
பார்த்திருகிறே ன். சிறந்த ப ோக்குவரத்துக்கு வசதி இல்லாததால் வே று
வழியின்றி அவ்வாறு செ ல்கிறார்கள். அவர்களை குறை கூற முடியாது.
அதனால் நான் அதிகாரி ஆனால் ப ோக்குவரத்துக்கு துறை யை
மே ம்படுத்துவே ன். பே ருந்துகளின் எண்ணிக்கை அதிகப்படுத்துவே ன்."

Anusheela S

"In ariyalur district, I am living in small village.
Here most of the parents were uneducated and they also want to to give education for their
children's better future. But they don't want to give equal opportunity for their son and
daughter. The discrimination is starts here. They allow their son to go another state or even
abroad country for their higher education but they don't allow their daughter's. They stop
their daughter's education with one degree and do not allow them for further studies. But we
are all think village girl children's are also start to educate themselves with their parents
support that is not true. Even they are not allowed to go for job to distant places.
So, I will make organization specifically for villages
to give counseling and awareness to the parents about women's education. If at least
anyone female child get succeed in their life through the help of this organization means we
can see miracle change in their vilalge and also in adjoining villages.

Anushiya B

"What is that one change you'll bring?
Changes in my local level :
I will motivate the IAS aspirants, with my success and failures , I would explain responsibility
of the job.
My ideas💡
1. If you want to be an IAS officer, initial stage itself study properly the NCERT books
2. make an habit of reading newspaper (current affairs)
Changes in my state level :
1. JEE NEET has special sections in school but UPSC also the hardest exam. school should
provide special section for UPSC students.
2. Newspaper provides special column for UPSC students for (exam's important topics)
Changes in my country :
1.As a IAS Officer we need to react people's problem immediately
2. Learn from the mistake,
Past IAS Officer's success and mistakes.
3. I take action on that the place not have the basic accessibility ( undeveloped areas )
4. Spread education over all the country because, the educated person can fullfill there
needs and their peoples needs ( from the govt, by raising questions )
Thank you ..."


"mam/sir, there is lot of crimes were happening in
our nation... there is some reason for the crime, but sometimes it will happen by
mistake...*for that why can CONSTITUTION OF INDIA as given as subject for student from 5
to 9 and 11th* they have to know some rules and regulation and finally they have to know
some basic Indian Constitution. From this they learn some articles and acts of India they will
lead the people in correct way, if anyone doing or family members, friends, some basics
mistake. The student will stop and say if anyone doing this mistake you will get severe
punishment by our government... student will also came to know it is wrong or right for our
society... from this they will raise caution for society... and also some BABL students have
job vacancy also get staff work …..
this will be some reason for less of crime for our
country and state
people not knowing what are law is there, so by
they children learning this subject make aware to people, friend and family
REASON : if they know law and order they don't
do the mistake because they will know for this crime court will give this kind of
punishment(act). this may cause of minimize of CRIME..... for your kind attention this act will
give big impact to our society. Students also be aware of it...
this subject make more awareness and
interesting about news and crime...

Aravindh V

"🔵MLA and MP laam illama only District collector maari,Oovuru Constituency kum oru
collector appoinment pannni avanga control panra maari veppan,Oovuru 5 District kum
Head IAS officer veppan Daily Meeting irukkum adhulla Adhulla slide laa explain pannanum
andtha andtha Constituency collector. Adhulla eandha department weak ahh irukko
avangalukku oru two day time kuduthu mudikalainna Andha will change to lower Gatagry nu
condition irukkum. And then all kind of criminal activity ku fine will be Rise.


"Students ku part time jobs government la venum nu
korrikai vaipen Mel adhigariyidam"


"I become an IAS officer my 1st concern is with the environment, it is the most important in
our lives to lead a peaceful life nowadays environment is filled with pollution we have the
responsibility to give a pollution-free environment to our future generations. Creating
awareness to safeguard land, water, and air and to give a clear understanding of how
plastics and cutting down trees create a great impact on our environment and lead to a
shortage of water and polluted land, and no means of agriculture. And then we have to give
a solution to get rid of it, to plant more trees and we have to give the saplings so that people
can take that initiative. Most of the environmental problems can be solved by planting trees,
and avoiding the use of plastic bags in shops."

Archana B

I would like to bring change in the mindset of students by bringing emotional intelligence and
discipline as a subject in schools so that they become aware of oneself and know how to act
right irrespective of their emotions and beliefs and be a good human in benefit of all in every
I just want to add that i had been dreaming of becoming an IAS officer from my childhood
and try for it so hard but during my 3rd year at college my mindset changed and i lost hope
that i could not become one as it is so tough and i don't have the ability to crack it.


"*1.* We should make a common portal which should be actively used by the police
The portal will be framed with the objective to reunite the missing people and the family
members together. The police officers should upload the missing case details and their
photo in this portal when someone gives complaint of missing at their police station and all
the Rescuers who rescue the people from the roads take them to the nearby police station
before shifting them to a shelter or old age home . The police station who deal with the issue
must upload the road side person photo in the portal and check for any matching of missing
cases in the past ( The portal should have the face recognition option and search for any
missing cases uploaded in the portal before itself )
This would be helpful mainly for Old age people and who are lost and not able to say their
own details due to Dementia and also for the children who are lost and not able to say any
*2.* We should plan to create an application that will connect people in need with those
willing to donate. The government will run this application, and it will function similarly to
social media. Anyone who wishes to share an idea for a problem in the society can post it on
the platform. A team will regularly check, filter, and frame the top ideas, the top ideas only
should be visible to everyone. Users can donate to the ideas they support, after reading
about the idea they can click the idea to donate. the option to donate any amount from 1
rupee upwards. After the idea is implemented in the field, the updates on the beneficiary or
the project will be available for everyone to view, by clicking the idea including the
information of who donated and what has been done with the money. The people who
donated will receive credit scores in their app profile. The best ideas that are successful in
the field will be awarded every six months. This application should be maintained with
transparency and which will make people to trust us and donate money and also encourage
them in donating
For example : IDEA 1 updated by A : To Rescue all the people who have no shelter and
staying in the road sides and provide them shelter or provide a job opportunity .
Then with those money donated we will have to build shelter homes for them and
accomodate them and also establish small business for them for their survival like making
palm leaf bags or making paper boxes etc or if we have more money we can make shops for
them for their own earning and survival.
Note : Every idea implementation in the field can be done by professional social workers
(BSW, MSW graduates) to ensure that it is done better, and the ideas can be framed better
by working in the field on how and where to implement them.
*3.* In this busy world the very basic and urgent need of every human being and especially
women .
If we have Public toilets throughout the city and importantly a well maintained and clean
toilet .
Lakhs of people who travel in the roads daily controlling their nature's call because of lack
of toilets and well maintained toilets , and the women who are on their periods can use
those toilets for changing menstrual pads .
*4.* I will find an alternate way to the humans who pick the ugly garbage in the municipality
from our street dustbins.
I will give a task to the engineering students to make a machine which makes their work

"Arul Prince "

"நான் ஒரு IAS officer இர்ருந்தால்....
ப ொதுவான ஒரு செ யல் (ஒரு ஜாதி
தலை வர் நினை வு நாள் ) என்றல் எல்லா கிராம்மாப்புற பே ருந்து நிலை யத்தில்
(இரண்டு காவல் அதிகாரி ஒரு home card காவலர் இருப்பார்கள் அதை நான்
தினம்மும் செ ய்யவை ப்பே ன்...(அல்லது) அத்துடன் அந்தா கிராம புரா
மக்களின் நடவடிக்கை மற்றும் காவல் ஒருவரை அந்தா கிராம கூட்டத்தில்
களந்துக ொள்ள செ ய்வே ன்... மற்றும் ஒரு சில விதிகளை காவலர் கூற
செ ய்வே ன் அதை மீறினால் நடவடிக்கை எட்டுப்பே ன் என்றும் கிராமப்புற
நுழை வு வை யில் மற்றும் மக்கள் கூடும் முக்கிய இடத்தில் CCTV CAMERA
வை ப்பே ன் .... (நகரபுறம் சுற்றி பாதுகாப்பு தடை அமை ப்பே ன் மற்றும் நகரதில்
குற்றம் நடந்தால் அல்லது ப ொது இடங்காளி குற்றம் நடந்தால் அவர்கள்
எங்கு ப ோகிறார்கள் யாரிடம் ப ோய்கிறார்கள் முழு விவரம் அறிய
நினை ப்பே ன
திடிர்னு ஒரு ப ோராட்டம் ஏற்பட
நகரபுரம் மட்டும் காரணம் இல்லை ஆனால் நகரப்புறம் அடித்தளம் ஆனால்
கிராமபுரம் ஆதிக்கம் செ லுத்தும்
நாம் நகரபுரம் மட்டும் கண்காணிப்பது
முக்கிய பங்கு வகிப்பது இன்னுமே ல் கிராமபுரமாதிலும் நாம் பார்வை
க ொஞ்சம் இருக்கட்டும"


": If I am an IAS officer in my state I am not
simply saying that, I do this, I change it but if I am in this position I do my level best based
on my work situation I hope that my decision will be useful to the public �"

Arun kumar

"I want 5in 1 kindlness sir
First of all change the 100days plan in villages because
lot of people not working properly
I didn't have money so I have no book 📚 yours kindly
help me sir
I have no idea sir
I started my IAS preparation on my mobile pdf"

"Arunkumar "

"If I will become an IAS officer I insist the
people, all the genders are equal and men, women both are doing all activities like heavy
vehicle driving, equal share in family asset. So in all places don't give the more priority to the
women, because it's also came under inequality, Like seperate compartment for women in
metro train, seperate queue in some places, seperate seats for women in buses. In my point
of view thisis not fair. If all are equal always and all places it will applicable. Most of the
people think this but no one can execute. I will change this thing.
🔵1. Giving Income certificate procedure need to be more strict.
2. Family Income certificate need to be introduced.
3. Then upcoming reservation in education, jobs and farming need to be given only based on
family income certificate."

Arunkumar K

"Weekly weekly makkal vanthu collector officela
kudukura manukkala piruchu paduchu athuku ethamaari action eduthaalae neraiya changes
kondu varalam"

"Arvind "

"First off all I didn't give respect to any other ministers
And I gave proper study Materials to my dist students
to over come their own ideas"

"Ashik sam Y.S "

"Tackle corruption
1. Recognise the GIVING attitude in people
2. Appreciate the discipline of paying taxes.
3. Need more/Enjoying with the little. Mindset
change initiatives.
4. Court verdict to be fast tracked and results
should be made quick
5. Confiscated amount to always used for
developing underprivileged communities
More actions required"

Aswath S

"If I became an ias officer.. I will eliminate
beggars in my district and I will do wellfare to them for their upliftment in their life."

Aswin kumar A

"Hi I'm Atchaya 24 ,Civil engineer from Cuddalore ,
Tamilnadu, has a vision to bring about transformative change in the lives of the people if I
have the privilege to serve as an IAS officer. If granted the opportunity to fulfill this esteemed
role my first and foremost work is to address critical issues such as sanitation facilities in
schools, menstrual hygiene, sexual education, and rural welfare.One of my foremost
priorities will be to ensure the provision of proper sanitation facilities in schools throughout
our nation. I firmly believe that every child deserves a hygienic and safe environment that
fosters their growth and development. By focusing on improving sanitation infrastructure,
including clean water supply, sanitary toilets, and effective waste management systems, we
can create an atmosphere conducive to learning and overall well-being. Collaborating with
educators, community leaders, and local authorities, I will tirelessly work to implement
comprehensive sanitation programs in schools, leaving no child behind in our pursuit of a
healthy and nurturing educational environment.
Moreover, recognizing the significance of menstrual hygiene, I will strive to raise awareness
and advocate for its prioritization. It is disheartening to witness the challenges faced by
countless women and girls due to the lack of access to menstrual products and proper
facilities. As an IAS officer, I am committed to breaking the stigma surrounding menstruation
and ensuring the availability of affordable and safe menstrual hygiene products.
Furthermore, I firmly believe in the importance of comprehensive sexual education that
promotes informed decision-making, consent, and healthy relationships. By collaborating
with relevant stakeholders, healthcare professionals, and educational institutions, I will work
towards implementing robust menstrual hygiene and sexual education programs,
empowering individuals with knowledge and fostering a society that embraces menstrual
health as a vital aspect of overall well-being.In addition to these crucial aspects, I am
devoted to ensuring that rural communities are aware of the government's beneficiary
schemes designed specifically for their upliftment. It is unfortunate that many deserving
individuals in remote areas remain unaware of the support available to them. As an IAS
officer, I will launch extensive awareness campaigns, leveraging various communication
channels, to bridge this information gap. By engaging with community leaders, leveraging
technology, and fostering partnerships with local organizations, I aim to ensure that rural
populations are well-informed about government schemes and have access to the resources
that can significantly improve their lives.Thank you officers IAS accademy for giving me this
wonderful opportunity to share my vision .

"Atchaya.s "

"Na insta la patha unga post.. Ah.. IAS, IPS ahi
mathanum.. Nu ninaikuratha.. Masage panna.. Soli irunthuthu
1. First na mathanum nu ninakurathu ethuna makaloda parvai ah.. Avannga ninaikuranga
IAS na avanga niraya sambalam vanguvanga car la povanga nu ninaikuranga antha thought
ah mathanum IAS na avangalum namala maritha namaku thevaiyanatha seivanga nu
avangaluku nampikai kudukanum..
Enoda peru parvathi
Enga ooru thiruchendur
Na 12 tha mudichu ipo college padikura 1 year
Namma country la niraya pirachana. Iruku atha verum
varthaiya solama senju kataa virumpura

"Parvathi vingneswari "

"நான் மாவட்ட ஆட்சியர் எனில்
மதுபான கடை களை குறை ப்பது பற்றிய ஆல ோசனை களும் விரை வில்
அதனை அகற்ற முழு அரசாணை பெ றும் உணர்வு பூர்வமாக அரசுக்கு எடுத்து
செ ல்வே ன். ஒரு வட்ீ டிற்கு ஒரு படித்தவர் இருப்பினும் கூட எந்தவித
மாற்றம் இல்லை இதற்குக் காரணம் குடிப்பழக்கமும் ப ோதை ப் பழக்கமும்
கிராமப்புற மக்களுக்கு சரியான விழிப்புணர்வும் ஏற்படுத்துவே ன் ஒருவருக்கு
குடிப்பழக்கம் இருப்பினும் அவருக்கு சிந்திக்கும் திறன் சமூக ஆர்வம்
கல்வியில் நாட்டமின்மை இதை ப் ப ோன்று ப ோன்ற பல காரணங்கள் ஒரு
மனிதருக்கு சரியான வாழ்க்கை வருவதற்கு தடை யாக இருக்கிறது இதற்குக்
காரணம் குடிப்பழக்கமே
வறுமை , தற்க ொலை விபத்துக்கள் மகிழ்ச்சியின்மை
சுய சிந்தனை யின்மை இவை க்கு காரணம் குடிப்பழக்கமே
ஒரு மாநிலம் வளமான வாழ்க்கை வாழ்வதற்கு சுற்றுச்சூழல் மற்றும்
சிந்திக்கும் திறன் ப ோன்ற காரணங்களால் ப ொருளாதார முன்னே ற்றம்
மகிழ்ச்சியான வாழ்க்கை சமூக ஆர்வம் அனை த்தும் அனை வருக்கும்
ஊட்டினை ப ோடுவதற்கு கூட சிந்தனை தே வை ப்படுகிறது அதனை கூட
குடிப்பழக்கத்தால் இழந்து விடுகிறார்கள் அந்த சிந்தனை யை
ஒரு நாட்டின் முன்னே ற்றம் குடியை ஒழிப்பது தான் சரியான முடிவு என
நான் நினை க்கிறே ன்
பள்ளிகளில் படிக்கும் மாணவர்களுக்கு சிறுவயதிலே யே குடிப்பழக்கம்
ப ோதை பழக்கமும் பயப்படுவதால் சிந்தனை திறன் குறை கின்றது சிறு
வயதில் குடிப்பதால் சரியான கல்வியை அவர்களால் ஏற்க முடியவில்லை
இதனால் கிராமப்புற மக்களின் இன்னமும் பல குடும்பங்கள்
முன்னே றவில்லை
இரவில் கண் கலங்கத்த ோடும் என்னடா வாழ்க்கை என்றும் பலருக்கும்
இன்றும் இருக்கிறது முதலில் மதுவை ஒழிப்பதே வட்ீ டிற்கும் நல்லது நாட்டு
முன்னே ற்றத்தை யும் செ ல்லும் என்பதை தெ ரிவித்துக் க ொள்கிறே ன"

"Balamurugan M "

"What is that one change I'll bring!!


"Hi air ✨
finance knowledge in common people youngster's ❤"

"Balaji "

"Digital marketer
I have a big idea for change
And improve Indian economy"

"Balaji "

"My Idea to implement after becoming IAS:
1. Plant Rules - Every household should plant and maintain atleast 5 plants per family
member. Within 50KM radius from their house. Those who live in appartments should be
involved in rooftop plantation. Violation against the rule will lead to substantial increase in
income/property tax for the family.
2. Garbage Tax - Each household's and industry's non-biodegradable waste disposals will be
taxed at a fixed rate on quarterly basis. This tax will have an exemption limit of 2Kg per
month for households and 20 Kg per month for industries. This tax amount will only be
utilised in recycling non-biodegradable wastes or safely disposing them with minimal
environmental effects."


"My first step after becoming IAS Officer will be : according to me poverty is very big problem
many people who were below poverty line don't have ration card I will make arrangements
and ensure every needy person gets food through PDS scheme. And i will work on tribal
welfare by providing hospital facilities in their area"

Balanageswari B

"In school every day first and last 30min should
be General Knowledge class - Then Every student easily catch the world history, Nature,
Unity, Geographical, World Politics etc.....
Everyone Plant Neem Tree or Lemon or Thulasi for Save from infections, Disease, Breathing
good air from Upcoming Tech Generation"

"Balasundar R "

"Hello Officer's ias academy I would like to share my thoughts about what will be the one
thing I want to change if I were an IAS officer .
Although India is an developing country.I have seen so many childrens and
teenagers (girls and boys)roaming on the roads and bus stops(Tamilnadu ) in order to sell
things, foods,etc..who are all at the age of studying.Whenever I see them I would like to give
them a good education and shelter .So,if i became the IAS officer in some day I will make
sure to give them good education and no single person will be roaming on the roads and bus
stops in order to live.
I just wanted to make the India with no one is starving to death and lack of education.I will
make sure to give the education as it is an essential one in the current generation.
Thank you for patiently hearing my thoughts .
By-Banumathi .M"


"வணக்கம் ஐயா 🙏...
எனது இக்கருத்துக்களை அனை த்து படிப்பிர்களா என்று தெ ரியவில்லை
இருப்பினும் எனது ப ோராட்டம் 😌
என்னுடை ய கனவுகள் :♥️
ஐயா நம்ம நாட்டுல நடக்குற ஒவ ொரு தவறுகளை யும் மாற்றனும்..
மாற்றம் என்பது மாற்றுவது மட்டுமே ...
இந்த உலகத்துல தப்பு பண்ணுற ஒவ ொரு மனுஷனும் தானாக தவறுகளை
செ ய்வது இல்லை .... அவனை சுற்றி இருக்கும் சமூகம் அவனை அன்
நிலை க்கு க ொண்டு செ ல்கிறது... ஆகை யால் சிறு சுறு தவறுகளை த ொடக்கத்தி இருந்தே மாற்ற வே ண்டும்
ஒரு குற்றவாளி எங்கு உருவாகிரான் என்றால்....
இந்த உலகத்தால் ஒதுக்கப்பட்டு மதிக்க படாமல் இருக்கும் .
பாமர மக்களிடம் இருந்தே வளர்கிறது.
அவன் வயிற்று பசியை கழுவ இவ் உலகில் பிச்சை என்னும் ஆயுதத்த
கை யில் எடுக்கிறான்.
அவன் எடுக்கும் அவ் ஆயுதம் தன் தலை முறை தலை முறை யாக வளர்ந்து
வருகிறது. .... இதுவே இவன் வாழ்க்கை 😌..
இவ் வாழ்க்கை யை மாற்றி வழிநடத்த வழிகாட்டி யாரும் இல்லை ..
ஒரு ஐந்து நிமிடங்கள் அமர்ந்து குறை களை கே க்க இங்கு நே ரம் இல்லை
(மனமும் இல்லை ).
24 மணிநே ரம்ஓடி ஆடி உழை த்து வே லை பார்த்து உழை க்கும் நம்மளே யே
இப்ப ோது
இருக்கும் விலை வாசியில் நமது வருமானத்தால் நமது குடுப்பத்திற்கு மூன்று
வே லை உணவு அழிப்பதே திண்டாட்டம்..
பின்பு எப்படி இவர்களால் முடியும்.....
ஐய ோ பாவம் இவர ோ பிச்சை காரர் ஆயுற்று
பின்பு எப்படி. ????
கை , கால்கள் நன்றாக இருந்தும் நல்ல அறிவும் நல்ல உழை ப்பு மற்றும்
திறன்மிகுந்த மனிதனை யே இவ் உலகம் மே ல் இருந்து கீழ் பார்த்து
கண்களுக்கு அழகா புலண்பட்ட பின்பு தானே அவர்கள் பணியில்
பின்பு எப்படி கிழிந்து அழுக்கு ஆடை களை அணிந்து நிக்கும் இம் மக்களுக்கு
எப்படி உழை க்க கற்று க ொடுக்கும் ???....
அவர்களும் மனிதர்கள் தானே அவர்களுக்கும் பசி, தூக்கம்,ஏக்கம் அனை த்து
இருக்கதானே செ ய்யும்.
அவன் வலியின் வரிகள் ♥️
( உழை ப்பை கற்று க ொடுக்க உன்னத மனிதர்கள் இங்கு யாரும் இல்லை .
கல்வியை கை காட்ட காமராசர் யாரும் இல்லை .
பின்பு எப்படி என் வயிற்றின் பசியை ஆன்றுவே ன்.
எனது இரண்டாவது ஆயுதம் திருட்டு இத் திருட்டு என்னும் ஆயுதத்தை நான்
கை யாழுவே ன் என்றால் என் குடும்பத்தின் பசியை அடக்கும். வே று என்ன
செ ய்வே ன ோ ?
இவ் இரண்டாவது ஆயுதமே என் தலை முறை யை யும் பின்பற்றி வளரும்.
இவ் இரண்டாவது ஆயுதத்தை நான் கை யாளும் தருணத்தில் யார ோ ஒருவர்
களவாளியை கை யும் பிடித்து காவலலி இடம் ஒப்படை க்க பார்த்தன்..ஐய ோ
அவாரு ஆயுன்று என்றால் என் குடும்பத்தின் நிலை என்னவ ோ..
அடுத்த மூன்றாவது ஆயுதமாக க ொலை என்னும் ஆயுதத்தை
கை யாளுக்கிறன்.
இவ் ஆயுதம் அவன் களவில் இருந்து அவனை பாதுகாக்கும் என்ற ஒரு
நம்பிக்கை வளர்ந்து வர..
இம் மூன்று ஆயுதங்களை யும் கை யலும் வே ளை யில்
நான்காவது ஆயுதமாக
படித்த பணக்கார மக்கள் அவன் தே வை யை பூர்த்தி செ ய்ய பகட்டாக இப் பாமர
மக்களை பயன் படுத்தி க ொள்கிறான் எவ்வாரு என்றால்
க ொலை , க ொள்ளை , கடத்தல்,
இவ் வே லை யை க ொடுத்து இவ் வே லை க்கு ஊதியமும் க ொடுத்தல் அம்
மக்கள் தன்னை பெ ருமை யாக நினை த்து க ொண்டு பணத்திற்கக இவாறு பல
பகடை கள் வளந்து வருகின்றன.
இவ்வளவு தான் இவன் வாழ்க்கை வரிகள் ♥️)
இவ்வாறே நம் உலகில் க ொலை , க ொள்ளை , திருட்டு ஆகியவை அணை த்தும்
இவ் அனை த்தை யும் மாற்ற மாற்றுதல் ஒன்றே மருந்தாகும்..
♥️இம் மாற்றத்தின் த ொடக்கம் :
என் இடம் இருந்தே த ொடங்கும், என்னால் மட்டுமே இதை மாற்ற முடியும்.
ஏன் எனில் தனி ஒரு மனிதனால் எதை யும் மாற்றிட முடியாது என்று இவ்
உலகம் எனக்கு மிக அதிகம் கற்று க ொடுத்து
விட்டத்து 😌..
ஆகை யால் IAS என்னும் என்னும் என் படை யுடன் அடியே டுத்து
வை க்கிறே ன்...
""இப் படை நினை த்தால் எவ்ளவு பெ ரிய ப ோர் ஆக இருப்பினும் என் படை யை
க ொண்டு என்னால் பாது காத்திட முடியும்.""
1)IAS ஆனதும் என் முதல் துவக்கம் பிச்சை காரன் என்னும் பெ யரை
அழிப்பே ன்.
பிச்சை எடுக்கும் அனை த்து பாமர மக்களுக்கும் ச ொந்த த ொழில் ஒன்றை
உருவாக்கி க ொடுப்பே ன். மே லும் அவர்கள் அனை த்து குழந்தை களுக்கும்
கல்வி என்னும் கலங்கரை யை க ொடுப்பே ன். இவ்வாரே இவர்களின்
தலை முறை அனை த்தும் மாறிவிடும். ஒவ ொரு மாவட்டத்திலும் இது
நடை முறை க்கு வந்தால் நம் நாடு நம் முன்ன ோர்கள் ஆசை கனவு
நிறை வே ன்றும் வண்ணம் பிச்சை இல்லாத வல்லரசு நாடக மாற்றிட முடியும்
என்பது எனது நம்பிக்கை ஆகும்.
2). குடும்ப கஷ்டங்களை காரணம் காட்டி கல்வியை கரை க்கும். குழந்தை களை
அறிய என் மாவட்டத்தில் இருக்கும் ஊர் ஒவ்வ ொன்றிர்கும் புகார் box ஒன்று
அமை ப்பே ன்.
அழிந்து வரும் நம் பாரம்பரிய உணவு பழக்கம் மற்றும் கலை களின் கற்று
க ொடுக்க ஓர் கூடல் ஒன்றை உருவாக்குவே ன்...
அதன்மூலம் அனை த்து குழந்தை களின் கஷ்டங்களை யும் அறிவே ன். கல்வி
ஒன்றே வாழ்வில் முன்னே றத்தின் முதல் மாற்றம் ஆகும் என்பது எனது
நம்பிக்கை ஆகும். ♥️
3). எனது மூன்றாவது மாற்றம் குளம், ஏரி, ஆற்றினை அசுத்த படுத்து
அனை த்து த ொழில் சாலை மை யங்களை யும் மாற்றி நல்ல தண்ணர்ீவர
வழிவை ப்பே ன்.. இதன் மூலம் இயற்க்கை விவசாயம் வளர்ந்து வரும் ந ோய்
இன்றி ஆர ோக்கியமான வாழ்க்கை யை வாழ்ந்திட முடியும் என்பதே எனது
நம்பிக்கை ஆகும்.
4) எனது நான்காவது மாற்றம்:♥️
பெ ண்களை எச்சிலாக பாக்கும் மனித மிருகங்கள்ளுக்கு கடின தண்டனை யை
க ொடுக்க மன்றம் ஒன்றை உருவாக்குவே ன்... ஏன் எனில் தண்டனை
கடினமாக இருந்தால் தவறுகள் தரை யில் தளர்ந்து ப ோய்விடும். என்பதே
எனது நம்பிக்கை ஆகும்..
எனது ஐந்துதாவது மாற்றம் :♥️
ப ோதை ப ொருட்கள் விட்பனை யை எனது மாவட்டத்தில் ஒழிப்பே ன்.
ஐயா இவ்வாறு இன்னும் நிறை ய கட்பனை கனவுகள் என்னுள் வாழ்ந்து
வருகின்றன 😌....
என் கனவுகளுக்கு உயிர் க ொடுக்க ப ோராட்டம் என்னும் வாழ்க்கை பாதை யில்
பயணித்து க ொண்டுதான் இருக்கிறே ன் 😌...
கற்பனை கனவுகளில் வாழ்ந்து க ொண்டு இருக்கும்
வருங்கால IAS
பா. பானுமதி IAS


