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What should be the plan for preparing for the UPSC Prelims 2023 in 150 days?

According to the UPSC schedule, the prelim exam will be conducted on May 28, 2023. Try to get serious about the preparation at this point. At this stage, aim to have around 10 hours of quality study time. This would ensure that you have enough time for mocks, revisions, and regular studies. Go through the below points to formulate a plan for the UPSC IAS Prelims 2023


How to utilize the final 150 days?


  • Limiting the books- Basic and reference textbooks should be studied carefully to obtain conceptual clarity, which entails understanding what a topic expresses, including its origin, merits, and demerits, as well as how those concepts connect to other concepts. When the UPSC Prelims exam date approaches, avoid searching for any new texts. It may be enticing to learn new things when someone is discussing subjects that you are not familiar with.
  • Current Affairs-UPSC IAS Prelims frequently ask questions about current events. Therefore, make the most of important events/ editorials from the Hindu and the Indian Express. Make brief notes on any significant advancements/events.
  • The one place where you will be able to find everything that is required is the Officers’ Pulse current affairs magazine