"What change i will bring:
By introducing *Full detail study about entrepreneurship and moneymaking from
school onwards*
Our Finance minister Madam Nirmala Sitharaman had said in one interview that our India
need more entrepreneurs , business for our india's development.
1) If we teach how to make money from school onwards, it will contribute for the
development of our indian economy.
2) It will save the people from poverty.
3) Increase in job opportunities for future youths.
4) teaching school students how to make money through internet wisely.
There can we implement some rules: 1) One student have to be atleast average in his
school studies because in future if he deals with big loss in his business, his studies will help
him to get job"

"Barath "

"I will make the connection between the
people and district administration more easy. The public can meet me once a week at a
specified time. Moreover there will be customer care cell in my administration which will be
under my direct vision where people can file their issues.
2.India is an attractive tourist destination.For that, the cleanliness of the public places is very
important. I will take special efforts to keep the area under my administration neat and clean.
In the public walls, paintings depicting history of the area will be painted"

"Barathwaj. T "

"Education system tha
maththanum....manapadam system mostly Inga school la irtha college varaiyu"

Basmiya Rosin

"We can see in public roads and signal
childrens, Young's, old age people's, physically Challenged peoples were begging for food,
money. This should be stopped and they should be taken cared and empowered by an
officer with assembling every one in their district and segregating them according to their
age groups. And get an complete medical check up to solve their physical illness. Then
children's should be sent to govt schools for education. And the middle age should be given
training like ITI carpenter, painter, welder,etc. This will definitely improve the self confidence
which will lead their life.
And the women's can empowered through programs like self-help groups and training them
to make handicraft products like Tanjore dancing doll and candle, matchbox making, etc.
And the food for the old age people's can be collected from various hotel's across the district
. We can give some concession in municipal tax or award to encourage every hotels to
provide some foods to serve these people's and we can also use CSR funds .By this there
will be no beggers and better life for them and we can also empower all no one will rise
hands to another . All can live with self respect"


"Hii sir i am balaji student of ba eng
literature my answer regarding to when i become an IAS officer is
Visit all the place which is in disguise then I take action regarding to the problem
Gives place 0f poor indirectly which my name is not say to public"

"Balaji V "

"My idea's:
1.ban non-recyclable polythene
2.remove Prosopis juliflora trees
3.dredging in river,lake,pond
4.plant trees in streets and around water bodies
5.stop river sand sales"

Bharanitharan S

"I would like to nominate for the what if I become
an IAS officer in collaboration with bookshowbyAnandhi Youtube channel.
As an IAS officer focused on generating energy
for a district in India through renewable sources, I would implement the following initiatives
1) Energy:
Solar Power: Promote solar panels on buildings, provide incentives for rooftop solar, and
install systems in public facilities.
Wind Energy: Identify suitable locations for wind farms, encourage private investments in
wind turbines.
Biomass Energy: Develop biomass power plants, manage agricultural and organic waste for
electricity generation.
Small Hydropower: Utilize small-scale hydropower plants on streams and rivers.
Energy Efficiency Programs: Raise awareness, promote energy conservation, and guide
efficient practices.
Public-Private Partnerships: Collaborate with private companies and NGOs for large-scale
renewable projects.
Skill Development and Job Creation: Train locals in renewable energy technologies, create
employment opportunities.
Policy Support: Advocate for favorable policies, collaborate with government agencies to
streamline processes.
Research and Innovation: Support R&D for district-specific renewable energy solutions.
Monitoring and Evaluation: Assess project performance, collect data, evaluate social,
economic, and environmental impacts.
By implementing a comprehensive renewable energy strategy, the district will achieve
energy self-sufficiency. With initiatives such as solar power, wind energy, biomass utilization,
and small hydropower projects, the district will generate a significant portion, if not all, of its
electricity needs locally. This self-dependence on renewable energy sources will reduce
reliance on external power grids and conventional energy sources, ensuring a sustainable
and reliable electricity supply for the district's residents, businesses, and institutions.
2) Small Entrepreneurship (MSME)
By promoting small entrepreneurship in the district, we can create a thriving ecosystem that
fosters job creation and economic growth. Here are some strategies to achieve this:
Entrepreneurship Development Programs: Establish programs that provide aspiring
entrepreneurs with training, mentoring, and access to resources to help them start and grow
their businesses. Offer workshops, seminars, and networking opportunities to foster
entrepreneurial skills and knowledge.
Financial Support: Facilitate access to financial resources, such as loans, grants, and seed
funding, specifically tailored for small businesses and startups. Collaborate with financial
institutions and government agencies to provide financial assistance and incentives to
encourage entrepreneurship.
Incubation Centers: Set up incubation centers or innovation hubs where entrepreneurs can
access shared office spaces, equipment, and support services. These centers can provide a
conducive environment for collaboration, innovation, and knowledge-sharing among
Market Linkages: Help local entrepreneurs connect with larger markets by organizing trade
fairs, exhibitions, and networking events. Facilitate partnerships with established businesses,
both within the district and beyond, to create opportunities for collaboration and market
Skill Development: Provide skill development programs and vocational training tailored to the
needs of emerging industries and sectors. Equip aspiring entrepreneurs with the necessary
skills and knowledge to establish and manage successful ventures.
Regulatory Support: Streamline regulatory processes and reduce bureaucratic hurdles for
small businesses. Simplify licensing, registration, and compliance requirements to make it
easier for entrepreneurs to start and operate their businesses.
Local Sourcing: Encourage businesses and institutions within the district to prioritize local
sourcing of goods and services. Promote collaborations between entrepreneurs and local
industries to create a mutually beneficial supply chain, boosting local economic activity.
Networking and Collaboration: Facilitate networking opportunities among entrepreneurs,
industry experts, and potential investors. Organize entrepreneurship forums, networking
sessions, and industry-specific workshops to foster collaboration and knowledge exchange.
By implementing these initiatives, we can create a conducive environment for small
entrepreneurship, stimulate job creation, and contribute to the overall economic development
of the district.
3) Tech park for 2nd and 3rd tier MNCs
To promote the establishment of a tech park and attract 2nd and 3rd tier multinational
companies (MNCs), the following strategies can be employed:
Infrastructure Development: Develop state-of-the-art infrastructure within the tech park,
including modern office spaces, high-speed internet connectivity, reliable power supply, and
other amenities necessary for technology-driven businesses.
Special Incentives: Offer attractive incentives and benefits to MNCs considering setting up
their operations in the tech park. This may include tax breaks, customized lease
agreements, reduced administrative burdens, and streamlined regulatory processes.
Talent Pool Development: Collaborate with educational institutions and vocational training
centers to ensure a skilled and qualified workforce is available for the MNCs. Establish
partnerships to offer specialized training programs tailored to the needs of the technology
Research and Development (R&D) Support: Promote R&D activities within the tech park by
providing access to research facilities, funding opportunities, and collaboration platforms.
Encourage MNCs to invest in R&D and innovation to drive technological advancements.
Networking and Collaboration: Organize industry events, conferences, and networking
sessions within the tech park to facilitate knowledge sharing and collaboration among MNCs,
startups, and local businesses. Foster an environment of innovation, cooperation, and
Investment Promotion: Actively promote the tech park and its benefits through targeted
marketing campaigns, participation in international trade shows, and engagement with
investment promotion agencies. Highlight the advantages of locating in the region, such as
cost-effectiveness, skilled workforce, and a supportive business environment.
Incubation and Acceleration Programs: Establish incubation and acceleration programs
within the tech park to support startups and early-stage companies. Provide mentorship,
funding, and access to networks and resources that can help them grow and succeed.
Infrastructure for Collaboration: Create common areas, shared spaces, and collaboration
zones within the tech park where companies can interact, exchange ideas, and foster
innovation. Encourage collaboration and knowledge sharing among MNCs, startups, and
research institutions.
By implementing these strategies, the tech park can position itself as an attractive
destination for 2nd and 3rd tier MNCs, fostering economic growth, job creation, and
technological advancement in the region.
4) Increasing global commuting
While the development of a tech park can contribute to attracting businesses, including
top-tier multinational companies (MNCs), the establishment of an international airport
requires a separate set of considerations and efforts. Here are some key points to consider
for attracting an international airport:
Feasibility Study: Conduct a comprehensive feasibility study to assess the viability of an
international airport in the region. This study should consider factors such as geographical
location, market demand, economic potential, infrastructure requirements, and
environmental impact.
Infrastructure Development: Identify suitable land for the airport and develop necessary
infrastructure, including runways, terminal buildings, cargo facilities, control towers, access
roads, and other essential amenities. Ensure compliance with international standards and
regulations for airport construction and operations.
Government Support: Garner support from the government at various levels, including local,
regional, and national authorities. Seek their assistance in securing necessary permits,
approvals, and funding for the airport project. Engage in discussions with aviation regulatory
bodies to ensure compliance with aviation regulations.
Public-Private Partnerships: Foster partnerships between the public and private sectors to
fund and manage the airport project. Collaborate with airport operators, airlines, and
investors to leverage their expertise, resources, and networks in the aviation industry. Seek
investments from private entities interested in airport development and operations.
Airline Connectivity: Engage with major airlines and aviation stakeholders to establish air
connectivity and secure commitments for international flight routes. Showcase the potential
demand for travel and the benefits of operating flights to and from the region. Provide
incentives and attractive business propositions to airlines to encourage them to include the
region in their network.
Economic Impact: Highlight the economic benefits of an international airport, such as
increased tourism, job creation, enhanced trade opportunities, and economic growth.
Conduct studies to quantify the potential economic impact and present this information to
potential investors, MNCs, and other stakeholders.
Marketing and Promotion: Develop a comprehensive marketing and promotion strategy to
create awareness about the international airport project. Showcase the region's unique
selling points, including its business potential, tourism attractions, and connectivity
advantages. Target top-tier MNCs and other key stakeholders through various marketing
channels, industry events, and networking platforms.
Collaboration with Tourism Authorities: Collaborate with local and national tourism authorities
to promote the region as a tourist destination. Highlight the cultural, historical, and natural
attractions that can drive international travel and increase the demand for flights to the
It's important to note that the establishment of an international airport requires substantial
planning, investment, and collaboration with various stakeholders. Additionally, factors such
as economic viability, market demand, geographical location, and government support play
significant roles in determining the feasibility and success of such a project.
5) Free Data (with protection to dark web)
Setting up a data center in the district can contribute to providing free data access to
residents and businesses. Here are some key benefits and considerations:
Enhanced Connectivity: A data center can improve internet connectivity and infrastructure in
the district, enabling faster and more reliable internet access for all. This connectivity is
essential for providing free data access to residents.
Digital Inclusion: By providing free data access, the district can promote digital inclusion and
bridge the digital divide. This initiative ensures that all residents have equal opportunities to
access information, education, employment, and other online resources.
Economic Growth: Access to free data can stimulate economic growth by encouraging
entrepreneurship, innovation, and the development of digital services and businesses in the
district. It can attract tech startups, remote workers, and digital nomads, contributing to job
creation and economic prosperity.
Education and Skill Development: Free data access enables students and learners to
access online educational resources, e-learning platforms, and digital libraries. It promotes
lifelong learning and skill development, empowering individuals with knowledge and
increasing educational opportunities.
Government Services: By leveraging the data center infrastructure, the district government
can enhance the delivery of e-governance services. Citizens can access government
portals, submit online forms, avail public services, and engage in digital interactions with
government officials.
Data Security and Privacy: Establishing robust data security measures and privacy policies
is crucial when providing free data access. Implementing secure data storage, encryption,
and user authentication mechanisms ensures the protection of sensitive information and
maintains privacy standards.
Public-Private Partnerships: Collaboration between the public and private sectors is
essential to establish and sustain a data center. Engage with technology companies, internet
service providers, and telecom operators to leverage their expertise, resources, and
investments in building and operating the data center infrastructure.
Sustainable Infrastructure: Consider implementing green and sustainable practices in the
design and operation of the data center. Opt for energy-efficient equipment, renewable
energy sources, and effective cooling systems to minimize the environmental impact and
ensure long-term sustainability.
It's important to conduct a feasibility study, assess the financial implications, and engage
with stakeholders to ensure the viability and success of the data center initiative.
Collaboration with government agencies, private sector partners, and community
organizations is crucial to overcome challenges and leverage opportunities in providing free
data access to the district.

"Bharath Kumar B "

".... நாம் முதலில் கல்வி பருவத்திலிருந்தே ஒரூரு குழந்தை களை யும் உயர்
கல்வி வரை எவ்வாரு ஒழுக்கத்துடன் வளர்க வே ண்டும் என்பதை
வலியுதுவதுடன் ... அனை த்து கல்விக்கும் அடிக்கடி செ ன்று மணவர்கக்லை
கவனிப்பது மட்டுமன்ி அங்கு ஒரு காவல் அதிகாரியும் நியமிக்க வே ண்டும் .
பின்னர் குழந்தை கள் பாதுகாப்பிற்காக அங்கங்கே சில குழுக்களை அமை க்க
வே ண்டும். நாம் இனி அனை த்தை யும் ஆரம்பத்திலே இருந்தே மாற்ற
வே ண்டும் .... வராதில் ஒரு நாள் பள்ளி மாணவர்களுக்கு அவர்கள் உள்ள
பகுதியை சுற்றி மரம் நடும் ப ோட்டி நடத்தப்பட வே ண்டும் பின்பு பரிசும்
பள்ளியில் வழங்க வே ண்டும் . மே லும் சுகாதார பாதுகாப்பு குறித்து அவரகள்
அவர்கள் பகுதிக்கு ஒரு அதிகாரியை நியமித்து பின்னர் எந்த ஒரு சுகாதாரம்
சம்பத மன குற்றதிட்கும் கரமணவர்களுகு தகுந்த முறை யில் அவர் அபராதம்
விதிப்பத ொடு மட்டுமல்லாமல் அதை செ ரி செ ரியம் ப ொறுப்பை யும்
அவர்களிடமே வழங்க வே ண்டும் . மே லும் உள்ள சுகத பணிகள் மற்றும்
இயற்கை பாதுகாப்பு குறித்த நடவடிக்கை களில் நன்றாக பணியாற்றும்
மணவமணவிகளுகு அரசு பணி வழங்கப்பட வே ண்டும் . நமது கண்ண ோட்டம்
பள்ளிபருவதை சார்ந்து அமை ந்தால் குற்றும் மற்றும் அதுசார்ந்த அனை த்தும்
தடுக்கப்படும் ... பின்னர் இயற்கை யை பாதுகாப்பதிலும் மாணவர்களுக்கு
அதிக பங்களிப்பை ஆசிரியர்கள் உருவாக்க வே ண்டும் .
இன்னும் பல விசியங்கள் நம் சரி
செ ய்ய வே ண்டும் அதற்கு அதிகாரம் தே வை க்கு நம் எண்ணம் மடுமே ப ோதும"


"My idea.
Banners should not be placed in public places Banner advertisements, in any political
organization should be used no in public places
2. There is a lot of garbage in public places and roadsides in our state, so we need to
remove garbage Punitive action should be taken against litterers �"


"As a upsc aspirant, I feel enthusiastic
to share some of my future vision as an IAS officer.
If I become an ias officer I'll be the practical , unbiased person with EQ and multidimensional
To say about a change I wish to bring in the society are...
My primary focus will be in the field of agriculture: I'll take step to create and customise e/m -
commerce platform( modern version of uzhavar santhai) and improve financial stability of
farmers by connecting them directly to the public( profit for both seller and buyer) and
educate them about govmnt schemes and funds.
EDUCATION: strengthening a quality of education especially in government schools by a
strict inspection in rural /urban areas and motivating students by conducting various skill
related competitions.
HEALTHCARE: clearing away the major flaws in GHs like inadequate staffs& doctors, lack of
equipments, hygiene, infrastructure and creating awareness on govmnt health related
schemes (eg.CMCHIS) which will benefit the rural people.
LAW AND ORDER: As a district magistrate , I wish to rectify lawlessness, and focus on
women safety,proper revenue collection, drug trafficking in minor students.
DISASTER MANAGEMENT: I ensure a proactive approach on reducing vulnerable impact
by providing risk education to peoples of disaster prone areas and develope a new a culture
of prevention and preparedness.
YOUTH DEVELOPMENT: As the future is in the hands of youth , there is need for the district
administration to train them in a effective way like creating awareness on INTERNET
ADDICTION, and prepare campaign for school & college students to develope their technical
skill , by providing funds for their enrichment.
MOTIVATING PUBLIC : Inviting the socially responsibile individuals and encourage other
people by providing awards and rewards.
The above mentioned fields are some of my main focus areas.
In my view,""Delivering a responsibile duty as a IAS/IPS officer itself a change need to taken
in future"" by observing certain administration procedures in parts of tamilnadu/India.


"Hi ,
I'm bharath raj ,25from salem graduated in mechanical engineering
And my answer for your question what's to be you like to change when you become a IAS
In our nation most of us not having concious about pollution where the plastic bag rulling
major part and even ganga to marina seashore everywhere it's we're not disposing the
waste properly even nowadays people are highly educated they also not having care about
,the thing we need to take in account and need of control measures to overcome these
issues and leed in severe problems like global warming sea-level rising disaster to the
marine ecosystems and everything
**Control measures need to taken*
* Educating people upto the remote areas
* Conducting seminar about waste management , pollution,global warming to the school
and college students
* Monitor and analysis of changes continuously
* Comparing with the nations

Bharath Raj

"If I become an IAS officer, I would enable geo
locations in all cellphones and smart watches or other devices that can be monitored
anytime by the government when need arises. If anyone got lost, kidnapped, etc. this
location can help us track them. A mobile phone can be switched off and thrown away by the
culprit. But a smart watch or any other device that cannot be turned off, masked for a
different purpose (ex - tiffin box) can send out location. A crime can get solved in minutes if
location can be known.
Sent already Sir."

Catherine Felecia

"One Officer One Idea contest
I will popularise the Special Marriage Act 1954 and facilitate for easier procedures under the
Act, for encouraging Inter-caste/Inter-religious/other unconventional marriages.
A free society functions as a foundation for a more peaceful and humane society"

"Cecily Maria Seless X "

"I will stop corruption
So, automatically the city or state will become a better place"

"Chandru "

"From anandi rj one officer one india
*Things I will change if am a officer*
#Promote sustainable development and environmental conservation
#Emphasize renewable energy projects (solar, wind, etc.)
#Implement afforestation and reforestation initiatives
#Invest in water conservation and management practices
#Focus on sustainable use of natural resources"

"Charan "

"What change do you wish to make
when you become an IAS/IPS officer?
Answer: I hail from Sivakasi which belongs to Virudhunagar district. which is a hub for
fireworks manufacturers. Virudhunagar contributes to nearly 90% of the country's production.
There are over 1,000 fireworks units in the district and nearly eight lakh employees are
directly and indirectly dependent on this industry for their livelihood.
Due to recent restrictions by the government on fireworks manufacturing, many fireworks are
shut and safety violations are happening such as leasing out of factory units to informal
Due to such safety violations, a reasonable loss of lives has happened in the past two to
three years. As a part of district administration, I would take stringent action against these
violations. I would form flying squads to check flouting of safety measures in fireworks units.
As of now, only one training unit is functioning in Sivakasi. We would arrange more training
workshops for employees regarding safety measures to be followed when working in
fireworks units.
Although the district has an average literacy rate which almost equals the State’s average,
but a lack of employment opportunities forces people to take up jobs in cracker units.
To tackle this issue, our administration team would organise skill training programs and
conduct career expos to diversify the economic activities in the district. This way we can
create alternate livelihoods for the people in the district.
We would conduct regular meetings with Self Help Groups in the district to understand the
issues faced by them and address them in our capability. In case of funding requirements,
we would assist them through government sponsored schemes.
These are the initiatives that I will take along with the district administration authorities to
boost the economy in the district and improving the economic situation of the masses."

Damodharan R

"My Idea :
I will improve the education system and to know about the policy and scheme levied by the
govt to the people through video practical education
Example : https://youtu.be/anMXko1yiW8
Starts from 1.30 am
Like this policy and scheme easily know to the people everyone (studied and non studied
person) through tv advertisements.
And each and every student will know everything through video pratical learning or practical
learning atmost extent i will make to the students. It will help for slow learner's and difficult to
learn people's."

Dattathreyan S

"My name is Dayaram I am studying 11th
I want to bring a ulavan app for the farmers to sell their crops and vegetables through online.
The education of this app is must given to them sir so I request you create this like app and
publish in Tamil Nadu sir
Thank you ❤"

Dayaram N

First I would focus on the awareness among the people about how to approach different
government officers, how to get benefitted from the new government schemes, how many
days does the process take to receive the benefits, what is the eligibility criteria for
accessing those schemes etc,.
Today, people especially those who are in rural areas lack knowledge regarding the
government and the governance, this lack of knowledge results in poor accessibility of
facilities provided by the government which can really enhance the life of the needy ones.
I can resolve these problems through
1) Notice boards in primary schools which are available in every village which must contain
the consolidation of information regarding the schemes introduced for the past one month.
2) Educating the school teachers about how to approach the government officers for various
purposes (for instance, Application for certificates). Those teachers can help the people in a
time which must get allotted by the government.
3) In every government office, there should be an adviser(Helper) to explain about accessing
the digital platforms with respect to their needs for better e-governance.
These ideas could help the government to address the governance issues, make the
government employees more accountable, people also cannot be pulled into corruption
and people's grievances on governance also can be addressed.

Deepika Ravi

"🔵1) I will work to streamline government processes and make them *more transparent*.
This will help to reduce *corruption and improve the delivery of services to citizens*.
2) I will work to improve the lives of marginalized groups, such as the poor, the disabled, and
the elderly. You can also work to *promote gender equality and social justice*.
3) An IAS officer could work to reduce *corruption in government by implementing
anti-corruption measures, such as whistleblowing policies and independent corruption
4) An IAS officer could work to promote gender equality by implementing policies that
support *women's rights, such as equal pay for equal work and access to education and

Dhamothara Muthu S K

"When I become an IAS officer,I prevent the girl
children from childhood marriage which spoils their life and their ambition by giving them a
way to study and they can live without anyone's help not only giving the way to study, without
the education,they can also shine by knowing their strength and abilities in various aspects
of life.If the woman in a family is educated then only that family will become good
position.Educated means not only by the kind of education,they have the knowledge and
abilities in various self works like arts and creative works.We must encourage these kind of
women.They can also produce a good nation.

"Deepika.U "

"Good Evening Sir/Mam,,
I saw the video of ""One Officer One Idea"" video on Instagram
Let me introduce myself
My Name is DHANASEKARA BOOPATHY, I am 27 years old I was born in Tirunelveli,
Tamilnadu where I've done my High Schooling and I've done my bachelor's in B.com in MS
University and my post graduation in M.Sc Criminology and Criminal Justice Science, At
present I am working as a Security Officer in NOVOTEL, Chennai Sipcot (MNC)
To Answer your Question:
What should I do if I become an Indian Bureaucrat..
It's an Interesting question and actually most civil servant aspirants expect these kinds of
questions in the final interview.
Please forgive me for my broken English
Not only in my Home Town or in my State,
There has to be a change in every individual, All my Indian people should have the mindset.
Every Rural, Urban, Metropolitan, cosmopolitan
region peoples the most important thing is us *Indians*
I am not talking about communism, Capitalism,
Socialism but I am gonna start with the basics
People should know about their livelihood, Their
own revolution, what made them to be changed
I want to change everything but
I don't want to change anything.
Cause I want to show them what we really are.. what we have to be
Over the decades... We've changed a lot,
culturally and traditionally but apart from this we should address a thing.. before the
industrial revolution during the industrial revolution before independence After independence
what we are doing
The ideology changes,,
the answer is
1. Need to change our educational system
2. Need to Upgrade our Constitution (Need New Rules and Laws)
3. Start from scratch (Learn from the mistakes)
4. Start from the basics (Need to have conceptual understanding and dig deep into India's
5. Must learn what are the things going out in India (Bilateral relationship, Multilateral
relationship etc)
Not because I am sharing these small things
can conclude this topic.. it's just a tip of an iceberg.. there's lots of it
India is a diverse nation where so many
cultures and religions come together. That's why we taught in our school *Unity in Diversity*
[10/07, 10:02 pm] Dhanasekar Speech 2023: Thank you
[10/07, 10:04 pm] Dhanasekar Speech 2023: We're looking at developed countries and Their
economy and astonished about it ,, but we should have the idea what we have to do
[10/07, 10:06 pm] Dhanasekar Speech 2023: Most resourceful country in the world.. but still
a developing country.. please be aware don't be a slave to some other nation ... Get your
head in India's economy. Go for it
[10/07, 10:10 pm] Dhanasekar Speech 2023: I am travelling from my home town to Chennai.
I can't say much now'... Please let me know when You're available.. if possible I'd like to
discuss this issue
[10/07, 10:19 pm] Dhanasekar Speech 2023: If i say I'll bring awareness to the public about
tobacco or .....
They won't listen.. they're busy in their daily life.. why because the system made this way..


"when i became an IAS,i ordered to implement
all government employee and officer children take only government medicine and hospital,as
well as government school also"


"Ella vilage laum oru oru police uruvakii kanja ,
rowdy thanam pannura vangala theruthuvan Ella vilage laum 1 police iruntha ithala

"Dhanush. C "

"If I get an chance into IAS or IPS services the both services are very precious.
The only aim of this service is to help to needy suffering from problem in there living
My idea is
In our country the poor people cannot do anything without money because money plays
major in life
For an example If rich need certificate they get easily within hour but the poor people need
ah certificate means they need to wait more 1 or 4 weeks to get certificate.
This is difference between poor & rich
rich can have lot of loop holes to satisfy there needs
Because of that only the poor people gets suffer.
If you have money you can get anything in our country
The respect full government officials also doing this
The real incident is I studied in a government college in my college there was an vacant for
assistant professor in commerce Department.. In teaching profession they need select in the
proper merit that's the rules. But in my college they select with who giving lots of money this
is situation in our country
If I'll get into the service surly I will rectify this problem"

"Dharshan P "

"Hi, I'm young aspirant....
✨I will build home or caring centre for the street lying people, help them to earn money
by themselves.
✨ I will create a free toll for bribe complaint and it will be access easily by all
✨In case if get chance to work in central departments ... Sure will try to implement *one
syllabus one India* in educational department to make the opportunity to be reached by all"

Dharshini R

"Dharshini Sridhar
City/tfix a camera in every public office in my district which cover easy and every table in
that office and check it is work it or not weekly it helps to reduce bribe.
2.create a conduct number for the people to conduct if the officer ask for bribe.
3.Income tax department will check the office details without any intimation it will create a
fear to the officer for ask for bribe.
4.Every public places like school, bus stop, Railway station, ect. Have a hygienic toilet and
maintain it.
5.Weekly once meeting will be arranged with the head officers to maintain all the things
are done properly.
own : Mayiladuthurai / Sirkali
Age :20
Education :4th year BE"


"Idea: Completely Ban Posters, Banners, Cutouts for all Festivals, Movies, Marriage functions
Allowed only for Educational purposes…"

Dhinesh P

"முதலில் ஒரு கிராமத்தில்
க ொடுக்கப்பட்ட மனுவை *முழுமை யாக* படித்துப் பாருங்கள்...
இங்கு வாசிக்க மறந்த வலிகளே அதிகம் *வலி* என்னவெ ன்று தெ ரிந்து
க ொள்ளுங்கள் பிறகு *வழி* என்னவெ ன்று உங்களுக்கே தெ ரியும்...
இந்த சிந்தனை மட்டுமே ப ோதுமாது கலெ க்டர் ஐயாவிற்கு.....
நன்றி ....

"Dhil siva P. "

"If i am becoming a IAS officer, first of all i try to
intract with to students and the normal working class people ...
இங்கு தங்களுடை ய அடை ப்படை உரிமை
என்ன என்று தெ ரியாமல் வாழும் சாமானிய மக்கள், தங்களுடை ய கடமை
என்ன, சாமானிய மக்களுக்கும் அரசுக்கும் இடை யே உள்ள த ொடர்பு என்ன
என்று மக்களிடை யே ஒரு விழிப்புணர்வு ஏற்படுத்த முயல்வே ன்
வே ளாண் ப ொருட்களை அரசு க ொள்முதல்
செ ய்து , முறை யாக சே மித்து
மக்களுக்கு சரியான வழியில் வழங்க ஏற்பாடு செ ய்திட முயல்வே ன்...
அப்ப ோது தான் உணவு ப ொருட்கள் வணீ ாகுவதை யும் மறுமுனை யில் பஞ்சம்
, வறுமை ஏற்படுவதை யும் தவிர்க்க முடியும்
ஒவ்வ ொரு கிராமத்திற்கும் 1 கால்நடை
மருத்துவர், 1 வே ளாண் கண்காணிப்பாளர் நிர்ணயம் செ ய்து முறை யான
வே ளாண் முறை கள் மற்றும் கால்நடை வளர்ப்புகளை ஊக்கபடுத்த
செ யல்திட்டம் வகுப்பே ன்.

Dhesigan K

"All people are equal. There should not caste and
religion anymore and everywhere


"Chinna maatram adhuku namma podura full
effort ellarukum kadaicha pothum society la Romba periya changes paakalam
First think best education for the childrens
Second Ennoda dream beggars illatha Nadu
Edho orru siru thozhil yaraiyum yedhir paakamma moonu Vela sapdu kandipa mudiyum
Inga nariya per Avaluku adhigamma money vachurukathu possible na indha idea um
possible tha
Indha idea innaiku neenga select pannama irrukalam..
Ana indha idea kandi Naa podura effort yennaiku stop panna maatae
It will be success on one day✨
Thank you for giving the opportunity to expose my society development dreams"

"Dhivya.G "

"As being a civil servent.
I remove the corruption and treat everyone equally with humanity develop the rural areas
and women's empowerment ..
Healthcare facilities by ensuring the proper implementation of government schemes to make
aware from the ground level of the peoples in society.✨"

Dilip K

"If I become IAS officer I would fix CCTV cameras in Ration and other govt office where
public directly contact govt officers to reduce corruption and to ensure that work are done in
right manner
Along with inventory management system"

Dinesh S

நான் IAS AND IPS ஆக இருந்தால் அடுத்த
தலை முறை க்கு என்னை ப்ப ோல் பல ஆயிரம் மாணவர்களை
உருவாக்குவே ன


"My idea for one officer one idea is:
Enaku bustand La lam pakumpothu (ex:Matuthavani bustand )Anga pitcha
edukuravungala maximum kuzhanthaingatha 1) first avungalalam padika anupanum schools
ku government school join pana vakanu...oru aal paduchuta kooda antha family eh Nala
irpngaa ..
..so education kudukanum...
2) apro anga Kai kaal Nala irunthu pitcha edukuravungaluku ethavathu job arrange Pani
kudukanu district la (ex:MGNREGA)antha maarii...
3)Vayasanavungalu neraiya peru aatharavu ilama pitcha edukurnga avungalah muthiyoor
illam anga sethu paathukanum...
4)bothaiku adimai aagii anga anga road side la kedakuravungala maruvaazhvu maiyam
maari ethulaiyavathu vittu atha koraikanum....
5)Female ku sexual harassments nadakatha alavuku strict pananu avungala thairiyam
irkathuku awareness neraiya create pananu schools colleges la..athaium meeri nadantha
odane antha criminal mela action edukanum....
6) Trichy la bustand la restroom munadiyee napkins lam provide panrnga it will be very
helpful for women...so intha maari visyam ellah edathulaium kondu varalam...clear
restrooms kondu varanu.....
7)neernilaigala kaapathanu so....monsoon ku munadiye antha summer laiye district la Ula
kulam kuttailam thoorvaranum apotha mazhai kalathula neer thekki vaka mudium athu
namaku summer la use agum...
8) public places la anga anga dustbins provide pananum.....apro plastic kudutha chocolate
kudukura machine elah edangalaium kondu varanum.....
9)apro na ias aagita naa pora ovvaru functions or meetings annaikiu ku ovvaru maram
nadanu....itha ellah officers uh follow panah ...to some extent we will tackle the climate
10) periya bustands apro railway stations la waiting room with restrooms elam neat ah
maintain pananu for passengers..
11)Weekly Monday Manu vaangitu atha correct follow pani action edukanum....enoda
personal mail id public ta kudukanum......so that they can contact me directly without any
[12/07, 10:45 am] Divya Baala Speech 2023: 12) regular ah government schools la Ula
restrooms ah check pananu...restrooms ilena alternative ah arrangements pananu...
especially in girls schools....

Dhivyabaala Kc.

"Respected Mam/Sir,
My concern is about the harassments happening in buses.
Problem: During my schooling
(government school- Thally) I had to travel by buses from Hosur to Thally.
Most of the days I used to face bad touchs which I still remeber and feel bad about it. (
because its causing real MENTAL TRAUMA)
Solution can be: Travellers can be divided to male(back) and female (front) in buses.
Thank you."

Dr Lavanya G

"I have completed my Post graduation in Indian Culture and Tourism (Kumbakonam),
As per the notification given by ""The Book show by Aananthi"" ma'am I sent this message.
After becoming an IAS Officer I want to bring the below changes to my society.
1. CLEAN ENVIRONMENT - environment plays a vital role in people's health. Health of
people is the wealth of our Nation.
2. Make awareness about women's education in rural areas. Even though women giving
their enormous participation in nations development,but it is happening majorly in urban
areas compared to rural areas. Forced marriages are still happening majorly in rural areas
before getting 18 yrs of age.
3. Make ensure, whether the welfare schemes are reached to the needy people.
These are the top most things I would like to notice you, thankyou for this opportunity to
express our opinion.


"நான் தெ ன்காசி திருநெ ல்வே லி
நெ டுஞ்சாலை ஓரங்களில் இருக்கும் செ டிகளுக்கு நாள்த ோறும் தண்ணர்ீ ஊற்றி வருகிறே ன். சுழற்சி முறை யில் அனை த்து செ டிகளுக்கும் தண்ணர்ீ ஊற்றி முடிக்க ஒரு வாரம் வரை ஆகும். ஆனால் தற்ப ொழுது வெ யில் காலம்
என்பதாலும், மரங்கள் அதிகமாக நடப்படுவதாலும் அனை த்து
தாவரங்களுக்கும் ப ோதுமான அளவு தண்ணர்ீ கிடை க்கபடுவதில்லை .
இதனை அனுபவத்தால் உணர்ந்தே ன். இதனால் தாவரங்கள் உயிர் இழந்து
வருகின்றன. இது எனக்கு மிகுந்த வே தனை அளிக்கிறது. இதற்கு தீர்வு என்ன
வெ ன்று சிந்தித்தப ோது ஒரு சிந்தனை த ொன்றியது.
என்னவெ ன்றால் :
சாலை ஓரம் இருக்கும் அனை த்து கடை களும் கட்டாயமாக கடை முன்பு
தலா நான்கு மரக்கன்றுகளை நட்டு பராமரிக்க வே ண்டும் என்ற உத்தரவை
பிறப்பிக்க வே ண்டும். அவ்வாறு நட்டு பராமரிக்க தவரும் பட்சத்தில்
நடவெ டிக்கை யுடன் அபதாரம் விதிக்க பட வே ண்டும். இதன் மூலம் நாடும்
மக்களும் ஒரே நே ரத்தில் பயன் பெ றலாம் ! சாலை யை ச ொலை யாக
மாற்றலாம்!. தற்ப ோது மரங்கள் கணக்கிற்காக நடப்படு கின்றதே தவிர.
தண்ணர்ீமுழுவதுமாக விடப்படுவதில்லை . நான்கு மரங்களை வளர்க்கும்
அளவிற்கு ப ோதுமான ப ொருளாதாரம் அனை த்து கடை களிலும் உள்ளது
எனவே இதனை உடனே செ யல் படுத்தலாம். தமிழகம் முழுவதும் செ யல்
படுத்தினால் சிறந்தது.


"I improve waste management
I will improve and clean water irrigation path and clean ponds, rivers and lakes"

Edwin Samuel

": Hello sir, Your team asked about what
was the change I bring in society as a ias officer. I want to change the education system in
india. You may ask , is ias officer can bring change the education system.Yes ias officer can
suggest changes in education ministry but it will be implemented government only.
There are several problems in our education system. But i want to change two major issues
that is ,
1) Lack of knowledge oriented approach
2 ) Lack of Adult education
1)Lack of knowledge oriented approach :
In our system, Giving too much of good content in books but failed to convey to
students.Majority of Students are just memorizing the answer without understanding the
actual meaning and write in exams and they get good marks ,after the exams they are
forgotten everything .Is this is the purpose of education, definitely not.
So there is need to change the method of conducting exams I suggest to conduct like civil
service exams because they effectively check the knowledge , ethics , critical thinking and
problem solving ability etc...
In our system , we have to give equal importance to the subjects moral science,
Environmental science, Physical education. This also important to every student but our
system not giving importance to these subjects when the student crosses10th standard.
2) Lack of adult education:
Recently in maharastra, 30yr old brother mistook her sister's menstrual blood and thought
she had sexual intercourse with someone and torchered her to death .
Basic problem of this issue is lack of adult education even to the 30yr old married man.
This is what happenening in India ,it means schools education system failed to teach the
proper adult education to the students .Also some teachers omitting the basic adult
education related chapters like reproduction system etc..
By resolving these kind of issues in education system , it can lead to better society . Also
gradual increases in the skilled and talented students .

"Elanchezhiyan K "

"I'm E.Eswari My native Thanjavur.
If I became IAS officer in my district agricultural land converted into commercial land. I
should regulate conversion of agricultural land to commercial land."


"Hi, If I will be a IAS or IPS officer I would like to change that, the problems in students mostly
in village side stop continuing their studies after school .Main reason is family situation and
run after works near their circumstance or any small scale industries for face their temporary
problems in life. So I would like to know them to clarify the importance of education and what
are all schemes provided by government in education and also show off the exams
conducted by government. These the things that may change their life and it may lead to get
educate.this happens not only in my village all over Tamilnadu and India. This is what I like
implement when I'll become an all India service. Thank you for this opportunity"

Elangovan B

"Oru vela na IAS officer ayita...frst of my
change enna apdinaa in my all wrk and surroundings la enaku sambandhappatta Ella
dhuraigalilim timing management frst kondu varuve and not only stafss idhu ellarukum
porundhum... example,tasmac timing,uyar adhigarigalukkendru avargalin kadamaigalai
mudithida ,poor peoples oda suggestions, complaint and request ellathayum weekly oru
kurippitta tyming potu prblm solve pannuve
..adharkaga money edhum vangama ..apdi vangunaa adharkaana punishment um vara
mari...I will change"


"தமிழ்நாட்டில் உள்ள அனை த்து
பள்ளி, கல்லூரிகளிலும் அனை வருக்கும் ஒரே மாதிரியான படத்திட்டம்
பின்பற்ற வே ண்டும்.
அந்த பாடத்திட்டம் செ யல்முறை அடிப்படை யில் மாணவர்கள் கற்க
வே ண்டும். அதற்கு தே வை யான பயிற்சியை ஆசிரியர்களுக்கு வழங்க
வே ண்டும்,
அப்ப ோதுதான் ஆசிரியர்கள் சிறந்த கற்ற சமுதாயத்தை உருவாக்க முடியும்."

"Faaith Nisha "

"Hello dear sir/mam i saw the video and here iam
telling what can be changed in our society i have been in school and college and seen many
school kids and college students nowadays many students are not mentally good and not
very active I prefer every school and college should have a psycatrist and check the
students regularly for their well being and the well being of the future thank you for reading
my message hope you understand what iam trying to say if you liked my idea you can
contact me for more information"

Mohammed Ghazali Fazil

"First I will try maintain my district clean.
Second I will try to reduce pollution caused by vehicles.
Third i will encourage public vehicle usage and increase the number of public vehicle.
I will arrange development program for school and college students.
I will encourage students to involve physical activity"


"Poverty free ❤️
Eco friendly ✅and
[13/07, 1:29 pm] Ganapathi Speech 2023: No one should die due to insufficient hospitality in
India 󰏝"


"★If I am an IAS officer, What's the change I'll bring to our society.....
1. First of all I will create a mobile application for town, or Village wise... This name “ எங்க
ஊர்” ... It show the all details of the particular place....Ex: history, population of the area,
educational details of people's, land details (size and who to own), people who are birth,
death, and survive to the particular place, & all details of people will collect and stored in
periodical based...it may used to allocating of govt schemes and other activities.
2. I wil made localised directing committee for labours. it will provide all guidence of
traditional or new workers to work based problems or difficulties to they faced.& It will guide
to how their products or services to globalised.
3. I will create Development team in department wise. this development team have several
branches(Less than 3 members) on the district due to cover all areas.This development
team moniter through (digital or on-site) all departments working and people needs and their
complaints, solutions of the particular problems & reason of delay to the action....& this team
may be friendly connect to government to people like a bridge. people also complaint or
asking any queries about needs or schemes their living area.
4. I will create “சுற்றுலா” mobile application. It provides all details of tourist places.... It
shows all details of particular tourist place. Ex: temples, historical places (Who to build or
create, history of the place, localised map, near by tourist places, tourist rules and
regulations to follow the place and other knowing information about the place....It will helpful
for familiar the places and it attracts to others.
★If I am an IPS officer, What's the change I'll bring to our society.....
1. I will improve the quality of service of an police. especially to connect a people friendly to
take a action on law & order problems. & I will monitor the any problems occured on law &
order on my controlled area and take down a imediate action to solve it.
2. I will improve the security of all areas through usage of CCTV and highway patrol
particularly Crowd areas... & I will maintain a minimum number of police force to emergency
3. I will try to good relationship between a lower level officers and try to solve their personal
or professional based problems.... And i will maintain predetermined Callender (it may used
to before allotments of work if they available or leave) and I will suggest to Govt in yoga,
meditation or mental health programs to conduct periodically to improve the efficiency of
4. I will try to maintain the peace of society and I will directing the officers to particular police
station or public places applicable in 24×7.

Ganesh I

"I will bring gender equality. By take steps to
teach all the boys in both school and college how to behave will a girl or women, how to treat
them equal,to all the rights to them.Second I will create a safe environment for women by
making strict rules and by teaching girls the defence activity"

Qayathri E

"I want to become an IAS officer to serve our country in many ways but my personal interest
are more on plastic recycling, green environment. For plastic recycling I want to do my duty
sincerely by segregating the plastic wastes at source.
I will work on promoting tree plantation by giving more opportunity for the people who are
planting trees.
I also want to support elderly people and homeless people by giving them the job
Moreover I want to do my duty sincerely"

Gayathri R

"My idea on change my state or my country is to ""SAY NO TO ALCOHOL, SMOKING, AND
here in which especially school and college students are regularly using this kind of stuff.
When we are in public places we can see lot of small packets stuff(culip)on the roads etc.
By saying no to drugs we can teach students about the cause and effect of alcohol, smoking,
and drugs. If possible we can identify the dealers to stop circulating the stuffs, and family
should talk their children about drugs, alcohol, smoking.
My idea would be silly
But, if a person, student buys drug, alcohol, or a packet of cigarette then the person's head
gets shaved and we can tatoo in their forehead like alcoholic, smoker, drug addict, if a
person is going to wineshop to buy their stuff again and again the tatoo is written again."

"Gayathri M "

"My self Geetha . M from shivamogga karnataka .
My dream is to become a IAS officer . And I still working for it . Am still studying BA ( History
, politics) and my age 17 . Surely I will become an IAS one day . If I'll become a IAS officer
1st I analyses the present situation of the district and I'm ll would like to change the
educational system because in karnataka degree is 4 yrs and there is so many children's are
uneducated and childlabours in our village and surrounding areas and 1st I'll give education
to child labours and poor children's so many talented children's are there that's why I'll give
1st priority to education. And I would like to share my opinion to ruling party and convence
them to change the educational system . Tq fr giving such a wonderfull opportunity to share
my opinion.☺️ Tq so much
Sorry but I would like to share one more thing that
is I ' ll become an IAS officer I want a country with no corruptions and no poverty. And I want
to make criminal -free and crime , murder ,rapes( forensic investigations) suppose I'll
become IAS one day I can make a new schools and colleges for so many poor children's
and give free education because who couldn't afford fee& all my 1st priority is change the
education system and provide free education to poor children's . And one more thing IAS
post is a powerfull and iwill maintain the public law and orders in areas .. tq sm once again .


"definitely I will change our educational
system which is now very pressurized to our youngsters that they can't tolerate the impact
and leads to so many unwanted addiction such as drugs... Educational system should be
easily understandable and one should love to learn and not on the basis of exam. It should
reveals one 's capability in a simple ways because we have so many sources to lead our life
not only on the education. Thank you"


"Many of sipcot and industries releasing most harmful
gases.They should treated the water release below 500ppm."

"Giri "

"If I become an IAS Officer the things that I will
implement are
1)I will start promoting job opportunities for rural livelihood in the food sector like growing
mushrooms and local vegetables.This will be given to the students of government schools
who are malnourished.The money needed to rear the crops or mushrooms will be given by
the local banks or cooperative in low interest rate.If this is done we get solved with three
major issues of our economy i.e.,lack of job,malnourished students and gdp growth.
I will try to give the farmers with biologically
modified seeds which are resistant to all the pests so that the farmers are not in need of
using fertilizers"


": My idea is to concentrate our state
youths.because youths are the pillars of our state.Now a days the major problems are
created by the young youths,because they are not instructed to follow a right way,they have
no goals and majority of students are addicted to drugs, mobiles and other dangerous
activities. some of them have goals but not have chance to prove them , they not have
money,they not have guidance and some other problems, by thes they are pushed to not
interested field at this time their goals are destroyed.when I became IPS officer I give
opportunity to youths.l will select the student by their interest(like studies,sports, political
....ect). Each and every student have anyone interest,I will find that interest and provide good
opportunity, guidance and financial support. Youths have ability to change our state, so
concentrate and provide good schemes to develop the youths skills is my idea to improve
our state."


"First of all my name is D.Gokul, from Krishnagiri,
Tamil Nadu , 18 yrs old and I'm going to join the first year of college next month and I took
BA. Psychology, sociology and economics mainly for training to become as an IAS
OFFICER in the future. my childhood aim and my dream is to become as an IAS OFFICER
and iam very dedicated and planned very well for each and every step for stepping into this.
Once I became as an IAS OFFICER the first thing which I will do is to lower or stop the
alcohol consumption by our people in our state as even though it is monopoly done by our
government also but i will take various steps to control that because of that consumption of
alcohol only it results in various health issues of our people so the first thing is this I will do it
and the second thing I will do is controlling of usage of AI and smartphones for the good
purposes only as now we are developing faster day by day but the technology are misused
for various purposes like the AI are nowadays very advanced and there is an AI that can
convert a image into an undressed one I will make sure that the only useful technological AI
can only used for the good purposes only. And the third thing is which is very usual from the
past to present as there is no safety for the womens in our state as there are now our
government also very much developed in developing an app for their safety purposes but
even though I will improve those safety measures. These are the things I will do as majority
but there are many things I would do for our government once I had become as an IAS
OFFICER. Thank you 🙏"

"Gokul D "

"We can change ongoing Curreption and issues practically but we can change the future
Students is our future upcoming Strength
Idea:i will introduce mandatory Curreption and Sex Education Lessons 6th to 12th..
To teach strong knowledge about that
Because if the Curreption Score is 0 means india will become developed country very soon..
And sex issues score 0 means india will become Safest Country in the world"

Gokul S

"I would like to introduce a new free course or scheme called parenting scheme.
This course contains all things that need to know to grow a good children.
And I make this course mandatory to become a parent but this is not practically possible so
other option is making its mandatory for getting their children's document like birth
certificate,community certificat etc.
Under this course the following are included
1.healthy foods
2. psychology methods to avoid junk foods
3.fitness habits
4.psychology methods to make a fitness habit routine
5.how to achive fitness by following sports
6.how to maintain mental health
7.how to build career in other stream like sports,dance,singing etc while studying school
8.ways to earn money at teenager
9. Dicision making skills
10.teaching skills
11.how to teach our children about love and sex
12. Defects of our society and how to reduce
I know these are tough to follow but we put this mandatory it will create huge impact in our
Most of the parents are think our children are became great when we send them to school.
but it is not all true. Because my parents also thought like this send me to school . But after
completing my school. I realise school are not much effective because the teacher cannot
able to understand all kinds of student and so many drawbacks are there.


"பாலியல் பலாத்காரம் செ ய்பவரை
ரவுடிகளை அடக்குவது தக்க தண்டனை க ொடுப்பது
சாதி மதம் என வே றுபாடுகள்
பார்ப்பவர்களை தகுந்த தண்டனை க ொடுப்பது
சாலை ய ோரம் இருக்கும் மக்களை
ஒழுங்கு படுத்துவது அவர்களுக்கு ஒரு இருப்பிடம் செ ய்து தருவது
கஞ்சா மற்றும் குட்கா ப ொருட்களை
விற்பனை செ ய்பவர்களுக்கு தகுந்த தண்டனை வழங்கப்படும்
ஸ்மார்ட்கடை யை இழுத்து சீல்
வை ப்பத ோடு,
குடிப ோதை யில் வாகனம் ஓட்டுபவருக்கு. தகுந்த தண்டனை வழங்கப்படும்.
மற்றும் தலை க்கவசம் அணியாமல் வாகனம் ஓட்டுவதற்கு தண்டனை

Gopinath M

"When I get the posting of an IAS Officer, I abide by the duties which I have to do so, later my
much more focus (personally) in the rural development and create awareness among the
youths regarding the opportunities provided by our Govt. And services regarding the
development of the rural villages in many factors like Agriculture, Creation of employment
opportunities for the rural people to develop their livelihoods as well as rural economy
Thank You OFFICER'S IAS ACADEMY for giving opportunity to share my small
(thought/dream)opinion towards your Team."


"Hello iam Gowrilakshmi from Trichy M.com
SC St ku matum salugai elama over all people la yaru
varumai kotirku kela erukagalo avagaluku antha salugai pona Nala erukum... For example
tnpsc exam SC St ku mark reduse pandraga avaga matum tha low ah erukagala ela caste
la um middle class pasanga erukaga so yaru unmai ah kasta paduragalo avagaluku poi

Gowrilakshmi S

"தமிழ்நாட்டில் ஒரு பிச்சை க்காரர்கள்
கூட இருக்கக் கூடாது..... இந்த மாற்றத்தை தமிழ்நாட்டில் மாற்றினால்... முடிந்தவரை இந்தியா முழுவதும் இந்த மாற்றத்தை க ொண்டு வரலாம் என்ற
ஒரு நம்பிக்கை ...💯✨"


"Hi my name gowtham BE first year in
jayamatha engineering colleges my nadive place thisayanvilai Tirunelveli district enga
Tirunelveli district enaku top la kondu varanum ipo irukurathula one ila athu th big problem
one time thaniku panjam illa th oru ipo water illa ma nariya agriculture la ponathuku reason
ithula Sela wrong human and wrong people th why nanariya nariya tree s ya cut pannitainga
athu nala pala place palaivanama pochi ithu nala water illa ma pochi ithuku na oru muchi
pulivaikum vithama neriya trees valarpan athuku one sangam vachi Tirunelveli ya first
agriculture place nu konuvaruvan ithu one neriya small village ya big city ya aguvan enaku
mukiyama agriculture th first aim and people s kitakuraikala kaka Nana makala thadi
poipapan first City ya agurathu th my aim ma va irukum thanking you ithula ethavath wrong
irutha sorry sir😇�"


"I will try to modify the reservation system . For
community based reservation , I will allot reservations according to their financial status of
individual or family not based on their caste Also I will modify caste based reservation to
score based reservation in education system"

Gowtham Panneerselvam

"Sir/mam, If I became an IAS officer, I
will give education to all students, because education is only the backbone of our country's
wealth and health. If the literacy rate increases to 100%, then only our growth will increase
in the targeted year of 2030
What are the measures I will take if I
were an IAS officer, I will change the school infrastructure to make peace environment in the
surroundings, and schools facilities like smart classes, CCTV coverage, good sanitation, pot
water facilities, etc... Weekly once or monthly once I will visit a school and I have lots of
ideas I were written in my diary"

Gugan Balasundaram

"I'm in salem, in my area all the employees like
vao, RI and tasildhar are full of corruption mind people,"


"• In my point, At presentof view the Tamilnadu government is doing well. If I am a
government officer, firstly I will do my service properly. Second of all, the chance for people
to reach out the officials and conveying their needs and problems are really hard. So, as a
future IAS officer I will form a organisation which has students as volunteers to reach out
people by service and words. The reason for me to choosing students is to educate them the
reality and the true sufferings of others and also to make them serve for others without
expecting anything. The main thing is, most of the people don't know the schems and other
helps providing by our government. So, my students organisation will help them with these.
It's our responsibility to reach out people and serve them and most of the IAS officers are
just attending college functions and working inside their office. Even I experienced such
things. And i know the pain of a normal citizen who is in need for help and even the
government is willing to help, without the proper officials we're left helpless.
Before thinking, the officer should Think from the
people's perspective too. That's all i want"

"Gulsar Almash S "

"This is Habiba, a graduate from Chennai.
My first suggestion would be in the field of education.
I will consult with the education department regarding the implementation of compulsory
career guidance for students in each and every school every year, starting from class 9 and
recorded. This record can be presented to them by the time they complete 12 class so that
they will get some clear idea about their interests and passion.
This is because students who enter the UG are sometimes unable to get into the course
which they want and are confused and choose any degree and urges in completing the
degree and want to just get settled in a job. Later, they feel for their whole life that they are
not doing what they love and just lead their lives, not knowing what to do.
Our country is rich in the youth. If we guide and encourage our youth with the right
education, then we will become the most powerful nation in this world.
Thank you for giving me this opportunity to express my view as an IAS Officer"

Habiba M S

"Idea : As a District collector , we are going to face the monsoon , and I make my District
prepare to handle the monsoon .
With proper drainage lines , Make flow of water at sides of every road.
And make awareness about the people to make Rainwater Harvesting.
And also make awareness about be friendly with nature and we to save it...others it will
destroy us.
And I avoid the flood by taking pre-Actions.
And ensure the safety of my people"


"I am hari krishnan from nemilichery
thiruvallur district
Spouse na iaa officer agita
First ella police officer i mean very worst
perfomer ellaray dismis pannitu new officer ah opponent pannitu strict order podiva apr
oralavukku marum enga area nu nambura"

" Hari krishman SP"

"Hi Myself Hari Prasath V K
If I become an IPS officer
1.I ensure a friendly approach to my people and change the colonial mindset on Police.
2. With collaboration of YouTube influencers, I educate people on rules & regulations, Laws
which are helpful for the citizens.
3. Take severe actions on crimes against Women and cast discrimination.
4. Eradicate the roots of drugs and create a rehabitation for drug addicts and users.
5. Create a Good opportunities for the person who opted for change of life from bad to Good."


" If I am become an IAS officer. I will do the following
1. I will do my work perfectly
2. App will created in which everyone can post or voice message their queries. Within
48hours the response was given (like within howmany days or months this query will be
solved) If this is not done this will automatically come to my sight. I will take immediate action
on that query.( If they are e-illiterate, toll free number will be provided they can call to that
number say their query, on behalf of them they will post that query)
3. Reducing corruption :
In this platform anyone can text or voice message, who is taking a corruption with what root
they are doing without their identity. This messages only visible to me (like an end to end
encrypted). Then I appoint an officer who will go in the same root and capture everything
then he will trap that currupted officer. Corruption is a major issue in our society if we correct
it, everything will go in a correct way. ( if they are e-illiterate they post letter without their
identity to me Or call a particular number on specific time that call is only attended by me or
most trusted person)
4. Schemes formation: like the same manner based on their needs the Schemes will be
5. Creating awareness about schemes ,this app and tollfree number though television (like
an ad)
6. Will continue..
If any mistakes kindly forgive me..
Thank you😊

Hema Harini K.A

"I am upsc aspirant.I would like to change the
poverty line and change in education in Tamilnadu.As I go to college everyday.I see 3yr to 17
yr childrens being uneducated.And still we people say that India grows very fast in every
sector.Its proud to say that.But it's being untrue when these things happens.They still begs
for an hand giving food.I really can't resist this.I would also like to bring humanity to this
generation as they are completely cool about their own thing.They doesn't care about
anyone I think!They spend their all time with phone and unwanted things.I'm not blaming
everyone but most of them i saw.They should have an humanity and they should be
kind.Everyone should help others.So I'llalso do these type of camps and will try to bring a
massive change.
Thank you."


"If I became IAS officer,
Puthu idea's niraiya kondu varalam... But 1st irukka tha ellathaiyum fulla implement
pannanum.... like oru scheme iruntha athukana *awareness* Ella beneficiaries kum poi
seranum... And athu muzhusa poi seralana or sariya poi seralana (in case of commissions
for the mediators), atha direct ah report pannavo or question pannavo platforms kondu
varanum... Apdi erkane iruntha athukum awareness kudukkanum... Not only for schemes...
Oru example ku atha eduthukita...
Incase of Public safety, cameras should be installed in every area... Ennathan women ku
paathugappu ku avlo Acts, apps, special patrol nu vanthalum.. avangalaikku against ah
athigama crimes nadanthuthu tha irukku... Evlo knowledge ulla person ah irunthalum sari...
Avangalum velila solla bayapadaranga...
So, Inga puthu idea's ku Pancham illa.... Irukkaratha top to end implement pannanum...
Kadaisi varaikkum poi senthu irukka nu check pannanum... Athu schemes la irukkara
beneficiaries ah irunthalum sari... Crime kana thandanai ya irunthalum sari.... Kadaisi
varaikkum poi seranum....
So, puthusa ideas thedarathu ok... But irukkaratha 1st ellathaiyum 100% implement panna
paakanum .. I know 100% can't be achieved... But have to try and more importance to be
given on *implementation*"


"1. Awareness of the existing schemes has
not yet reached the grassroots and rural people, rather than bringing new schemes to the
people and making changes. Due to this, government funds that should have gone to the
government are either wasted (corruption//bribery/abuse of power) or diverted back to the
government. So I will try to make it available to the right people in the right way. 2. Even
though the Constitution states that all are equal before the law, villages are an exception to
this. I will find a solution to the caste inequalities that still exist in the rural areas and provide
a way for equality and social justice. 3. Rural students are often far behind in education and
education related awareness compared to urban students. Due to this, the individual and the
society are affected and remain in the backward position. This is definitely something that
needs to be dismantled.Even after the technology has reached the corners, the awareness
of what to study and where to study and what are the government's initiatives and benefits
for studying are still unknown. An individual, family, society and nation can rise only through
education. It is the duty of the officers/officials who are part of the government to add it to the
store! Thanks"


"My Answer: I would be dedicated in strengthening the village level administration.
How would I do?
1. One stop portal for the whole of village data. By partnering with new tech startups I would
create an application or website that would serve as a one stop portal to know about the
status and progress of the central/state schemes, village people, their land records, health
record,criminal record if any and so on and also that serves as a space for letting us know
about their grievances. Basically an integrated system that gives us detailed insight about
the village and it's related problems.
2. This portal provides us with all the data which in turn helps us in policy making and
grievance redressal mechanisms.
3. The most important thing is having a techie guy alongside the village president who aids
the village president with required data to address the grievances.
4.Selecting a group of tech volunteers(college goers or unemployed graduates) as paid
interns who would carry out real time data collection or check the viability of the existing user
entered data in the portal by cross-checking. They would also help in data collecting from
illiterates as well from old age people.
5. So this bottom-up approach would strengthen the grass roots that in turns benefits the
nation in its entirety.

Harshavardhini L

"m Harshini pursuing B.com degree.
1. Govt busses are too rush, so definitely have to release more busses.
Also remembering of the accidents of footboard in bus.
Each and every bus must have closing door.
Also people must ENTER the bus from behind door and EXIT the bus from front door.
2. Vehicles are not stopping even on the red signals. So there must be an alternative for that
, like fixing a boom barrier gate in all the traffic signals.
3. There must be no construction noise after 10pm. To say that in Padi, Chennai
600050.....this Pothys construction noise is disturbing people so much, they are working and
making noise for the whole night till morning. Must take action
4. Education fees are dangerously increasing, (6lakh for a pre school admission) must take
that manager's job back. Inspection have to be done from the government side
5. Road beggars must have their home as they are also engaging in kidnapping kids apart
from their reasons. People's mind also have to be managed from the govt side in some other
way like this to escape their interest from engaging into bad routes.
6. Speed limit sensors in all city roads.
7. Seperate police force team (5 members with 2 wheelers) in all the traffic signals being
ready all the time to lock the vehicle for case .


"My idea is government can create some channel for primary schooling up to 10 according to
the syllabus so that many from rural areas who don't have the facility for nearby schools
can utilize it and allowed for writing all term examination like correspondence course in
college, they can come to school only on their exam dates and receive marksheet and
certificate for that"

Harshini R

"The simplest thing but the most important thing is mental health. Every CBSE school is
hiring a school counselor in their school but in government school?
So, i will appoint a counselor in government schools. If it's not possible I will instruct the
counselor who is working in the primary health centre to visit a government school."

Harshni C

"தமிழ்நாட்டில் உயர் கல்வி
படிப்பவர்களின் எண்ணிக்கை உயர்ந்துள்ளது . ஆனால் கல்வியின் கற்கும்
திறன் உயர்ந்துள்ளதா என்று கே ட்டால் அது கே ள்விக்குறி தான் . நான்
அரசுப்பள்ளியில் படித்தே ன் . இப்ப ொழுது கல்லூரியில் சே ர்த்துள்ளே ன்.நான்
மற்ற தனியார் பள்ளி மாணவர்கள் விட அதிக மதிப்பெ ண்
பெ ற்றுள்ளே ன்.ஆனால் என்னால் அவர்களை ப்ப ோல் சரளமாக ஆங்கிலத்தில்
பே ச இயலவில்லை . இதற்கு காரணம் அரசு பள்ளிகளில் ப ோதுமான
அளவிற்கு ஆசிரியர்கள் இல்லை . அதனால் நான் ஐஏஎஸ் ஆனால் அரசு
பள்ளிகளில் ப ோதுமான அளவிற்கு ஆசிரியர்களை நியமனம் செ ய்வே ன்
அரசுப்பள்ளி மாணவர்களின் கல்வியின் தரத்தை யும் கற்கும் தரத்தை யும்
உயர்த்துவே ன்.மே லும் ஆங்கில பே ச்சு வகுப்புகளை பள்ளிகளில் க ொண்டு
வருவே ன்."

Hemamalini S

"Working from spandana heart and super speciality hospital. Useful plan for all people One
India one medicine upgrade Tha all Indian government hospitals. To give Good medical
carrying for all people's."

Hemanth kumar

"Hi sir this Inbasree kaviya my age is 21
currently doing my MBA reply for the question what should be changed if you become an
ias officer
1. No one should die out of starvation
2.Good waste disposal system ."

"Inbasree Kaviya.T "

"PFB my answers for question by RJ
1. Introduction of awareness courses for politicians, members of parliament, influencers,
public speakers
2. Mandatory sessions on effective parenting
3. AI enabled teaching in all government schools
4. Eco friendly LEED certified Green government buildings and eco friendly public
5. Gender awareness in education
6. Career guidance at young age
7. Free public services including education


" I saw a post that incase neenga ias or ips
ageetingana enna panuvinga ?? Nu
[10/07, 8:19 pm] Janani Speech 2023: Good Evening those who reading this , This is janani
who is studing 12th , actually I want to tell you that my dream is to become an IAS officer, i
have inspired by many IAS officers ,Now i want to tell my own story which hitted me a lot ,I
don't have much good family even i don't have my mother and Not so rich but i am not a
very poor kid ,even i am not rich my father still earning hard to get me a good education , so
I decided that 1st I want to make a good education to the children who suffers a lot without
parents and living in streets with their parents and many who is handicapped still living in
roads and especially to the transgender, we are saying that all are equal but we didn't
following it ,even many transgender suffers a lot without shelter so 1st i want to give
everyone a good and equal education if we give a good knowledge to everyone around us
surely the women empowerment and the respect to others will build by its own and it leads
to the development of our country so let's make everyone to study and get a good
knowledge which leads to an well developed country with Women empowerment even Men
too still many are becoming drunker due to many personal problems even though they know
it is wrong we should give a good advice and knowledge to them about which is right and
which is wrong but many families are suffering a lot due to this alcohol so surely i will take
definite action and make my country a better place to everyone"

Janani R

"If am become a IAS officer means I should order to
don't go lorry's in day time beacuse so many accident done by only lorry and then it will
taken to critical stage of human beings . so if the lorry's are run in night time means the half
of the accident is reduced in society not only lorry's a big heavy loaded vechichle. So this is
my first decision can i taken in our district.


"If I will become an ias officer first of all
naa government school la romba valuable la maathuven.next generation la government
school la teaching matriculation and bcsc ahh Vida better ah irukanum. then tribes people ku
help pannuven avagaluku iruka problems ku solution kudupen"

Jasmine punitha E

"When I become an IAS officer, all my duties and
responsibilities will be done in a best way.
Apart from the normal duties & responsibilities, I think the following idea of mine will make a
good impact.
*The idea* : Suggestions from the common people regarding development/welfare of the
people & community will be collected. It can be in a form of letter or email directly addressed
to the IAS officer. Those suggestion letters will be reviewed on a 2-3 day basis.
Actions for the development based on suggestions will be taken accordingly.

Jasper Prathiba. A

"When I become IAS/ IPS
I'll concentrate towards the students from class 6th to train them towards skill development
of their parents work skill (has occupation) because they should known their parents work of
sacrification for their childrens education & life of their children path
If their dream to become has civil servant or doctor or engineer or etc...
Help them to work towards it & take right decision on themselves to choose their career
This the small initiative like a seed & idea towards my self
Sorry I haven't had a point towards parent
Because they should have knowledge gain of their work of parents occupation
Either for passive income or difficult of the work of a person"

Jaya Praveen K

I will provide toll free number for young girls and women's. Living as a girl or women is very
struggling thing in this generation. They face lot of child abuse even from their own families
or friends .. it's hard to tell even from their parents too .
This type of women's are afraid to tell Others.. they feel little ashame or what others will
think about our family . So they keep it with themselves it's hard you know ..
So I will provide toll free number.. so they call and speak to the Officers (ladies) without any
hesitation and clear their mind .

Jayasurya A

"Good evening sir,
I am Jayadevi Palanivel, I am pursuing final yr maths in Queen Mary's College, Chennai.
I want to became an IAS officer because I want to add the farming in govt job with best
monthly salary, I want to change the school systems to practical work and choosing classes
from 9th standard what they are interested and preferred and that is skill based projects and
less theoretical classes more physical classes and give the more importance for the ""Morel
values"" because that is the deficiancy of our country and bless me sir to do these things
quickly and thank you for this opportunity sir󰚦"


"I closed all private schools. Everyone should study in only Government schools.
காரணம் எந்தவித பாகுபாடும் இன்றி
அனை வருக்கும் சமமான தரமான கல்வி கிடை க்க வே ண்டும். ஏனெ னில்
அனை த்துமே பள்ளிக்கூடங்கள் கல்வியிலே த ொடங்குகிறது."

"S.Jayalakshmi "

"பெ ண்கள் பாதுகாப்பு மற்றும் தற்காப்பு பற்றிய விழிப்புணர்வை சிறு
குழந்தை கள் முதல் பெ ரியவர்கள் வரை அனை வருக்கும் ஏற்படுத்துவே ன். முதிய ோர் காப்படுீ பற்றிய விழிப்புணர்வை ஏற்படுத்தி சாலை ய ோரம் சுருண்டு
கிடக்கும் முதிய ோர்களுக்கு மருத்துவ வசதி என ஏற்ற வசதி வாய்ப்புகளை
சரியான முறை யில் செ ய்வே ன். ஊழல் ஒழிப்பு, விளை நிலம் ஆக்கிரமிப்பு,
விவசாயத்திற்கும் விவசாய மக்களுக்கும் உரிய சட்ட உரிமை களை பற்றி
விழிப்புணர்வு செ ய்து ஏற்ற சே வை களை சட்டப்படி செ ய்வே ன். கால்நடை கள்
வளர்ப்பு மற்றும் பாதுகாப்பு, சுற்றுச்சூழல் பாதுகாப்பு, மரம் வளர்ப்பு, என்
அனை த்திலும் கவனம் செ லுத்தி உரிய நடவடிக்கை களை மே ற்க ொண்டு
பணியாற்றுவே ன்.மே லும் இலவசம் என்ற ஒன்று அவர்களுக்கு கிடை யாது
என்றும் அவை அனை த்தும் அவர்களின் உரிமை என்றும் கட்டாயமாக
விழிப்புணர்வு செ ய்வே ன்."


"The Answer for the question, What is the one change that I'll bring if i became IAS or IPS?!
I can control people from extensive intake of alcohol by setting a limit in their own adhar
cards for example, one can buy 1 to 2 drinks per day with limitations that vary as half full &
quarter...If they buy beyond they need to pay penalty amount as if they caught for not
wearing their helmets! If severe actions are taken most of the middle class families can be
free of this type of cases at their homes."


"If i become an IAS, I make sure to visit public
toilets often to check its hygiene and sanitation.also,visit dumpyards where garbage is
thrown, and make sure it's recycled and cleaned ."

"Jjayashree "

"If i become an IAS, I make sure to visit public
toilets often to check its hygiene and sanitation.also,visit dumpyards where garbage is
thrown, and make sure it's recycled and cleaned ."

"Jjayashree "

"*MY IDEA*: 1) As we know, our country is little backward in economy which acts a
problematic chain and connects all the fields and people. Once I become an IAS officer, I will
focus more on youth empowerment by eradication of unemployment. Indian youths with
practical knowledge and proper education lacking employment or wasting their times in
worthless jobs leads to country's backwardness. So, recruiting more youths and fill the
vacancies available will definitely reduce the major problem.
2) I think method of Selection of teachers and lecturers through just only by examination is
not the proper way. Inefficient person in profession would be a barrier to worthy future minds.
It is injustice that selection of teachers by examination who teaches orally. As a solution
Interviews must be conducted as a part of selection process."


"""Service road"" ப ோன்று ""Emergency way"" என்கிறப் பெ யரில் தமிழ்நாட்டின்
முக்கியச் சாலை களில் பிரித்து அமை க்க வே ண்டும், இதனால் Ambulance
வாகனங்கள் எந்த ஒரு இடை யூறுமின்றி, சரியான நே ரத்தில் செ ன்றடை ய
முடியும். அவசர நே ரத்தை தவிர மற்ற நே ரங்களில் இருச்சக்கர வாகனங்கள்
மட்டும் அதில் பயணிக்கும்படி அமை ப்பு இருக்க வே ண்டும். இவை பெ ரும்
தலை வர்கள் பாதுகாப்பாக பயணிப்பதர்க்கும் பயன்பெ றும"

Jeevarathnam S

"We have plenty of laws which are so good but they are not followed properly.
When I become a civil servent I will try my best to bring out the people below poverty and
provide them quality of education.Now a days everyone is feeling bad about government
schools because they don't get proper educational knowledge, hygiene and so on so wish to
change it.In order to make development they are cutting down the trees.Example in order to
extend the road they are cutting lot of trees and worrying about increase in temperature So I
will take steps to prevent it.There are lot of pollutants present like dumping garbages,
industries polluting air water and land without filtering it they are releasing so severe actions
should be taken on them."


1st traffic rules ah follow Panna solluva then one way la pona 1.30 hrs avangala vida
kudathu then apo than next day correct ah povanga
Government school students study correct ah
irukkanu namaste check pannuva . Then public exam eluthura students ku evening healthy
snacks kuduppen
School ku tharavendaiya all things kuduppen in government support

"Jeffin "

"I'm currently undergoing Articleship in Chennai.
Problem: Fight against the First sip of Alcohol and cigarette.
10 years back on the ground I played, All I could see were broken cricket bats, busted
footballs, torn jerseys and other sports-related equipment.
But today when I see the same ground it's not the case, there were broken beer bottles,
cigarette butt and all kinds of drug rappers legal and illegal. And it's even more pathetic to
see school kids addicted to it.
I played hockey and Football at state and national level. I could cope with my professional
failures because of the sports I played and I strongly believe that's the reason my Audacity
Quotient developed.
So, Conducting various sports events among the local panchayats/societies will develop an
organised distraction for the student population. As a result, they can develop their addiction
towards sports, which can earn them a good life.
Thank you"

"Jegan S A, "

"If I am IAS officer...I would like to prevent
poverty where ever i seen....And i will provide free education given for better score students
plus middle class family..... Because iam a middle class family My education will stoped due
to financial issues....So i will help who ever come to me to have any needs i will provide it...♥️

Jeshma JV

"If I became an IAS, Am from Trichy. So, I should take care water resources.... Clean the
rivers and banks and maintain it properly... Water is the most precious thing to the world"

" Jeyalakshmi "

"If I am a IAS I would solve unemployment in rural areas and tribal areas. Definitely
entrepreneur are job creaters but as IAS I bridge the gap and make employments and make
more entrepreneurs"

Jeyaprakash M

"If I am a IAS I would solve unemployment in rural areas and tribal areas. Definitely
entrepreneur are job creaters but as IAS I bridge the gap and make employments and make
more entrepreneurs"

Jeyaprakash M

"1.As a working girl Bathrooms is a main thing for all women's .Am working in a rural sides it
don't have a proper Bathrooms ...If it have but it is so much dirty..I urinate morning in my
home and I will come return to home then use bathrooms only.. sometimes it's so hard..So
first I urge government to Open toilets where women are working and maintain to keep it
2.Till now some villages don't have a proper transport facilities..Its affect them more and
more..So I try to made a transport atleast minimal level...

"Jeyashree S "

"1.As a working girl Bathrooms is a main thing for all women's .Am working in a rural sides it
don't have a proper Bathrooms ...If it have but it is so much dirty..I urinate morning in my
home and I will come return to home then use bathrooms only.. sometimes it's so hard..So
first I urge government to Open toilets where women are working and maintain to keep it
2.Till now some villages don't have a proper transport facilities..Its affect them more and
more..So I try to made a transport atleast minimal level...

"Jeyashree S "

"If I am a IAS I would solve unemployment in rural areas and tribal areas. Definitely
entrepreneur are job creaters but as IAS I bridge the gap and make employments and make
more entrepreneurs"

Jeyaprakash M

"1.As a working girl Bathrooms is a main thing for all women's .Am working in a rural sides it
don't have a proper Bathrooms ...If it have but it is so much dirty..I urinate morning in my
home and I will come return to home then use bathrooms only.. sometimes it's so hard..So
first I urge government to Open toilets where women are working and maintain to keep it
2.Till now some villages don't have a proper transport facilities..Its affect them more and
more..So I try to made a transport atleast minimal level...

"Jeyashree S "

"Hi Myself Jobin Varghese and I'm from
kumily,kerala this message is regarding a Facebook post about asking what would I do when
i become a civil service aspirant
My aim will be to serve the society but
without power we cannot fully achieve that and answer to your question : To ensure the
people about the services offered by the government without any discrimination and
providing them without any discrimination"

"Jobin Varghese "

"Hi sir, good morning,I am Princy Joshika - UPSC
aspirant,I recently saw your post in Instagram.After becoming an IAS officer,I will stop the
drugs which reduce the most of the accidents and rapes.Thank you sir"

"Princy Joshika.A "

"If I became an IAS Officer, I will,
1. Create a website for people to report their problems to me.
2. Fix Cameras in all government offices to avoid bribe.
3. Open Cyber crime stations in all towns.
4. Encourage the new inventors and market their products.
5. Build mini wind mills on all houses.
6. Order to link Rivers.
7. Build check dams
8. Give Tree saplings to all farmers
9. Open Export council offices in all villages.
10. Order to teach in schools Moral science, Basic medical aids, Basic laws, …"

Rajagopal K

"Iam after become IPS:
Good afternoon sir/mam.
Now a days more students addicted to drugs , not focusing on goals and some students
doesn’t have an aim. Also If they have aim they doesn’t know path how to move on . After i
become an IPS officer i will leeds the students what are the carriers options and how to
proceed next step and some students are financially low but they have eager to achieve their
aim definitely i will help this kind of student.
Mainly i will start this from school students because in 11th itself they are confused to
choose groups and next mistake made in choosing of college degree.
To students I will explain about life , what is addiction , if we do any criminal activity how will
it affect your life ,how to handle pressure and dipression because nowadays students are
choosing suicide for silly reasons and i have matured in my age of 18 about my life and what
to do next but in my age people are addicted to drugs and some bad things i need to stop
Thank you for this opportunity sir/mam


"If i become an ips or ias officer ,
band sand robbing,
punishment are severed and strictful ( for all illegal activities),
In metro cities ,one family one motor system .
Removing caste quota policy
Promoting agriculture and continual knowledge improvement for farmers (how important
agriculture is ),
Like giving monthly incentive policy should promote farmers to do agriculture.(short land
farmers only applicable)
Weekly People review meeting , monthly review meeting, annual review meeting without fail
If we promote agriculture ,we will be the healthiest and wealthiest country in the world.love
india !green india !
Vandhe maatharam
Jai hind"


"*My main goal after becoming an IAS officer:*
* *To reduce usage of narcotics among young generation step by step*
* *Make a awareness among people how to tackle stress, fear , anxiety*
* *To Make our society clean, hygiene by implementing awareness on a weekly basis*
* *Encouraging our society not to throw a garbage on roadside*
and etc.."

Kalai Gowtham P

"Remove all Prosopis juliflora is a shrub in the family Fabaceae, a kind of mesquite.
சீமை க் கருவே லம் என்றும், வே லிக்காத்தான் என்றும் பரவலாக அறியப்படும்
இது வே ளாண் நிலங்களை யும், பிற வாழ்வாதாரங்களை யும்
நாசப்படுத்தக்கூடிய ஒரு க ொடியத் தாவரம் அதை முற்றிலும் அகற்றப்பட
வே ண்டும்."

"Kalaiarasu "

" If i became an IAS officer, i mostly concentrate
on administrative based work, i can make my district as plastic -free zone. And my childhood
wish to cut away all the black Babul tree commonly called as கருவே லம் மரம். I sincerely
work to maintain law and order in my district.
That's all. Thank you sir"

Kalaivani from Thanjavur S

"If I become an ias officer at first I will take steps to
avoid violence against women and girl childrens and I should keep my district clean by
creating some awareness about our nature surrounding and I will to protect our nature as
much as possible .these are first step . Thank you sir/madam"


"I wish to keep letter box in every village like muthalvam movie, its really help to reach each
village have different needs and requirements if we do something evenly naa, it will reach
unevenly causes half way service so I wish to do some special and needful so my tought is
NEED Separate demand box in each village and second I think offer more employment
create employment for gratuates"

This kalpana. T

If I became a head officer in Tamilnadu
1)Making agriculture as a government job and paying salary to farmers
2) Giving employment to all people with basic salary,
To reduce poverty
3) Providing good transport facility with a good environment and dustbin in all areas
4) Low rented apartments for poor people
5) Growing trees in road side"

Kanimozhi Nachiyar K

"My Idea: ஐ ஏ எஸ் அகாடமிக்கு இந்த சிறந்த கருத்துக்களை கே ட்பதற்கு எனது
நன்றிகள். எனது எனது கருத்து என்னவெ ன்றால் வாரம் த ோறும் சனிக்கிழமை
அனை த்து கல்லூரிகள் பள்ளிகள் மற்றும் 100 நாள் வே லை திட்டத்தில்
வே லை செ ய்பவர்கள் அனை வரும் வாரத்தின் கடை சி நாளான சனிக்கிழமை
மரக்கன்றுகளை நடும் தினமாக அறிவித்து சனிக்கிழமை ஆள் ஒன்றுக்கு ஒரு
மரம் என்று அனை த்து மாணவர்கள் மற்றும் ப ொதுமக்களை மரம் நட செ ய்ய
வே ண்டும். முக்கிய குறிப்பு மரகன்றுகளை நடும்ப ோது அது சிறிய கன்றாக
இருப்பதால் தட்பவெ ப்ப நிலை யை தாங்கி வளரும் தன்மை மலரும் தன்மை
மரக்கன்றுகளுக்கு குறை வாக உள்ளது அதனால் ஓரளவு பெ ரிய
மரக்கன்றுகளாக நடுவது மரம் நன்றாக வளருவதற்கு வழிவகை செ ய்யும்.
மரக்கன்றுகளை நீர்நிலை கள் அதிகமாக உள்ள இடங்களில் நடுவது குறிப்பாக
ஓடை கள் ஓரம் ஆற்றுப்பகுதிகள் ஓரம் குளங்கள் ஓரம் மரக்கன்றுகளை நட்டு
வை த்தால் மிகவும் செ ழிப்பாக மனிதர்கள் கவனிப்பு இல்லாவிட்டாலும்
தானாகவே வளரக்கூடிய சூழல் ஏற்படும் ஆகை யால் மாவட்ட கலெ க்டர்கள்
கவனத்தில் க ொண்டாள் நமது தே சமும் பசுமை யான தே சமாக மாறும்
அனை த்து மக்களுக்கும் மரம் நடுவது அன்றாட வழக்கமாக மாறக்கூடும்.
எனது மனதில் இருந்த கருத்தை கூறுவதற்கு வாய்ப்பளித்த ஐஏஎஸ்
அகாடமிக்கு மிகவும் நன்றி ஒவ்வ ொரு சாமானியனின் குரலும் காற்றில்
கரை யும் கற்பூரம் ப ோல் ஆகிவிடுகிறது ஆகவே அவர்கள் வாழ்வில் ஒளி ஏற்ற
மாண்புமிகு கலெ க்டர்களை கே ட்டுக்க ொள்கிறே ன்


"நான் ஆட்சியர் ஆனால்,
1)சாலை ய ோர வசிப்பவர்களை தன்னார்வ குழுக்களுடன் இணை ந்து
அவர்களின் குழந்தை களுக்கு முழுமை யான கல்வி வசதி கிடை ப்பதை உறுதி
செ ய்யவும் அந்தப் பெ ற்ற ோர்களுக்கு எனது அதிகாரத்திற்குட்பட்ட பணிகளை
வழங்கி அடிப்படை தே வை களை பூர்த்தி செ ய்வே ன் 2)மலை கிராமங்கள்
மற்றும் ஒடுக்கப்பட்ட சமூகத்தினரின் குழந்தை களுக்கு நிலை யான கல்வியை
அளித்து சமூக ஏற்றத்தாழ்வுகளை உடை ப்பதற்கான முயற்சிகள் எடுப்பே ன்
3)சாதிய ஏற்றத் தாழ்வுகள் உள்ள கிராமங்களை குறை தீர்ப்பு கூட்டங்கள்
அல்லது இணை ய வழி தகவல் மூலம் கண்டறிந்து உடனடி நடவடிக்கை
எடுப்பே ன்
4)மது ஒழிப்பை தடுக்க மதுபானங்களின் விலை யை இரு மடங்காக்கி ஆதார்
எண்ணுடன் இணை த்து தனிநபரின் மது விற்பனை க்கான இலக்கு
நிர்ணயிப்பே ன் அந்த நபரின் விற்பனை யில் சரி பாதி அவர்களின்
குடும்பத்தாருக்கு செ ல்லும் வகை யில் மாற்றத்தை க ொண்டு வருவே ன"


".Naa oru IAS officer aana degree
mudichavaga job try panna Chennai,Banglore or Coimbatore idhumari periya city poga free
bus pass and stay panna quarters kudupen
Bcoz Inga job ku interview attend panna kasu
illama neraiyaperu irukaga including me ipo illa enoda past la"


"If I become an IAS officer my actions would be:
வாங்கும் ஊதியத்திற்கு ஒழுங்காக வே லை செ ய்யவே ன்.. தே வை யற்ற
விளம்பரங்கள் தவிர்த்து. மற்றும் பாஸ் செ ய்த உடன் அனை த்து
ஊடகங்களுக்கும் நே ர்காணல் க ொடுப்பதை கண்டிப்பாக தவிர்ப்பே ன்
எந்த துறை அல்லது பதவி வழங்கினும் அதில் சிரத்தை எடுத்து பணிபுரிவே ன்
திரை மறை வில் (behind the curtain) maintaining anonymity would be my atmost priority I
believe that will increase efficiency of a civil servant"

Karthikeyan G

"2000 la poda road da 1st podanum
2nd- government loan house கிடை க்காதவர்களுக்கு நே ரில் செ ன்று அதை
பயனடை ய செ ய்வே ன்.
3- government or private job pathi illana avanga talent cu yetha Mari job arrange panuvan
Nutrition department cu job arrange pannanum"

"Karthika "

"Afternoon sir ,
Nan IAS ana neraya change pananum nama country and State la elathukume main thing
*awareness* and *equality* ilathathu than sir ,,
1. Coastal side people kita education and job ethuvume ila, avangalukaga evlo schemes
iruku ana ethuvume avnagala reach aagala , so primary anga people oda livelihood develop
pananum sir
2. Education system change pananum sir because samacher system la only data than sir
iruku , current data kooda ila , only 2017 or 18 so avangaluku subject kammi panitu any
crash course like computer engineering field na python, Java school laye therijikirathu antha
alavuku ilanalum atleast basics , inaiku mostly elarume communication skills than ila atha
develop panalan , innum exam la osmatic pressure enanu kekama current affairs and
society pathi Inga like practical expose aaganum atleast clg yavuthu .
India la tamilnadu than road accident la 1st so
athukum elame develop pananum
Ela home layum kandipa toilet irukanum
Equality pathi parents meeting la pesanum
Schools and clg la"

"Karthika G "

"What is that one change you'll bring ?
I would first ensure that each and every people in my district get the basic required amenities
like food , shelter mainly in economic weaker villages. If not then I will make decision to
create awareness among people with various schemes introduced by state and central govt
(like loans , subsidies )
and make then enroll in that to meet their necessary requirements periodically.
Would initiate measures to conduct speech, essay competitions among school , college
students on preserving humanity , societal discrimination which I think will be a strong step
against caste , religious based discrimination."

"Karthikeyan B "

": Hello sir...im willing to give my idea for the
contest 'one officer one idea'... The most important changes and awareness that I would
have given to my people in Tamilnadu if I will become an IAS is ""Importance of cleanliness
around our society "" wastage, paper bags are the most important problem in the society.
Unknowingly and without any common discipline among people, our mother earth is getting
polluted every day.. So I have to focus on my earth, my nature and my society. Thank you.

Karunya J

No drink 🍺🍻 no smoke �


"TOPIC: If I Become an IAS Officer
My Topic: Scam In Rental Homes
1) Nowadays lots of poor people face problems in paying for a rental House Because of the
high level of the amount their charge They're not following the Government standards.
2) Due to this reason working people are getting more affected by House Owners
3) Young Generation, senior citizens And New degree holders are mostly struggling to pay
their rent Even if their earnings are good also.
4)House owners fixing a price for the house and not following Government standard Rules
like Rent by way of Cash and online transaction. They're not following Rent = (Usable sq ft x
usable sq ft rate each month) + (Common area x the rates per month for this type of area).
5) This is not the Right way to collect Rent this method of black money can increase.
1) We want to create an app for paying Rent bills
Examples: House society, TNEB, Gas cylinder Booking.
2) In the District collector's office or Municipal office House owners want to give quotation in
their if the value was true the offices can approve the amount.
3) In this method of Government can ensure that Rental house Security should be good.
4) Black money can be reduced through these online payment methods
5) Government can improve the working middle-class employee earnings.

Kaviarasan M

"I would like to change our educational system,
that there should not be any private schools and all the students in our nation should follow
the same board irrespective of the money.

"Kavitha shree.S "

"Am a working women
For my single child as a single mother
As per breafly I request
Definitely I will complete my degree and will come to study IAS and am sure that I was going to be an IAS officer And here my openion
That was In villages still not developed medical skills So incase any emergency For us not available ambulance immediately So I was going to establish Every each village Must one ambulance 24/7 1 staff nurse and duty driver This idea will help so many people And next one ... Not for only our state
Now a days Population was growing so fast For that And also keep our people strength in levels
I have an idea For their need One child they will give birth And another one.. means for second baby They can adopt any child as their child It will helps our population keeps stable And decrease the orphanschildren count! And here my openion That was In villages still not developed medical skills
So incase any emergency For us not available ambulance immediately And next one ... Not for only our state So I was going to establish Every each villageMust one ambulance 24/7 1 staff nurse and duty driver
This idea will help so many people Population was growing so fast Now a days For thatAnd also keep our people strength in levels I have an idea For their need One child they will give birthAnd another one..mean for second baby They can adopt any child as their child It will helps our population keeps stable And decrease the orphans children count! Sorry I was shared 2 times I think this 2 ideas is not best But I hope I will establish at my time Thank you Jai hind"

"Kaviya M "

I'm currently pursuing BE computer science engineering and my age is 20
My idea is If iam an ias officer I would to implement the 100% result to give in education our

Kaviya .s

"My dream is to become IAS officer. If I became a IAS officer mean.
Frist thing I try clean the govt and college and I try to give good infrastructure."

"Kaviya V "

"Implementation of library to
expand their knowledge about outside world and lmes workshop to create curiosity among
the students."

"Kaviyarasan "

"Hi sir/madam I am KAVYA TM from erode .
I will change all the Indian roads into Norway , Japan , Sweden country style roads. I make
this change wherever I post in India . I am not sure that it will be controlled but am sure that
the rate of death will be decreased when compared to previous times . That is the change I
make when I become an IAS officer.
Hello Sir / madam I am Kavya TM from Erode .
I make changes in Roads to prevent or to decrease the rate of accidents in our country.
Wherever I post in India I make sure that I make these changes . Countries like Norway
,Japan , Sweden are the countries which are the lowest accident rate countries so I made
our Indian type road into that country's type road and I suggest everyone to follow those
countries' traffic rules . I am not sure that it will be prevented completely but it will definitely
decrease the rate of accidents and accidents causing death . That is the change I make for
my country when I become an IAS officer ."

Kavya TM

"Hello sir..... நான் என்னுடை ய
ப ொறுப்பில் உள்ள மாவட்டத்தில் தாழ்த்தப்பட்டவர்களின் வாழ்க்கை தரத்தை
முன்னே றுவதற்கு நடவடிக்கை களை மே ற்க ொள்வே ன்.. இதன்மூலம்
சமூகநீதியை நிலை நாட்டி சமத்துவத்தை உண்டாக்க என்னாலான
பங்களிப்பை அளிப்பே ன"


"This is normal erukalam but this is very important
way of cleaning 🧹 india
Frist 1. Avoid drinks any like juice or achocol.
2.avoid glamour dance (movie) or local area.
3.change the government rules like strong culture & displine.
4.cleaning areas every people's should compulsory or clean vachirukanum compulsary
plants erukanum herbal plants.
5.phone system change pananum obvious movie or obviously any uncessaries shorts avoid
panum completely money kaga human body use panika kudadu.
5.human respect nu oru rules common na erukanum.like any relation like frds or family any
problems aduku advacates erukaga but rules common erukanum break pana heavy punish
erukanum especially human avaga body respect kudokanum.mentaly & physicaly.
7.avoid cast.
8.avoid unhealthy foods
9.improve agriculture productive.
10.medical pathi ellurum tarijirukanum because not only subject of maths science social etc
medical nu subject erukanum because humans
11.Loyalty erukanum marriage oru loyalty ellama
age (7) different eruthalum marriage panikiraga
12.Mainly many products avoid pananum
because food kaga many unhealthy food sapidoraga edunala health problem adigama
ayirudu Next tablets
12.Avoid unhealthy foods in local hotels
13.vegitables & fruits ellurum home laium
compulsory plants erukanum rules erutha. Nala erukum
11. Medical oru subject erukanum because
epailam chin vayasulaiye phone padu ketuporaga so medical oru subject erutha future
obvious oru word erukadu.
Medical subject like sports yoga, communication,
food types,breathing exercises,

"Keerthana P "

"Hi sir/mam I'm keerthana I'm just 12th passed
in the year 2023 I got 501 and I studied in government girls higher secondary school
My changes in my city= ennoda rounds la irukura all government school laiyum mainly in
10th 11th 12th classes ku sariya yella subject kum teacher irupangala papen that is my 1st
job in my future. Thank u"

Keerthana S

"""மகாத்மா காந்தி தே சிய ஊரக வே லை உறுதியளிப்புச் சட்டம்"".
இதை 100 நாள் வே லை என்று கிராமத்தில் அழை ப்பார்கள். இந்த
திட்டத்தின்படி கிராமத்தில் வே லை க்கு செ ல்பவர்கள் சிறு இடத்தை
வெ ட்டிவிட்டு ஓய்வு எடுத்துவிட்டு வருகிறார்கள். நான் மாவட்ட ஆட்சியராக
இருந்தால் 100 நாள் வே லை யை கிராமத்திர்கு பயனுள்ளதாக மாற்றுவே ன்.
எப்படி என்றால் கிராமத்தில் உள்ள தே வை யற்ற மரங்கள் உதாரணத்துக்கு
சீமை க் கருவே லம் மரத்தை அழித்து நிழல் தரும் மரங்கள், பயன் தரும்
மரங்கள் நட்டு அனை வருக்கும் பயனுல்லதாக மாற்றுவே ன். மாவட்ட
ஆட்சியராக இருந்தால் ஒரு மாவட்டத்தில் இத்திட்டத்தை அமல்படுத்த
முடியும். இதனை பார்த்து மற்ற மாவட்டங்களும் மாற்றம் அடை யும் என
நம்புகிறே ன். இந்த வாய்ப்பு அளித்ததற்கு நன்றி."


"Idea- There is a increase of sexual harassment to the women's. So I will tie up with woman
socialist and empowerment, try to give them a full freedom with the help of our government
with the help of app, call etc in the rural and commercial areas."

"Keshava Perumal.H "

"If i become an IAS or IPS officer I will stop releasing movies or to cut the scenes which gives
a negative impact to society about police and other govt officers (corrupted) to see
practically only some are corrupted and other noncorrupted officers are affected by these
kind of movies .Movies are watched by all people. By changing this the negative impression
or impacted created by movies can be changed slowly and some respect can be gained in
the society."


"I am a self-study upsc aspirant with lots of dreams
to pursue and to serve for the nation. I have gone through the oppurtunity afforded by the
officers IAS academy in providing possible support for the passionate upsc aspirants. So I
would like to grab this golden opportunity and that's why I am here.
My long term ambition is to be an IAS officer and
once I have achieved this I would like to implement the following changes:
1. The first change I want to make is that, to create complete confidence among the public,
about the officials in powers, in such a way that, by providing immediate solution to the
problem of the people whenever approached to govt officials especially without any kind of
bribe. I will take necessary action against the officials those who were disrespecting the
emotions of people and being contempt with them. I will forever assure the welfare of the
people in all the possible ways especially making sure that the govt schemes for the people
are reaching to them in a timely manner. 24×7 services will be provided in my adminstration
to all the people who are in need and emergency without any delay.
2. I will put all my full efforts focusing for the changing and enlightening the lives of physically
challenged, mentally affected, transgenders, people suffering from poverty, and shelterless
people, by encouraging them and helping them in resolving the issues and sufferings faced
by them.
I will promote the moral thinking among the people for organ donation which would enlighten
the lives of many persons who are at the edge of their lives in need of organs.
3.Promote the life of farmers and fishermen by filling the gap that exist between the govt and
them in receiving all the welfares provided by the government. I will definitely make positive
changes in their lives by taking sincere steps of action.
4. Next importantly, Education to poor children. There is a crisis that even nowadays so
many poor children are forced to work and could not able to study due to the financial
situations. I will definitely change this and make the children to get good quality of education.
5. Then women education and empowerment. Even though women are reaching peaks in a
wide range of profession, but still a girl wants to struggle for what she want to achieve. She
was restricted to certain chain rules of society like marriage at the age of 23, baby
immediately after marriage etc. I am being the girl who was facing this, I want to break this
myths and through my achievement I would like to make change in this society for
empowering women. I wanted to create a society that a girl can achieve whatever she wants
to be without these kind of struggles and with the complete support of her family and society.
6. Abolishing caste. However technologies are booming but still evil system of caste exists. I
would definitely create awareness about the caste systems especially among the students
and youngsters which would create a high positive impact in this society. Besides, I will take
the possible steps to eradicate the system of education based on the caste and money and it
should be completely based on the knowledge of the individuals.
7.Will support the growth of small scale industries and monitor the availability of related
schemes to the people.
8.Eradication of drugs to the greatest extreme is the next change I wanted to create as the
drug addiction among youngsters is increasing tremendously.
9.Besides, I will implement all the viable changes such as implementation of proper medical
systems, availability of nutritious foods and services, and to improve the responsibility of the
people in safeguarding the environment and natural resources by afforestation and
mitigating pollution to transform my society into a healthy and eco-friendly society.
10. Last but not least, I believe the next change I can create in this society is by sharing my
knowledge and motivating the youngsters. I would arrange for campaigns and seminars with
the students and youngsters and encourage them for being the best pillars of the nation.
Also, meet up with the teachers who have the highest responsiblity in moulding the future of
students. I will try my level best to give free guidance to the students who wanted to enter
into the world of competitive exams and wish to serve for the nation. Moreover, I will
frequently carry on ground level communication with the people to know the issues faced by
them, existing problems and immediate needs.
These are some of the changes I really want to make in this society and ultimately to say in
a single sentence, I will be a loyal, honest, sincere, unbiased, friendly and social serving IAS
I am a upsc self-study aspirant looking for a proper guidance as financially could not afford
for coaching. I hope my honest dreams and the true changes I wanted to make which I
shared here will pave me a way to make my upsc preparation stronger.
A huge thanks for this opportunity!!.


"Women's Independence
Women who are all interested to go for work they can go and kitchen work should be shared
equally by both genders.
: I think Tamilnadu girls have strong willpower"

"Kirubasri "

"நான் மாவட்ட ஆட்சியராக
பணிப்புரிந்தால் எனது மாவட்டத்தில் கட்டாயமாக *IAS ACADEMY மற்றும் NEET
COACHING CENTRE ஆகியவற்றை முற்றிலும் இலவசமாக துவங்கி
வை ப்பே ன்.* மே லும் அதிகாரத்தின் வலிமை மற்றும் முக்கியத்துவத்தை யும்
*முயற்ச்சித்தால் வெ ற்றி நிச்சயம்* என்பதை யும் மாணவர்களுக்கு புரியும்
வகை யில் பள்ளிகளிலும் கல்லூரிகளிலும் எடுத்துரை க்க வழி செ ய்வே ன்.
இதனால் பலரின் கனவுகள் நிறை வே றும் என்பது என் நம்பிக்கை .
: If I become District Collector I will
compulsorily start *IAS ACADEMY and NEET COACHING CENTER in my district
completely free of cost.* And I'll make a way to highlight the strength and importance of
power and make them believe that *effort is sure of success* in every schools and colleges
so that students understand . I will try to make some honest officers as much as I can. Thank

krithika Venkatesan

"I will sponser for students education. because in India 50% of students per year quitting
them favourite course or degree.
The major reason is family situation, scarcity of money"

"Kishor "

"The rich and the powerful always have
their ways and means to achieve their needs. So it’s the poor and the middle section of the
society who really needs the help of bureaucrats. But in the real time a common citizen
getting access to a bureaucrat is the greatest challenge. I see 2 reasons for this one when a
common citizen looks at the large building guards in front of a bureaucrat office, the clerks,
etc he get scared that he won’t get a chance to meet the officer and he walks away or else
the clerks don’t think that the issue the commoner brings is not that huge in order to get the
attention of the officer. So in order to overcome this and have a people oriented approach if I
become an civil servant I ll come out of my office room sit under a tree or a open place
inside the office compound atleast an hr a day in order to listen to people queries so that
people will also feel welcomed and start accessing bureaucrats more easily."

Kishore kumar

"If I will be IAS I will bring psychology and
spirituality as a subject from 6thstd, sex education, ban unnecessary videos, give a speech
to every student at school and try to give awareness on drug addiction for school students,
and provide free non-fiction books to read for students to every school, create awareness on
gov schemes among people. And I will provide awareness on the importance of UPSC and
try to bring the best education center for upsc in a particular appointed district."

"Kodeeswari D "

"I wanted to become an IAS officer..After gaining
Experience in the field and idea about district administration..I wanted to become an
Politician.I wanted to serve for this soceity..I wanted to be a change
I am willing to participate in *One Officer, One idea*
What is the one change I will bring when I become an
IAS officer is
I will implement strict rules in Solid waste management area, sir
This topic includes:
1)Awareness of single use plastic(Pros and cons of single use plastic, effect and cause of
plastics, Greenhouse gas effect, etc)
2) Implementation of 4R mottos(Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Recycle)
3)Detailed awareness about Micro plastic
4)Will introduce a new concept of *upgrading*
It is must to segregate the waste in proper bin in my regime, Sir
What is the one strong change I will bring if I become
a politician is..
Knowing the importance of education which is the strong base for everything, Agriculture
and Politics will be mandatory subject from 6th to 12th Standard..Also will implement
Practical methodology education in every feild.."

"Kokila "

"🔵I am Kokila Karunagaran from vellore
I am an engineering graduate.
#1-From my point of view, if I have been an IAS,
I will first collect the information of unemployed graduates who are all ready to teach. we can
place them as atleast temporary staffs in college or school.It may support them economically
and then who are all interested even employed persons in their weekends they can teach
the unpriviledged children who are all in a poverty line.
As a whole, apart from every donation, donating our knowledge is the best one to make
them lead their life through education😊. Even Am also anticipating such plan to share my
#2- If I have been an IPS, first I will try to get a list of people and children who are criminal
listed and under 18, the reason
If I become a collector. I will first take action to clean the garbage in public places. Next
action strictly avoid to cut trees because it help to future generation.Name: Kokilavani. R
If I become a collector. I will first take action to clean the garbage in public places. Next
action strictly avoid to cut trees because it help to future generation.may be the poverty
mostly.we can give them right solution by collecting their reasons of it. so that we can
prevent the future criminals 😊"

Kokilavani. R

"Ella girls kitaum yarathu oru payanathu abuse panirupan ...avangala avana onum pana
mudiyama kasata patu irupananga .. oru vela na Ips or IAS aana avanga ellarukum oru
chance kuduthu avanga ellarum abuse pana avanga la avanga aasa Padi panismant thara

Kokila S

"If I become a collector. I will first take action to clean the garbage in public places. Next
action strictly avoid to cut trees because it help to future generation."

"Kokilavani. R "

I will establish public cold storge units in my district through public private model .

Koushik kanna R

"1.Only educated people must be become a politician.
Not only a degree.
must they will be a intellectual person.
2.education system
quality of education.
Identify area of interest and teach.
skill developing education.
Career track system based education.
The both things will be executed.
maximum all problems are solved."

Kowshik K

If I become an IAS officer,
People are not aware on govt schemes & not interest to know about thus, These are
drawback of our democratic India & we should push them to participate and known about
govt schemes and govt camp.
For example:-
Gram shaba meeting conducting very year.
The village president is chairman of that meeting and he announce some schemes in front
some people only. We should ordered to village president, Very scheme at district level
should announce infront of people and their opinion.
This continues practice makes and trained every people to get their rights from govt. This
avoid officer's power missuse from bottom of the country.
I hope this made a real democracy in our beloved indian�"

"Krishnakanth. S "

"Even small things should be taken care,
Being an inspiring officer by her/his work, she/he can lead the people just by his motivating
1. Government job kedacha peruma? government hospitals, schools na matum kevalama?
I'm not mentioning everywhere but mostly. Government standards should be improved
people should believe in government service. Government Hospitals should be very clean
patients are staying there so hospitals should take more responsibility and monitor
cleanliness of hospitals. (Every hospital )
2. Roadside and streets should be very clean . Very strict rules to be followed for that.
3. People on streets and beggers should be taken care very much we lost humanity there.
Not only for officers , As a human each People should volunteer to responsible by creating
them a small job opportunity to people who can able to do. There are lot of elders in street
they can even walk we can join them in a home. A group of people can also be appointed to
take care of these things in every place.
4. Village is also a place people are living . Every basic needs should be avaliable there.
They don't have to travel to town just for simple things.
Make sure everything is available there in case of emergency stuffs.
5. In Government offices and banks every person coming there should be treated common.
There should be no partiality for High Image people and for a commoner . Every one is equal
even they have the same need so the procedure to be followed for everyone at that time.
Postponing the work for 1 week or the next day. For a simple work we don't need to come for
multiple times. Getting money if not keeping that work in pending. There are people coming
they can't afford for even food. Government officers are appointed to serve people not to
earn. Everyone seeking the work should be treated equal.
6. Improvements in Agricultural field for more yield.
7. Patriotism should be improved in students. They should believe in our country and
government. They should come and serve for our nation.
8. Important is interacting with people to understand their needs.
9. Iniating social/environment developmental projects.
10. Doing more social works with volunteers doing more camps in special occasions.
Few are listed above that I noticed in my personal experience. -

Krishnapriya T

"I request to the Tamizhnadu governor,change it.
Tamil means தமில்/தமிள். The correct
pronunciation is Tamizh-தமிழ்.
""Zh-ழ்"" is special for tamil.
But we use everytime Tamil.(Ulundurpet) Final year of B.tech"


"Namma oorla naraya per periya schools or colleges la padikkanum nu ninaikuranga and
parents um atha than virumburanga. They also go for educational loans for that or kadan
vaangi naalum padikka vaikkanum nu ninaikkuranga.
Many of them are not aware of Scholarships provided by state govt and central government.
So If I become an IAS officer will definitely take measures to give awareness on these
scholarships for students, teachers and parents.
Will also make sure that it reaches the needful students😊"

Krishnaveni M

லஞ்சம் ஒலித்தாலே மிகப்பெ ரிய மாற்றம் ஏற்படும


"My native town is Thiruvarur. In Thiruvarur, there is a pond called Kuluthalamman kulam.
During my school days, I used to pass by the pond .The pond was filled with algae, some
kind of water plants which doesn't give any benefits and also it prevents the sunlight to reach
the bottom of the pond. Sometimes Government and people tried to clear that mess on the
pond . But whatever they do, the problem didn't get solved. I think the reason for this that
there is no continuous activities on the pond like if people do some chores on the pond like
fishing, or they can try to grow some Lotus like flowers , there will be no algae formation or
growing of other waste plants. People do not know how to maintain the pond . Sometimes
they threw off some wastes on the pond. It also creates lot of problems.
As these waste plants covers the surface,there is no aeration inside ponds. Sometimes it
gives off smell. Actually the pond is surrounded with people. If the pond is maintained in a
proper way , it will useful for people as well as the area will have a pleasant look.
Since I was a school student, I thought oneday I should make steps to clean this pond and I
should give people some awareness about the cleanliness of the pond. So If I become a civil
servant, I will make this change in town.

Kuzhalie S N A

"And I will introduce the time limitations for smartphone usage and smartphones are strictly
prohibited for children who are below 18 and My ultimate aim is "" Everyone need to do
agriculture in each home ""
If we cultivates more, then we will yield more...
Then poverty will be reduced, Employment will increase..then GDP growth 📈 may


"100%100% bribe free education 100%
bribe free education 100% poor children literacy
100% லஞ்சம் இல்லாமல் கல்வி
வழங்க வே ண்டும்,100% லஞ்சம் இல்லாமல் வே லை வழங்க வே ண்டும், ஏழை
குழந்தை களுக்கு கல்வியறிவு வழங்க வே ண்டும்."


"My idea- i can still see that Freedom of choice is not going practical. Every individual finds
difficulty in choosing his interest at any field. He/she finds difficult mainly because there are
no adequate support in their side. Some people face discrimination based on all stereotypes
what the society has.
Everybody says the society should change, the society should accept.
My solution is, we should consider our family as a socitey and act/change. I wil conduct
Awareness programs at regular intervals, where the discriminations are more.
I should convey to society that your origin doesn't when you have success. The society will
not focus on what are you where are you from, it sees you as a success person."

Siva T Lalith Kumar

School system want to improve


"My ambition IFS
Safety animal. Forest
Don't cut the,Tree and plant.
Any person doesn't destroyed the forest and animal
So. No point .I love the nature😍

" Logesh Kanna A "

"Changes I would bring in Tamil Nadu as a district collector:
1) towards poor :
A) promote availability of micro credit like Sishu Mudra loans.
B) awareness on Healthcare, with routine public health checkups and Ayushman bharat
C) construct affordable housing projects through PPP model for the poor.
D) ensure zero hunger through Antyodya anna yojana.
2) towards women
A) promoting of Self Help Groups to enable financial independence.
B) Awareness on hygiene, free availability of Sanitary pads.
C) take steps to improve women's labour force participation.
D) make public places safe for women through CCTVs, emergency sos etc.
3) for old aged :
A) proper monitoring of old age houses.
B) promoting insurance schemes.
4) children :
A) improving government school infrastructure.
B) proper implementation of Indradhanush scene for 100% immunization.
C) establishing community play areas and green spaces.
5) vulnerable section
A) create a district Transgender protection cell.
B) make public infrastructure more friendly to specially abled.
C) establish district level migrant protection cell.
6) general
A) revitalize grievance redressel mechanism to hear people's complaints and
B) digitalisation of government services to prevent corruption and reduce time for
service delivery.
C) proactively promote Citizens chatter to empower citizens.
D) engage NGOs and Civil societies to promote proper delivery of government
E) prevent leakage of government resources like rationalizing PDS.
D) identify appropriate beneficiaries of each scheme and rationalise inclusion and
My overall objective is to create a welfare administration that is more incisive. My primary
focus will be on education of children which has the potential to holistically transform the
society towards the goal.
[11/07, 11:04 am] Logeswar S Speech 2023: I would also use to technologies such as AI,
drones etc in every possible areas to improve overall efficient of welfare schemes.

Logeswar S

"My idea was ""India government is saying always
that I our nation equality is more important but that is not following in our nation because
[10/07, 9:51 pm] Lohith S Speech 2023: In Tamilnadu, female employees are equal to the
number of male employees but In government bus here free for only female why not male
so here ""law of equality was BROKEN!!!!!!""
[10/07, 9:52 pm] Lohith S Speech 2023: Ofcourse I'M MALE �"

Lohith S

"I watched bookshow shorts
The change I want to bring after becoming I A S officer means to implement meditation in
every prison under my district including police officers who are working with prisoners"


"Aim : Doing Right to the Right people in Right time.
Inspecting govt schools,colleges and hospitals regularly..Mainly govt. Schools because the
classes are not taken in a proper way."


"MY IDEA : No need to submit
community certificate in school and college
Next generation wants to know
religious and community is a bad word
NEXT IDEA : Every boy and girl
must learn when he/she obtain the age of 18.
no need to go work(part time only accept after the age of 15)


" I will change
Eliminate the caste system
i.e)low marks+scheduled caste= seats in good colleges
i.e) high marks+open category=no seats
Politicians need not be well educated but should be talented and skillful to ease the
sufferings of the people.
Flexible inflation targeting
Hanging punishment for the female rapists. After this, no one should even think about
this again.
Thank you for this opportunity �"

Madanika M

"Good evening
I'm Madhu Prabha from Thiruchuli
virudhunagar district my qualification BA English graduate
I like change the inequality between male and
Madhu Prabha Speech"

Madhu Prabha S

": If i were an IAS officer,
My concerns are on rural areas :
• Foremost change i would do is renovate schools infra in my region and provide awareness
on importance of school education so that no child left on schooling along with that i like to
inculcate few skill developments like computer knowledge, Organic /kitchen garden
techniques etc
• Next is empowering women by providing with minimum qualifying jobs like tailoring ,
cottage industry activities etc
• For adult boys and men employment opportunities can be given eg in manufacturing
• To provide community certificate for deprived sections so that they can have their own
• I wish to provide basic amenities to people which they lack and to implement govt schemes
•If i get posted in urban area :
my approach is mainly on digital literacy, drug awareness , women safety to adults.
• To provide recognition to unorganized workers.
More than all the change should be in region specific so that people get benefit outofall
and would yield administrative efficiency!!
Thankyou Officers academy for the opportunity�"

"Madhu vantheka R "

"Hi sir my greetings to everyone !
This is my kinda opinion among the society development!!
Myself Madhumitha gajendiran
In from Chennai
""I think the biggest change is to change ourselves ""
One small change leads to a big good thing !
Everyone has to think that this is our nation ,our society,our democracy and our people ! This
makes everybody make a good decision among society and our nation !!
Don't blindly trust those politicians ,to make good political parties the answer is us !
We have the power to just think in all possible ways and make the decision !!
Love our nation our pride !!
நம் நாடு󰏝🫶JAI HIND 󰏝
The solution is to change our Rules and regulations !! If the punishments are stricter then the
crime will be controlled! To the people For the people By the people this is our democracy!
Let's make a change together!! Unity in diversity 🫶!!
Let's make it among us,education, society development,politicians and so on !!
Indians! Jai hind 󰏝

Madhumithagajen J

"Good Evening Sir/Madam;
If i am selected, I would take actions to provide crafty foods in schools to attract children.
Provide the items required for student's hobbies so children would avoid stagefears, learning
team work and betterment and also reduces stress. It should be a competition but not a bet
with marks. Emergency Resques should be thought to the students because heartattacks
most times happens outside the hospital.so basic firstaids should be taught to save more
lives and to educate common people with their own children and also to make students
motivated for helping hands.
And also I would try to take actions to register abortion, so that not all will force a woman to
do it. Instead a healthy family could be created with certain structures and all pregnant
women could be monitored with Doctor's vision. All government hospitals can arrange such
forms from the first checkup, so that a woman could take her own decisions. The base nurse
should monitor it because she might get to the patient in the early stage and could educate
commonfolks through her down to the earth behaviour in correct time with the knowledge of
As a whole i would bring many changes with my heart and soul and it's hard for me to
pickout oneidea in generals. Thanks for your time Sir/ Madam to let me answer a learning
question for today."

"Madhumitha.G "

would like to humbly present before you, my Ideas for the competition - *ONE OFFICER,
I have dreamt of becoming a Civil Servant, since my final days of my Medical College Life, I
always wanted to become an *IAS Officer*,
I feel an *IAS Officer* gets various *powers, duties and responsibilities* to serve the people
and society of *INDIA* when, posted at various *Departments* at various *Posts and
Grades* in their Service Years.
So, If I get an opportunity to Serve as an *IAS Officer* at the *District Administration Level*, I
have many welfare ideas to implement in the District, for the benefit of the Society.
Since , the Competition is on
That, *ONE IDEA* is:
I will give special focus and attention to ensure that the
*Prohibition of Employment as Manual Scavengers and their Rehabilitation Act, 2013*,
is implemented at all levels of the District and waste management of the District is done
professionally without any manual scavenging,
Ensure that *Cleanliness Workers (தூய்மை பணியாளர்கள்)* of the District get the
required *Safety Equipments* (Face Mask, Hand Gloves, Foot Boots etc.,) for the
cleanliness work to be done.
Also conduct Health Camps periodically, targeted for *Cleanliness Workers (தூய்மை
பணியாளர்கள்)* for their Well Being.
I feel that the above mentioned idea, will bring a big change in the Society of the District.
Thank You,


"If I would become an IAS officer, I would
definitely focus on women empowerment. In my point of view, if the women in a society is
empowered and flourished, the whole nation will be on its growth phase.Though there exists
many welfare schemes for women to flourish in life, a lot of changes need to be
implemented. We should make the society in such a way where women should feel so safe,
independent, valued, empowered. So I will do all the possible measures to make each and
every women empowered and Respected. Thank you for this opportunity to let my thought
reach you!"


"நான் ஒரு மாவட்டத்திற்கு
ஆட்சியராக பதவியே ற்றால்:
> முதலில் அந்த மாவட்டத்தின் முக்கியமான பிரச்சினை களை ஆராய்ந்து
அதனை சரி செ ய்ய பாடுபடுவே ன்.
> என்னுடை ய மாவட்டத்தில் விவசாயிகளை இயற்கை வழியில் விவசாயம்
செ ய்ய ஊக்குவிப்பே ன். அவர்களை ஊக்குவிக்கும் ப ொருட்டு தகுந்த
பரிசுத்த ொகை யும் , விருதும் அளிப்பே ன். முக்கியமாக பெ ண் விவசாயிகளை
ஊக்குவிப்பே ன்.
> மாதவிடாய்கால வறுமை ( period poverty) ஒழிக்க பாடுபடுவே ன். அதற்காக
என்னுடை ய மாவட்டத்தில் உள்ள அனை த்து பள்ளி , கல்லூரிகளிலும்
இலவசமாக சானிட்டரி நாப்கின் வழங்கும் இயந்திரத்தை ப ொருத்துவே ன்.
> திறந்தவெ ளி கழிப்பிடங்களை அகற்றி அனை த்து வடுீ களிலும் கழிவறை
வசதிகளை ஏற்படுத்தித் தருவே ன்.
> அம்ருத் திட்டத்தின் கீழ் அனை த்து வடுீ களிலும் குடிநீர் வசதி மற்றும்
நீர்நிலை களை தூர்வாரி அதனை விவசாயத்திற்கு பயன்படுத்துமாறு
வழிவகை செ ய்வே ன்.
> மலை வாழ் இளை ஞர் கள் & பெ ண்களை சிறு த ொழில் முனை வ ோர் ஆக்க
பாடுபடுவே ன். அங்குள்ள குழந்தை களுக்கு தரமான பள்ளிக்கல்வி &
உயர்நிலை கல்வி கிடை க்க வழிவகை செ ய்வே ன்.
> கிராமங்களில் பெ ண்கள் சுய உதவி குழுக்கள் மூலம் அவர்களை சிறு
த ொழில்கள் செ ய்ய ஊக்குவிப்பே ன்.
> பெ ண்கள் பாதுகாப்பிற்கும் & அவர்களுடை ய முன்னே ற்றத்திற்கும்
பாடுபடுவே ன்.
> என்னுடை ய மாவட்டத்தில் உள்ள இயற்கை வளங்களை பாதுகாக்க
பாடுபடுவே ன்.
> தரமான சாலை வசதிகளை ஏற்படுத்தித் தருவே ன்.
> அரசு வழங்கும் திட்டங்கள் அனை த்து மக்களுக்கும் குறிப்பாக கிராமப்புற
பகுதிகளில் உள்ள மக்களுக்கு கிடை க்க வழிவகை செ ய்வே ன்.
> சாதி மத வே றுபாடு இல்லாத சமுதாயத்தை உருவாக்க பாடுபடுவே ன்."

"Maimoon ul afreen H "

"This is for an thought of what will do if i will be a
high commission in a District
Government Hospital should be maintained and kept active status
Mostly every day as per shedule Government officer should visit and check their health and
ask questions to the Hospital staff if anyone is Wrong
Goverment hospital la Free ambulance available but Driver ku pay pannaum Death
certificate ku 300 pay pannanum
Why we have to do it
Otherwise Body yaaa Ambulance la yetha maataangaa
oru uyir pona valiya vida ivanga pandrathu romba valikum athuku monitor panna Staff
My personal experience la soldren
Trichy Mahatma Gandhi memorial hospital la ipdi pay panni thaaan yen father Body kondu
vanthoom ☹"

Shaik Al Maliq M

"Hosur is an industrial area. We have thousands of MSME in Hosur but number of woman
run business is less than 5% and also woman hold less position in key business decision of
large companies in hosur. Though the issue is throughout the nation ,I would create a
change in my localities by creating awareness programme and implementing the change in
incremental way. This will create harmony in society by creating employment opportunities."

Malathi M

"I am writing not only from the
perspective of an IAS/IPS officer but also with the aim of promoting the well-being of all
[11/07, 8:06 am] Mani Ramachandran Speech 2023: 1. I am committed to providing proper
justice to victims, regardless of their nationality, religion, caste, creed, background, race, or
any other factor.
2. Every wrongdoer must be held accountable and punished to prevent future misconduct
and ensure a safer society.
3. The justice I deliver will serve as a deterrent, discouraging others from committing similar
wrongs in the future.
4. I firmly believe in gender equality and will ensure that both sides are thoroughly examined
when addressing any wrongdoing. Justice will be served to the victim based on a fair and
unbiased evaluation.
5. We need individuals who unite the world, transcending differences in religion, caste,
nationality, race, language, or any other factor.
6. Accessible and quality education should be provided to everyone, empowering individuals
to create a better future.
7. Sexual harassment against women by toxic individuals must be swiftly stopped, and
severe punishment should be imposed to uphold justice and discourage such behaviour.
8. I will always stand on the side of truth and strive to deliver justice in every situation.
9. Truth will ultimately triumph over falsehood, ensuring a just and righteous society.
10. I will invest my time, energy, and resources in promoting hospitality, global peace, and
initiatives to eradicate hunger for the well-being of the global community.
11. In extreme cases, anyone engaging in wrongdoing will face severe punishment,
regardless of their background, to prevent violence, further criminal activities, and protect
people around the world.
12. A good leader inspires goodness in their followers, creating a positive impact worldwide
and fostering a magnificent planet where wrongdoing is minimized.

"Mani Ramachandran "

" If i'll become IAS, Every govt officials childrens
only govt school la thaan padikanum, then avanga family govt hospital thaan consult
pannanumnu rule create pannuven otherwise job termination including me, then only govt
schools and hospitals get higher standard,
Then less than 1.5 LPA revenue iruka family ku thaan privilege provide pannuven not for

Manikandan S

I am intrested for public service


"If I become an IAS officer
தாழ்த்தப்பட்ட மக்களுக்கு அடிப்படை
தே வை யானவற்றை யும் அந்த கிராமத்தை யும் வளர்ச்சி அடை ய செ ய்வே ன்
எல்லா மக்களை யும் சரிசமமாக நடத்துவே ன் ஜாதி மத வே றுபாடு இன்றி
அனை வருக்கும் சம உரிமை க ொடுத்து தாழ்த்தப்பட்ட மக்களுக்கு
முன்னுரிமை வழங்குவே ன் அவர்கள் தே வை யை நிவர்த்தி செ ய்வே ன்
To promote rural areas development and
enhance farmers life"


"From my point of view, I always don't like
to travel in government bus or to get into government bus stand to get bus because of the
bad building conditions and bad bathroom building & bad smell bathrooms uncleaned for
more than 2 or 3 years . It spreads allover bus stand And also the buses, they are cleaned
but not sanitized.
Basically almost every government building or any public bathroom or any public gathering
places are basically are not in good condition.only the higher level bulidings looks good
And the roads almost every city are having the worst roads, mostly CHENNAI.
I will take actions on these things and more"


"விவசாயத்துக்கும் நம்பல ோட அடுத்த தலை முறை க்கு நிலத்தடி நீர்
கிடை க்கணும். அதுக்காக நிலத்தடி நீர் அதிக அளவு உறிஞ்சி எடுக்கும் corporate
companies licence ரத்து செ ய்வே ன். (அடுத்து இப்ப ோ ர ோடு ஓரத்துல இருக்குற
மரத்த எல்லாம் வெ ட்டி எடுக்குறாங்க அதை தடை செ ய்யணும்)"


"Naa upsc exam ku padika dha tamilnadu vandhen...naa free coaching poitu irundhen sir,
anga apdi oru class ku poitu return hostel poga naa bustand la wait pannitu irundhen.andha
bustand la oru begger eppodhum paduthuruparu , apdi annaiki oru naal avaru thanni
thaagatha thanika road orama malai peanju thengi alukka irundha thanniya kaiyaala Alli
kudicharu sir.annaiki naa manasula nenachadhu naa IAS aana first tamilnadu la beggers ku
oru home katti avangaluku oru life kodukanum... government kooda idhuku nu konjam fund
odhuki ,andha maadhiri irukra beggers ku oru new life ah kaamikanum ,avanga beggers ah
irundhirukanga apdi nu avangaluku nenaipe varama something pannanum.avanga mind ,
brain ah maathanum
first aim TO Abolish the beggers in
tamilnadu may be if i became an IAS officer
Andaman la apdi beggers yaarume illa.naa
apdi yaarayum paathadhe illa.andha first time Tamil Nadu la paakavum enakum manasuku
kastama irundhuchu.oru 10 water bottle vaangi kudika kooda mudiyama makkal irukranga


"A pleasant evening to officers ias academy ✨✨
I am P.Manju ,21 yr old ,a UG graduate from Salem.
If I became an IAS Officer, I will introduce a program called "" *Let's make the world*
known"" in government schools. This is a program which makes the children aware of the
world with lots of opportunities and options they have. This program makes them
💥Reading books to create a broad and wider mindset to approach the society and the
world , while a getting a breeze of the new world makes them more thoughtful and matured
and they won't make around the silly things in the society, they think bigger and makes
bigger achievements,
💥 Reading newspapers to know what happening around them, this is very important for
every person to be aware of their society around them and
💥Giving them rational thoughts will make them to think rationally in future. Students are
the future generation , so students with the rational thoughts will give a rational society
.These rational society doesn't stick to irrational customs we have but move on to approach
the advancing world , they won't urge on to get a massive yield by stuffing the land with
chemical fertilizers and draining its fertility but thinks of making a sustainable future , they
won't involve in a crimes which make their life dark but they make a beautiful society with a
great surroundings for their progeny and
💥 Unemployment is one of the major crimes, giving new updates and inventions of the
world , makes them to avail the opportunities and options they have around the world and
they won't be unemployed , they start availing the opportunities.
All these efforts makes the students of government schools to approach the world with
great understanding and they achieve bigger and bigger and more and more. If we jointly
makes this happen, and proves that even a student from government schools can become
a great personality of India , people start joining their children to government schools
irrespective of their economic background , only for the knowledge their children acquire.
Then, government schools will not be a school of poor children and it will be a centre of
knowledge where can make a great personalities. If it happens ,after some considerable
years, education will be in the hands of government not in the hands of corporates who
make business out of education. A small change for a period of time makes a big revolution.
A disease should be cured from the rootcause. I believe that solution for all the criminal
and civil offenses are lying in correcting the children of schools by giving them a proper
education and awareness about the world to approach with better understanding and
rational thoughts because they are the hope of the nation.
*Let's make the world known* to the future of our nation and hope for a better nation.
Finally ,Thank you so much to the officers ias academy for the opportunity to share my

"Manju P "

"If I become an IAS/ IPS of a district,
The first thing I would do is I'll organise a public opinion seeking meeting. So that I would
become aware of the local issues prevalent in that area.
Then I'll sort it down from most urgent to least urgent and what lies within my jurisdiction and
capacity. And the needful will be done.
Because I think this job is all about serving people and only by knowing what issues they
face we could serve them better.
Interaction of officers with the public is one change I would like to bring about.

Manjula K

"If I become an IAS officer, my idea is that , I
will be working for Tamil nadu's education development and I will working for people
upliftment without any discrimination"

"Manoj Kumar "

"To reduce sexual assault for women in my
And martial rape
To keep my city clean and free from pollution
To reduce unemployment
Best scheme for below 18 children
Provide safety and secure for women in employee office
Give training for higher education in my expenses
And provide savings scheme for individual"

"Martin infant S.R "

"IDEA TO CHANGES IN INDIA: (Justice, Liberty, Equality and Fraternity) All the people
believe in the authorities so,I want to prove it…."

"Mathan "

"My aim ambition futur everything is IAS
I know defin I will IAS In future
I don't know where I get post so if I get post anywhere any place I do certain things mainly
1)I want to meet people directly and finished their sturggle
2)I want to make my city clean so I give basic rules and education about cleaness
3)in my village government schools bathroom is always not clean so in my district every
government schools offfice is check to maintain by clean
4)main policy Is no corruption I will try to stop corruption and if there is any wrong I will give
severe warning or punishment
5) education cleaness corruption women's empo and road safety this 5 is my main motyve
goals 👍

Mathi Vadhani

"என்னுடை ய ஊரில் நான் விரும்பும்
இந்தியா புரட்சியாளர் அண்ணல். அம்பே த்கர் அவர்களுடை ய ""இந்திய
அரசியல் அமை ப்பை "" அடிப்படை யாக க ொண்டு செ யல்படுகின்றது. அதன்
முக்கிய ந ோக்கமாக இருக்கும், "" சுதந்திரம், சமத்துவம், சக ோதரத்துவம்""
என்ற க ோட்பாட்டின் முக்கியத்துவத்தினை புரிந்துக ொள்ள அடிப்படை யான
தே வை களை கட்டமை த்துக் க ொடுப்பே ன். அதன் மூலம் அரசு வே லை கள்
ஆகியவற்றில் அதிகார இடத்திற்குச் செ ல்ல உத்வே கப்படுத்தும்
ந ோக்கத்துடன் செ யல்பட்டு மாற்றமடை யச் செ ய்வே ன்.


"""இல்லாளுக்கும் எல்லாம் (சமத்துவம்)
உண்டு"". சூழ்நிலை களால் மறுக்கவில்லை சூழ்நிலை கை திகளாக மறை த்து
வை க்கப்பட்டு உள்ளார்கள் என்ற உண்மை யே உணர்ந்து சாதித்த நான்
இல்லற வாழ்க்கை யில் (திருமண வாழ்க்கை யில்) தன் இலட்சிய கனவை
த ொலை த்த பெ ண்களுக்கு அதை மீட்டெ டுக்கும் வழியே உருவாக்குவே ன்.
தாயின் மன வலிமை யே (சாதனை ) கண்டு வாழும் அடுத்த தலை முறை யினர்
தன் இலட்சிய கனவை த ொலை த்து விடமாட்டார்கள்.இல்லற பெ ண்கள்
முன்னே ற இந்நாடும் முன்னே றும். காலம் தாமதம் ஆகலாம் என் கனவு தடை
கண்டு தயங்காத"

Menaga G

"implement poverty alleviation programs, promote education and skill development, and
ensure equal opportunities for all citizens. increase transparency in government processes,
ensure proper utilization of public funds, and address corruption and malpractices.Implement
smart traffic management systems, including real-time traffic monitoring, intelligent traffic
signals, and smart parking solutions. This will help reduce congestion, enhance road safety,
and improve the overall efficiency of transportation.

Mervin franklin.S

"Idea: ""Clean Streets"" in urapakkam
I lived in urapakkam in 2015-2017 , we could see garbages dumped here and there in all
streets in urapakkam . Then I moved to trichy in mid of 2017 and went to urapakkam in 2023
. In 6 yrs , there were so many changes/development in urapakkam GST road , many retail
outlets , hotels, even signals in teastall shop and school stop , but the streets are still
dumped with more and more garbages . Definitely there is a need to implement an efficient
garbage disposal method .
Though am residing at Trichy now , i would wish to see clean streets in urapakkam .


"Based on the link: https://youtube.com/shorts/l_PrCiBagxw?feature=share
If I were an IAS officer of Thanjavur City ( where I was born), I would be doing the following.
Thanjavur, as a district, hosts not just the World Heritage Big Temple, but also numerous
temples of various time periods around its circle. It is high time to renovate them and make
them to be appreciated for not just religious beliefs but also for the history of the past they
carry with them. I would like to steer focus on the Big Temple. It is one of the temples that
has moat for its own and without any proper maintenance. While crocodiles aren't needed in
this era, we can make it a tourist recreational spot. The trip can be offered with a discourse
of the temple's history through guides or technology. Venturing in, one can find towers built
across 6-7 centuries. The history, the material science, architecture marvel, and engineering
achievement will be communicated to visitors across various languages in visual medium. A
light show and traditionally followed Bharatnatyam dance and classical music orchestra
needs to be installed in a regular basis. A crash course in music, dance, paintings and
sculptures can be provided. Within a 50 km radius of the city, there are nearly 20 renowned
historical temples that also include old and renowned churches and mosques too. The city is
famous for classical music, classical dance, paintings, sculptures, architecture, and
agriculture. It also hosts the oldest dam, and numerous rivers. Renovating the temple and
establishing resorts and tourists recreational adventures across the undisturbed river banks
can attract global community owing to the availability of cheap, enjoyable, and luxurious
tourist destination. This prevents river sand mining, and at the same time, makes the river
flow throughout the year which once was. The agricultural community grows. The tourist
attraction offers employment and business opportunities to the locals. Thus, the city can
achieve self sufficiency in the economic and happiness index."

"Mithun Sundhar B "

"Respected sir/mam
I am become a collector,My first work to stop the drugs like coolip the most of the school and
collage students are using this types of drugs,this situation is continues all the students were
affected by some diseases"


" Hi sir
1. Dasmark shop Oolippu
2 plastics Oolipu
3 pravit Institute Oolipu
4 aaraceilvathi Dretment in government hospital
5 10 year childrens kku ippomaiy naama pakutharivu sollikodukannu"

Mohamed abdulla S

"Uncovered borewell ah mudalana arrest
Reason : adukulla viluravaga mostly teenagers illana periyavaga illa onnumey teriyadha
chinna pasaga
Thank you"

Mohamed yasar A



"If i become an IAS officer i would like to plant tree saplings all over my district and ill
punish the people who cut over the trees unnecessary ly with under control of law"

Babu A

As I notice that everyone is talking about education only, but we are in India in every state,
everyone is Excellent in studies that we can see, so education is not the problem... From my
thoughts the problem was DISCIPLINE, there was only one or few educating disciplines,
that's why the environment is so cruel... I hope this little change makes a big difference. If I'm
an IAS officer, I will implement it.
Ex. Discipline classes, not splitting signage boards, everything with active guard with
immediate fine.
Trust me it will work one day"

Mohamed Hameed Sohail S K

"Myself Mohamed Hashim R from Puducherry UT,I had completed my degree in bachelor's
in commerce,now I'm preparing for civil services examination for the year 2025;And I'm
hoping to join in Indian Police Service,if I will become a police officer the first thing that I will
do is
Working with fullest of my hardwork to eliminate the discrimination on the grounds of caste.
As a rural boy I can able to understand the pain of victims,recently I have read news on the
issue of caste discrimination i.e caste Hindus in the village have prevented Adi Dravidars
from entering the Dharmaraja Droupadi Amman temple in Villupuram(2023󰣹) some media's
are publishing this news by creating bad psychological infrastructure among the readers.the
famous newspaper‘thinamalar’ headline the issue with “பட்டியல் இன மக்கள்
க ோயிலுக்குள் நுழை யக்கூடாது என்று ப ொதுமக்கள் ப ோராட்டம்”.my question is
பட்டியலின மக்கள் ப ொதுமக்கள் இல்லை யா? 󰤅󰣹(This is absolutely
condemnable, but no officers or leaders oppose this) so I will concentrate on the issue of
discriminations.secondly I will make friendly relationship with other government official from
sub ordinate to superior especially in revenue department. Because still now, most of the
people or students can't obtain their certificates such as income,caste, residence,etc..it
seems like a small issue but it can make huge impact on any individuals life."

Mohamed Hashim R

"If I become an IAS officer
I will put order to all school which under my district to give the training of Martial Arts And
swimming it helps to children to escape from some troubles
And if i can I will bring the military rules and regulations In all government services
Below 16 age should not watch any adult films as per that software will be announced"

Mohammed Nihadh

"Suddenly I change to education system,
After I'll give better education system.and truely student they all achive to the dreams end of

"Mohamed rafi "

"Need to proud my parents
My idea is to get more busses in village
side and road light which most use full for girls it will reduce lots of problems in those areas"

"Mohammed Raiyan "

After getting into IAS or IPS I have many plans to implement now I will share some of my
1. I will arrange meeting with the youngsters of my district and I will ask them to share their
problems then only I will try to know the excat situation of my district then I will pick some
volunteers from that group and open a whatsapps group with them and ask them to update
the issue of my district
2. I will arrange a team with my subordinate for solving corruption issue inside the
collectorate because many innocent people can't able to meet the collector or SP because of
bribes issue.
3. My main focus will be on women, children, old people, tribal people and other vulnerable
groups because they face many problems mainly in rural areas.
4. Special focus on LGBTQ+ communities because now a days they are open to the public
and sharing their problem so I will arrange meeting with them to solve their problems
5. If I get time I will interact with school students and try to teach them about moral values
and basic polity and I will encourage teacher to take class on holidays about these topics
6. I will show some documentary,short flim about the caste and religious problem to the rural
people because caste issue is one of the major problem in India Today so I will try to make
unity among all caste people's.
7. I will arrange a separate team in my office to check the harrasment problem faced my
women staff in my office because it's important now a days
8. If I get a chance I will arrange some sports activity among the officers of my office and
general public it will create a trust among the public towards the government servants
9. I will try to make regural vist to all my subordinate office and I will try approach the
people's problem directly because barefoot bureaucracy is my main motto
10. I will try to make awareness about the govt scheme through my whatsapp group
volunteers because most of the people are not aware of the govt schems.
Thank you sir."

Mohana Ram R

"Madhuvai ozhikka vendum,
Pengalukku padhgappu vendum"


"If I were a IAS officer
1.I comes to know about the land details about its varients for the farmers usage and what
peoples are expecting from the higher authorities.
2.definitely I will change the educational system
3.as possible what are the needs for people from ias I will definitely helpful for them and I do
my best.
If I were an IFS officer,
1.i will create goodwill for the state and its policies
2.i thoroughly get the details how people aware about their social lifestyle and what they
Thank u for the opportunity , which I was participated in the one officer-one idea contest of
officers IAS academy.
Have a Tantalizing Tuesday �"

"Monica R "

One day I will be an IAS officer, I will organise a huge expo which contains all professionals,
that will inspire the students to choose their career and to use the way in a better way.
Next I will monitor the transport department and I will be one of the hands which will close
the potholes on roads , hygienic roads and bus stops."

"Monika N "

field of education , as time passes our education world evolves that's the fact
, but for an average or for an financially critical families they somehow manage their child's
studies but still there are various programs for development of those children , but we never
think the case of an homeless children , a primary education is the one which enables the
children for understanding the world , when we seen an homeless child asking for something
in the streets , we will be just worried for a moment for the child and will be moving , but
none of us think about the children future , though our governments have taken various
measure but still the outcome is not the desired one ,
by creating an NGO , where we can help the homeless children and the homeless and we
can bring an change
it may seem something an impossible , but education is the only thing that can change a
person , and a person can change a world
by this NGO even if we can educate or help atleast a 50 students , we can bring a change in
the society
every human born in earth has a common duty that is ,
thank you for this opportunity for sharing the thoughts"


"I have seen the video on asking the measures to
people that will be taken if I were an IAS officer in future ...thereby I am responding to it.
If I am fortunate to serve as an IAS officer in future,
The following are the measures that I will undergo.
The first thing to be followed is that direct communication with the people and hear out their
problems such that I will get to know what the people need and the measures to be
The second thing is to make people believe and to get collective support from people
towards progress and development.
Then undertaking pre-measures before floods , engaging youths also via apps the
information or request will be collected from people and this will be solved within 1-2 days.
Then there are so many people seen sitting near the streets, railway stations who are
homeless so by arranging a special team the people will be taken proper care and shifted to
care centres and the disabled people will be encouraged including "" Disabled
entrepreneurship "" centres would be organised where people will buy their needs.
People will be made aware of several norms like Scholarship, small business grants,
Unemployment benefits, Health care supports, Social security, Income support run by
government on implementing awareness programs and information will be sent to their
mobile numbers.
The officers will be meet with harsh sanctions if they didnot help or provide any discomfort
for people by delaying their demands.
To get know more about the improvements or measures to be taken directly, I will go round
the area whenever available and hear out the present condition from people and know
whether the measures satisfy them.
With increase in demand from people I will request my higher officer ( professional
approach) to proceed the work by explaining the present condition of people , critical issues
that need immediate action, challenges faced by individuals, draft a comprehensive action
plan that outlines the proposed steps and strategies for addressing this issue. Discuss the
plan with them in person or at their convenience to seek their valuable insights. Working
collaboratively with the concerned departments, community leaders and stakeholders to
ensure that the necessary resources and support that will make significant difference in the
lives of those in need.


"If I become a IAS officer definately I'll use the
government waste land to government months fees parking with whatchman
It will be defined help for reducing road side
parking and traffic jam
May be this I'd was small
But it's will be definitely 💯 help full for vehicle
owners who didn't have any parking space in that home
Every area will use that government non usable
As a government parking
And it will be help our government bus driver also"

Monisha Santhosam

"Intha society neraiya matram thevai
Intha society ellorum lanjam kodu ellam sariyagi
vidum enra mananilai lanjam kettum athikarikal sariya thandanai kodukka vendum
makkalukku vizhippunarvu kodukka vendum. Ella kutramum panam koduthu sari seithu
vidalam enru makkalidam puriya vaikka vendum…"


"In case if I become ias / ips my prime focus will be towards child well-being
Because domestic abuse and child grooming is something which is really dangerous to the
society and usually children are the biggest victim who are often easily abused and
threatened both emotionally and physically thus it becomes one of the root causes of
Various anti social activities such as terrorist , rape , drug activities etc.. thus if children are
given with right exposure and education. We could definitely make the society much more
better than now. So if I get a chance to become ias/ips i will put all my efforts to give
counselling for children and recreational centers, better education and exposure to variety of
opportunities and will give proper punishment to the people who involve in child related

"Mounica B "

"If I will become a IAS officer. I know very well change is not possible.so first of all I will
change myself as well as my family and also my area then in my under district they are also
supporting it is easier to make a every changes in every district.
And also the hard work is so essential then we got this victory"


" I can help to all poor people by providing all
government services and helping in protection of their rights which are deceived by powerful


"If I was an IAS officer
I must execute all the schemes properly, that must delivered to all villagers also."

"Mukilan D "

Change and control:sexual assault

Mullaivendhan R

"Employment opportunities are less in rural areas,
especially for women and widows. Instead, the government should give them sewing
machines free of charge or on monthly installments, just like providing them with clothes at a
fair price shop. They have to get the material they need, they have to finish the sewing work
and sell it in the same shop. Then like this, they can be collected from all the villages and
exported to foreign countries on behalf of the government. This can increase the exports of
the country. Control of foreign companies can also be reduced. In this way the widows can
be given job opportunities, the training can also be conducted free of charge by the
government, the youth can be given job opportunities by the government to work under this,
it can even be converted into a government job"

"Murali V "

"பணம் இருப்பவர்கள் ஒரு கிராமத்தில்
உள்ள இரண்டு குழந்தை களை படிக்க வை க்க வே ண்டும்
விவசாய பணன்ன உதவி செ ய்ய
வே ண்டும"


"One change I would like to bring is in
Governance and Administration area . As the world is moving towards digital era efforts are
to be made to improve governance, transparency, and accountability in the state
administration. This involve the use of technology for efficient service delivery, digital
governance initiatives, and citizen-centric reforms"


"மக்களின் குறை களை முதலில் காது க ொடுத்து கே ட்டாலே ப ோதும் சார்
அவை சரியாகும் என்ற நம்பிக்கை யை அவர்களின் மனதில் விதை ப்பே ன"


"I will be a friendly officer so that people could
easily engage with me and share their queries
Secondly as an IAS officer i will strictly cover each and every department under my control
against officers getting commision and doing public works to people and will take a strict
action against them i wont bother even if it gives problem to my work


"திருநங்கை கள் மற்றும் பிச்சை
எடுப்பவர்களுக்கு அரசு தரப்பில் வே லை வழங்க வே ண்டும்
🔥 அரசு பள்ளிகளில் படிக்கும்
மாணவர்களுக்கு தனி பே ருந்துகள் இயக்க வே ண்டும்
🔥 ஒவ்வ ொரு மாவட்டத்தில் உள்ள IAS
அதிகாரிகளும் ஒவ்வ ொரு ஊர்களுக்கு செ ன்று அவர்கள் பிரச்சினை களை
தீர்க்க வே ண்டும்
🔥கணவரை இழந்த பெ ண்களுக்கு
வே லை வழங்க வே ண்டும்
🔥 ஏழை குடும்பத்தில் உள்ள
குழந்தை களுக்கு+ 12 முடித்தவுடன் கல்லூரியில் சே ர்வதற்கு அனை த்து
உதவிகளை யும் செ ய்ய வே ண்டும"

"Nagalakshmi R "

"My idea would be, To give full awareness
about politics to my Village youngsters. To nominate the young and educated as village
president. And also a wise man as an ward member. The current president or the previous
one were not done anything and they don't even know what power did the president have,
So the young and educated would be right choice. The main reason is my village youths
don't even care about the basic amenities that the village president should provide. My
Friends should get full awareness about the basic role of village president and ward
member. Youths doesn't care about the road, street lights, water, recycle bins, electricity etc..
they were just ignored it. Our fathers won't change because of their relationship and dignity
but the youths will, they have to change, my village have to change.
Boys and girls like me will have some basic knowledge about what is government, so we can
easily convey the message to them. A single person cannot change everything but he/she
can start something that will change something, that something become everything. Soon I
am going to be that person🫡.

"Nagalingeshwaran K "

"*Information Asymmetry of education & it's scalability*
An initiative to eradicate information asymmetry among the Haves and the HaveNots.
With *abundant educational opportunities* & support provided by the Indian government
based on the principles instilled in its constitution along with State governments like
Tamilnadu, the *reach of their awareness is negligible*.
Further learning is a natural capability of every human, whereas the Indian population,
especially the *backward are under the illusion* that it takes *unnatural capabilities* to scale
Taking my own example of being told by this education system & our society that scoring
marks in academics is the only way forward for a really long time, until a stranger once told
me about the *CAT exam and existence of IIM like B-Schools*. By now I had already lost the
timeframe to appear for JEE exam the meaning of which I did not know.
*Being a fisherman's son* who was mediocre in scoring marks I was exceptional in logic &
the very concepts we studied at school.
*I excelled in the CAT exam* without any specific coaching & landed in one of India's top
B-Schools and with their placements I *brought out my family from basic insecurities* in a
few years, though still not out of backwardness.
Further I *realised about the practicability of the Upsc CSE exam even late* and regret a lot
that I delayed my preparation. Unfortunately I'm stuck in a highly demanding profession due
to the loan I took for my MBA which makes my CSE preparation very challenging.
The *biggest loss* of my life is *a mentor* who could have made a difference *or guidance
about the innumerous career choices* we have & their impact. Myself being the first person
in my circle, even including my mates from the CBSE school I studied, to be ambitious
enough for these goals with pretty much no support, it's like traversing through a rain torn
mountaneous forest blindfolded all alone.
I excelled as a remembered leader for my school in Scouts, in NCC as well as in sports
primarily because of my stronghold in Natural justice & social awareness. But I am spending
my *young adulthood working to improve shareholder value instead of something like civil
service* which would be soulfilling. I believe I have a good potential and I regret using it for
corporate companies where I don't get anything more than money in return.
I also watch everyday these opportunities being in the hands of undeserving people from
creamy layers either loafing or spoiling the lives of others with a stale attitude towards Life,
but they are the ones from the IIMs or else they still get in through their network or
*If the entire population is informed & competing* for these promising competitive exams and
take education very naturally;
it will be the most critical measure for *backwardness to drop while giving best performance
as an economy*.
I've tried encouraging my circle with my experience & example, but to grow up in life one
also needs the *right attitude, which should be the first attribute to select the target
benefeciaries* of my project.

Nagulan B

"It doesn't matter where you have be an IAS or IPS to bring change, As an society if we fail
select a good leader. According our constitution leader have the power to make greater
changes.so we want greater change its all up to us(individual)."

Nakul P

"If I became An IAS in Future
First and foremost I wanted to give more
recognition and concentration over transgenders
It may be the simple thing but many of us
are not even respecting them ,They are also a gender Like Us for the first I wanted to
include transgenders toilet along with other sex(Male&Female)
And Also wanted to Abolish the
prostituition which involves both the transgenders and Other Sexes. I Will give them a
specific Area to stay and give them Opportunities to work in various Positions.
As of now only few of them are exploring
themselves,Wanted to give them a recognition and dignity and treat them Equally.
This is what I wanted to do?"

"Nandhini Aravind "

"Here is what I would have done if I had become an IAS officer.
*Transparency in administration.*
Problem in today's administration:
Most of the times people are not aware of what are the current work that a public office has
undertaken, what is in their pipeline and what are their targets for the current year. Whether
the local concern or complaint in a specific area is there on their to do list. If it is there, when
will it be undertaken. All these can be either obtained by an RTI or seeking information from
respective offices. Both of these requires effort from general public and is also time
consuming. Most of the times people don't have hopes of progress and they stay
disconnected from works undertaken by the administration.
My approach: Every department and every offices and every officer should have a
dashboard that states the following regarding the administration
1. Targetted administrative works for the current year
2. Timeline for the work
3. Progress of the work taken up.
4. Contact person regarding each work.
These details should be displayed next to the citizen charter and be updated regularly. And
the same should be available in the department's website too.
For example: road laying for a particular area has been pending for a long time. Residents
have been raising concern for a long time but they cannot regularly followup with the
corporation office. The dashboard of the upcoming work and pending list of corporation office
will be helpful for residents to know when they may get a road if not they can pressurize their
councillor or MLA to take necessary steps regarding fund allocation or as such. This is one
example, this can be applied to many areas and will improve the efficiency of administration
as the offices now will be responsible in implementing the committed work. This I see as a
major gap in administration which if gets efficient can do much more than what is currently
being done."

Nandhini V

1. In school from 5th std to 9th standed there must be one period in time table for agriculture
related activites.
2. In major public places like malls, shopping areas etc., want to place ah liberary it helps the
people to get interest in reading

"Nandhini "

"If I'm becomes an ASI officer
I should:
*Implementing Green Governance Practices in addition Educating and Engaging Citizens:*
I will introduce environmentally conscious policies within the government machinery. It will
involve adopting eco-friendly practices in government offices, promoting paperless
operations, encouraging telecommuting to reduce carbon emissions, and incorporating
sustainability criteria in procurement processes. And also
I will launch a nationwide campaign to raise awareness about climate change, environmental
protection, and sustainable lifestyles. This campaign could include school curricula revisions,
public service announcements, community engagement programs, and public forums to
encourage citizen participation."

Narasimman R

Idea : off rate marriage 💑 mahal.... 🤔 all over tamil Nadu & special one Chennai �

"Narenther "

"Idea :If I become an ias officer I will start coaching institutes for all government jobs in my
district for free and will increase the literacy rate which inturn help people to grow up in their
life.Providing quality education ensures all
goodness in people's life
Education should be affordable by all people

Narendren A

" After becoming IAS officer i will
create awareness regarding geopolitics in school and college student circle
Because history repeats itself
something happened in a corner of the world which have threat to happen in our country
This provides correct and truthful infos about what happened
Geopolitics is associated with our daily life
So i think it is a important one to
students and for their life also

Narendra prasath

"As i mentioned above im from a tier 2 town, i seen that the town changed way better it was
when i was kid in means of better infra, better access to resources, and all services that
every one thinks to get, but nothing that never changed is the mentality of the people who
lives here and more specificaly teachers, one of my friend recently says that their
headmistress way back she was studying in school , now headmistress of a international
school comes under the same management, she still degrading the childs mind with the
same old conservative lessons and bad preaching like body shaming and all. This was one
incident in a one school think how many schools we have how many teachers we have ...
Mostly they are all like this im not sterotyping but the reality is the one who are in the position
to sensitise students with broader ideal are the most conservatives in the society the teacher
.. its visible thats why we cant able to incorporate some new age lessons in our curriculum
like sex ed for example.. the list will goes long i think..
So what im trying to say the first and the foremost thing we have to change is to sensitise
teacher with more and more broader understanding of todays society and its people and
must make them look forward for future , schools are the places where our basic traits are
molded.. if i was an IAS officer for a district i would start with this. I will make our teacher
more broader in their thoughts and teaching.


"Sir/Madam, there are two main things that should be changed in my point of view are
1) The Problem in ration shop
2) About the warehouse of rice(நெ ல் பயிர்)
Here are the reason why they need to be changed ,
The main reason behind it is money problems faced by our government.
By the mistake of entry level officers there are many scam that are carried out.
1)The main reason for ration shop is not only in just my palce but this is a problem in many
parts of tamil nadu.
The appropriate work of the officers who work in those place.
*MISTAKE*-Especially in our place the ration shop officer keeps an person along with him
who is not appointed by the government and just cheets in the weight of the things they give
- about half the quantity of the things are being cheated and if any quires take place between
the public and the shop officer then he will close the shop and will avoid putting the
things.*(NOW you can think that there is no wrong in keeping a man for help , but the
biggest problem is he only opens the shop for about few days , government has appointed
him and he his misusing his work)* THERE SHOULD A CLEAR WORK SCHEDULE FOR
[12/07, 9:10 pm] நவன்ீ Speech 2023: *PLEASE READ THE SECOND ONE WHICH IS


"Will open atleast 3 km between one
restaurant for poor peoples having meal , will check on the proper road arrangements in all
villages ......Will make one scheme for Child laborers family for financial helping basis"


We are all peoples even, Our Nation Crime Cases Immediately Action, Public Responsibility,
Any Time Give to be a Action Better Citizen Better Nation
Jai Hind 󰏝"


"Other countries status la eruntuu varavangalukuu
proper guidance kudukanum yarium fool pana kudatuu apdii panathuu complaint vanthuchu
Naa CVR action CVR ACTIONS yadukanummm"


"I think every upsc aspirant, who overcomes all his barriers throughout his/her journey to
attain this profession has a different purpose towards it.
When I was 15, I lost my father, he is a normal govt. Servant (Machine labour). this is a
incident I came over when I was 12, I went with my father to the nearby govt bank, we were
standing in the queue to give some filled up forms, and suddenly a well dressed man who

entered the bank and they treated him with all due respect and comfort may be because he
was a govt officer, but the bank employees they never responded to the people who were
standing in the queue. because their perspective was like the peoples in the queue were not
well dressed, or not having enough money in their hands.
When few people questioned the employees to help them they actually showed their power
of position/seating as they were above the line and we were below, and this situation has not
yet changed and remains the same.This is something were I decided to be in a good
profession in order to not treat the employees in the same way as they did, but to use the
power in the right way.
This shows how people are treated so far with their colour, caste or status. But everyone
deserves the same rights and equality in each and every aspect.
Every profession has its own identity and According to me civil services is one of the most
respected career ever in the whole country, I will be able to do something worthwhile for the
society. This is something a meaningful and soulful work which will help me to break all the
social prejudices and inequalities among the people and also will help me to bring a positive
change among the society.
There is a saying by Willaim Gaddis _""power doesn't corrupt people,people corrupt power""_
My father has stopped me of pursuing a career in law, because he feared that I might loose
my honesty and do some proxy to win.
But in becoming a civil servant I will always stay fixed to my honesty and will never make a
move that _""people corrupt power""_"


"I change the road construction. Because the
people's and childrens are suffering a lot by a transport and road facilities.the children's are
going in foot board to school.so I want to change that situation. Thank you for ask these
Thank you"

"Nidarsan "

"If i became ias/ips.i will protect childrens from sexual harassment and toxic family and will
educate them till they become major and give all facilities for them. So in future they will get
inspired and do they the same help to the future generation. Hereby i can develop more
matured personalise. And decrease discrimination to kids both boys and girls.
Thank you"

Nimisha Mahesh.

Past mistakes full ah study panni (allthulai kinaru,kurangani thee vibathu,sivakasi factory
accident,flood etc) repeat agama prevent pannuven.
recent times la school,college students drugs usage increase agiruku atha complete ah stop
Special care need for police
Need restriction on night duty
Need to give leave and arrange vacation for them and make smooth relation between people
and police like kerala did.


"I am Nirmal from coimbatore.. myself being an
upsc aspirant..
If I become an IPS officer first I will restructure and reorganize the police force within the
district.. favourable transfers, providing leave for their achievement, health and fitness
camps, balancing thier night shifts nd so on...
So the basic idea behind doing this is.. police force is highly stressful and lots of vacancies
are there in the dept yet to be filled.. so additional burden lays on current serving officers..
So I believe if the machines are in proper working condition then the desired results will be
achieved.. so I will work on the internal structure first.. strength nd consolidate in a better
way before Going into a big action."


When I become an IAS officer , I should first visit every single street and check the roads
and if they need any cable connection or drainage and whatever may be . But once we are
ready to construct the new pathways then we do all the necessary and again they can't
break the roads by giving any reason because once you get into a thing you should do it
completely clear . If any rain or flood arrives then many people are affected by the roads
which are not constructed properly . So this was my first priority, when I became an IAS


"As an IAS officer, I would find the key areas in my
district that requires attention in education,healthcare, infrastructure development,
agriculture and social welfare of the people. Agriculture is crucial for our economic
development. But it's been declining .So , I would retrieve the declining agriculture and
encourage farmers to make use of the government policies that are introduced for them and
flourish the district."


1. Enooda 1st goal banking sector la oru post attain pannitu .
* Civil service la entrance Aaganum.
*Changes* : Naa government college thaa... Enga hostel la food nalla erukaathu. Naan
banking side la poona Naa la...
Maths knjm nalla kaathukitan.. Efficiency calculation poottu paatha.... Athula vantha amount
naraiya , enga mess expenditure kanakka thaandum.
Edhuku oru solution kudukkanum nu thaaa Civil service kku *varuven*
Edhu oru periya flash back.
Enga clg kanakku padioru Aalu per day kku ₹75 . So saapdu nalla erukaathu nu open na
slluraanga... Enga clg strength + Holiday + Mess staffs salary ellaa poonuchii na naraiya
amount varum
Engalukku compounding effect theriyaathu nu knjm cheap ah peasitaanga.
Ennoooda best ah naa kandipaa kudupan
Not at only my clg .
Naa complaint la panna la.. en calculation thappa
kuda poogalaamm
But just therinjikkanum en food nalla provide panna mudiyala nu
Athukkaaga enna improve pannanum nu steps


"My focus area will be Education
REASONS:Poverty is still in India . To reduce it I believed that providing education in a
proper manner that is equally for both male (literacy rate 84.70%) and female (literacy rate
70.30%). The another reason is demographic dividend is increasing to utilise this opportunity
education play a major role . Demographic dividend helps in increasing workforce . So that in
a family both men and women can work together that will reduce poverty. It lead to more
investment from foreign countries ( deplomatic ties improve) and country's economy
increase . India can also attain 'self reliant India'. EDUCATION -> reduce poverty and
gender discrimination , employment opportunities, economic growth , achieve self reliant

"Nithiya kalyani R. "

"ந ோக்கம்:
அனை த்து நிலை களிலும் இருக்கும் மாற்றுத்திறனாளிகளின் நலனுக்கு
அயராது பாடுபடுவே ன்...
அவர்களின் கல்விக்கு தனி நூலகம் என்னால் இயன்ற வரை அமை த்து
தருவே ன்..
வாழ்வாதாரத்திற்கு ஏற்ற செ ய் த ொழில் பயிற்சி அமை த்து தருவே ன்...
நான் பணிபுரியும் மாவட்டத்தில் உள்ள அனை த்து பள்ளிகளுக்கும் கட்டாய
இலவச தியானம், சிந்தனை , சிறந்த உணவு, உடற்பயிற்சி, தமிழ் நூல்களின்
சிறந்த கருத்து மற்றும் தமிழ் நூல்களில் ப ொதிந்த அறிவியல்
உண்மை களை பற்றிய வகுப்புகள் கற்பிக்க முயல்வே ன்.."


"நான் IAS ஆனால்,
1)அரசாங்க பள்ளிகளை தரம் உயர்த்துத்துவே ன்.
2) கிராம்த ோறும் அரசாங்க சே வை கள் பற்றி ப ொதுமக்கள் அறிந்துக ொள்ள
அறிவிப்பு பலகை யை வை ப்பே ன்.
3) ப ொதுமக்கள் புகார் தெ ரிவிக்க புகார்பெ ட்டிகளை ப ொது இடங்களில் வை க்க
நடவடிக்கை எடுப்பே ன்
4) பசுமை விவசாயத்தை முன்னே ற்றுவே ன்.
5)உடற்கல்வி பயிற்சிக்கு அதிக நிதி ஒதுக்க ஏற்பாடு செ ய்வே ன்.



"Idea:After I become an Civil servants.. I have an idea to make our environment more
clean and maintain it properly i. eWe have lot of disposal methods but still it's not properly
following by us When we travelling across places even streets, we can able to see food
wrapers , even there is a dustbin people aren't throw it properly to the dustbin.In most of the
places wastes are scattered near the dustbin and in many places wastes are dumped in
open places within a town ... Due to this reasons stray animals eat plastics in search of food
and cause aniamls to struggle a lot and spreading diseases among living organisms...In
some cases Cleaners do their duty properly only when they come to know that higher
officials and politicians come there to visit their town... I am not say cleaners are only reason

for this.People also plays a major role in maintaining cleanliness of their society.Hence, As
an officer I will praise the workers and peopIe who are all doing their best to their
environment and also i will make awareness among all age people.It results in healthy
environment. Simply, I focus more on make our environment healthy. As a citizen and as a
civil servants it is my duty.."

"Nithya Mani.S "

"Working as Business Analyst In private concern
Came to Know about this One officer one idea contest, and I'm Very much happy and
responsible to share my idea, with which I'm hoping that this will bring a marvelous great
change in our future generations regarding their health with very minimal changes in our
education system
My Idea "" Kattaya Kalvi Arokyathudan""
""கட்டாய கல்வி ஆர ோக்யத்துடன்""
என்னுடை ய கருத்துக்களை காண ொளி வாயிலாக க ொடுத்திருக்கிறே ன்.
கருத்தில் எடுத்து க ொண்டதற்கும் வாய்ப்புக்கும் நன்றி"

Nivetha P

"My name is Noorul Haq M, and I'm from
I've finished B.Pharm

In the future, if the IAS academy helped me become an IAS official, I would put this strategy
into practise. In India, women continue to experience several issues in daily life, such as
harassment, so in order to prevent this, I'm going to hire transgender people to work at the
bus stop, railway station, crowd location etc..especially during night night time, as well as
morning time while also giving them uniforms and encouraging them to perform their jobs
honestly. We are able to give them a better life through this work while also ensuring the
protection of women. Finally, everyone in society respects transgender individuals, and
people have stopped thinking about what transgender people are.
2nd thought we want to protect nature now a days global warming get disaster in order to
avoid this I'ill execute scheme among people like one tree one family I encourage people to
plant more trees and provide gift to them where ever I go I just monitor how many of them
following this scheme
Finally we want to save water too for our and future generations now a days many trucks
Available for water supply they didn't maintain water closing tap properly if they carry water
from one location to another location they didn't monitor closing tap drop of water fell down
equal to 20lit of wasting in order to avoid lose of water I announced people to take pic and
send photo of those who didn't maintain water tap properly will give Rs.1000 gift for them

Above all the schemes are I will execute surely when I became IAS officer without unity
normal man can't do all things with protest"

Noorul Haq M

"My Idea for change:
On the top of the list of my goals to reform in my district goes for Education.
Primary Education: 1/3rd Time of the children in schools to be spent on happy and
harmonious learning of Human values and in recreational activities and so on.
Secondary Education:More emphasis on promoting cooperation among the students rather
than competition in scoring.Make them get involved in their hobbies and interest as well as
happy learning of subjects
Higher Secondary : Make the students aware of many streams and make most of them
implemented in all schools and to let the students choose the stream in which they
interested in.To Spread awareness on International higher education.

Graduation:Build confidence to follow his/her passion and choose the stream in which they
are interested in make them turn their passion into profession (Exposure of students to
various field of profession).Full fledged implementation of Skill enhancement course
(for.eg.Naan mudhalvan scheme).

To make the Teachers more equiped and dedicated towards their profession through
workshops, Training programs, etc.,
Right Education will reform Society."

Obulakshmi R

"1.After becoming a civil servant, i will make plans to make favour for the farmers for
marketing their own products by eliminating the intermediate people between the producer
and consumer. So that producer , seller and consumer ,all of them will get benifit
2. Need to make strict rules in all the sectors, especially in traffic and corruption.
3. Make myself awareness program for school students about important of service to society,
behaviour in society . So that they can grow in the right path. Future problems in the society
will be under control."

Padmesh P.P.

"1. I will not definitely obey the
2. Control a crime Rate in a district
3.I am trying to improve a administration of my district
4. I follow the Rules And law
5. I will work for my country"


Will take steps to detect the food adulteration,
Provide basic facilities like water supply, electricity supply, read all the letters came

"Parvathavarthini "

"💡Idea: All celebrities, politicians, people can plant trees on some places even 4 years ones
next politician also came and plant a new tree on the same place of old one.
Actually what about old plant?
So in cause i came i can fix workers to flow water to the plant and manage properly free from
weeds and all suffer of 🌱plant"


"Things to be changed in our society :
1.Sex education and hygiene
2.Co-education lead good friendship it's a good thing
3.9 to 12 standard students are treated as like 7th or 8th.. don't pressurize the children
4.Social activities/week(Clean ,learn things in post office,bank)..these are essential for our
life and our society
5.No one have the rights to beat children even our parents (Caring changes everything..I
saw changes with my sister's children)
1.Banned the ads about smoking or alcohol in tv,movies,shop(if they have no source,how
can they buy).I saw lighter tie infront of shop,then how we change the situation
2.Free Drink source must be available at every bus stand
3.There should be free cupboard setup in public place where everyone will place their
clothes (it is useful for many people)who want cloth,they can taken..I saw it in Trichy
4.No one have the right to ask question about a girl after husband death"

Pasupathy J

"My idea is, first of all I will be the roll model to the people..I will discharge my duties on
time....if the leader is good ..definetly the followers won't make mistakes…"


"Ideas : If I become a police officer ,
i will definitely stopped in alchochol upcoming generation and I would prefer safety for


"MY RESPONSE: நான் மாவட்ட ஆட்சியரானால், நான் இரண்டு முதன்மை
பணிகளை செ ய்வே ன். அவை ,1. நம் நாட்டில் நிறை ய மருத்துவமனை கள்
உள்ளன, அவற்றில், அரசு மருத்துவமனை களும் நிறை ய உள்ளன.
இருப்பினும், அரசு மருத்துவமனை யில் வழங்கும் மாத்திரை கள் மற்றும்
மருந்துகள் தரமற்றவயாக இருக்கின்றன. இதனால், மக்கள், தனியார்
மருத்துவமனை களை நாடிச்செ ல்கின்றனர். ஆனால், அன்றாட வாழ்வில்
ஒருவே ளை உணவுக்காக கஷ்டப்படும் ஏழை மக்கள் எப்படி தனியார்
மருத்துவமனகளை நாட்டிச்செ ல்லமுடியும், எனவே ஒவ்வ ொரு அரசு
மருத்துவமனை களிலும், மக்களுக்கு தரமான மாத்திரை மற்றும் மருந்துகள்
வழங்கப்பட வே ண்டும்.
2. இரண்டாவது, இயற்கை சீற்றங்களாலும் மக்கள் பெ ரிதளவும் பாதிப்புள்ளா
கின்றனர்.நிலச்சரிவு, அதிக மழை ப ொழிவினால் ஏற்படும் வெ ள்ளம்
ஆகியவை . நம் நாட்டிலுள்ள, ஒவ்வ ொரு ஊர் மற்றும் கிராமங்களில்,
சாலை கள் முறை யாகவும், நல்ல தரமாகவும் காணப்படுவதில்லை . இதனால்
சாலை கள் மே டு, பள்ளமாகவும் நிறை ந்து காணப்படுகிறது. இதனால், அதிக
மழை ப ொழிவின் ப ோது, மழை நீர் தே ங்கி, வெ ள்ளம் ஏற்பட காரணமாகிறது.
வெ ள்ளம் மக்களின் குடியிருப்புகளில் புகுந்து விடுகிறது. இதனால் மக்கள்
தங்குவதற்கு இடம்,உணவு, ஆடை இவை இல்லாமல் பெ ரிதும்
பாதிப்படை கின்றனர். இதனால் மக்களின் வாழ்வாதாரம் பெ ரிதும்
பாதிப்படை க்கிறது.

எனவே , நான் மாவட்ட ஆட்சியரானால், என்னுடை ய முதன்மை பணியாக,
மே ற்கண்ட இரண்டை யும் செ ய்வே ன்.

இந்த வாய்ப்பின் மூலம் என்னுடை ய லட்சியம் வே லை யின்
குறிக்க ோல்களை , உங்களிடம் பகிர்ந்ததில், மிக்க மகிழ்ச்சி அடை கிறே ன்."


"சாமானிய மக்களுக்கும் சமூக நீதி
கிடை க்க வே ண்டும் என்ற எண்ணத்தை கருத்தில் க ொண்டு என்னால் இயன்ற
பணியை செ ய்வே ன்....
கிராமப்புற மக்களின் வாழ்க்கை
தரத்தை மே ம்படுத்த பல்வே று முயற்சிகளை செ ய்வே ன்....."

Pon Livingstan. J

"When I was a kid I wanna become a doctor, to
help people by giving them an affordable medicine and etc,...
But later I came to know that, people around me are suffering by many different ways, more
than medice,..
I think that a basic need for a human to lead a peaceful life are food , clothes , and shelter..
Yes, people around us talk about quality and good education and medicine,. And also many
good hearted people are taking actions for a better education and hospital facilities , atleast
they are are in a half way to achieve those things..
But I am here to talk about the people who are suffering even for their one meal a day,.
Every day I used to see many people around my city are homeless , no food , no good
clothes ,. We must begin to talk about these people, so that , at any point they will definitely
get recognised by the government, media,rich people, who can help them with anything .
'cause the people who didn't get enought education and hospital facility , atleast they can eat
3 meals a day peacefully under a protective shelter ,...
So I wanna


"My idea: Government ku sonthamana place la koottu pannai vaikalam ithuku Senior citizens
kum vela kitaikum, young generation kum vela kitaikum. Athumattum illama niraya peruta
itam irukum aana vivasayam panna mattanka illana avankalala panna mudirathu illa
avankata itam rentku govt vankium vivasayam pannalam. Antha antha oorula vela illama
iruka niraiya peruku part time Or full time job kuta ithanala kitaikum
Another idea: school la irunthe
kulanthainkaluku financial pathina classes iruntha nalla irukum
School la irunthe kulanthainkaluku
equality pathium solli kudukanum"

Ponrasutha P

I will have a closer communication with local bodies like panchayat institution or municipal
corporation to implement my ideas which I think would create a better impact as division of
work makes any work simpler.
I will appoint subordinates for each area with the help of local bodies. I will ask them to
submit a report on the issue for eg. sanitation . At the end of a particular period, The head(
IAS or IPS Officer) are asked to review it regularly and make effective steps accordingly."


"My answer :
As an IAS officer with the power to bring about positive changes in Coimbatore, there are
several aspects I would focus on.
Coimbatore is known as the ""Manchester of South India"" due to its industrial importance,
and with that, it also faces challenges such as traffic congestion, pollution, and inadequate
waste management.

One key area I would prioritize is the Traffic management:
I Implement a comprehensive traffic management system to ease congestion and improve
transportation infrastructure. It involves developing better road networks, promoting public
transportation, and encouraging the use of non-motorized modes of transport like cycling
and walking. Intelligent traffic management systems and the use of technology can help
optimize traffic flow. As the Coimbatore's metro project was approved, the traffic congestion
would be an upcoming and major issue. So I'd like to address that.
Thank you"


"The people dying without food are most in all over
the world we should provide enough free food for them but atleast we should provide proper
shelter from sun and also rain for all people equally.
The government would provide free food, shelter, clothes for poverty people."


"College free education & qualification students get free job"

Prabakaran K

"நான் ஐஏஎஸ் ஆனால்...
ச. பிரபாகரன், B.Com, சிவகங்கை மாவட்டம்
ஆட்சியர் அலுவலகத்தில் நடை பெ றுகிற குறை தீர்ப்பு கூட்டங்களில் கலந்து
க ொண்டிருக்கிறே ன். ப ொதுமக்களிடம் இருந்து நே ரடியாக மனு பெ ற்று
அங்கயே அதற்கான நடவடிக்கை கள் த ொடங்கப்படும். இதனை இன்னும ொரு
படி உயர்த்த உடனடி ஆட்சியர் த ொலை பே சி சே வை மை யம் அமை ப்பே ன்.
எப்ப ோது வே ண்டுமானாலும் ஆட்சியரின் பார்வை க்கு க ோரிக்கை யை உடனே
க ொண்டு செ ல்ல முடியும். மாவட்டத்தின் ம ொத்த வருவாய் நிர்வாக
அலுவலர்களிடமிருந்து அந்த சே வை யின் வழியாக பதில் கிடை க்கச்
செ ய்யப்படும்."

Prabhakaran S

"My Idea :
When I become an IAS officer, I need to change
Eventhough we talk more about women empowerment still many women facing issues and
domination so I try to bring more women's out and help them empowered in their studies,
career, etc
I tried to increase the employment ratio which helps economy
And also I helps the farmers to bring their lives up and cultivation.
Thank you for this opportunity sir."


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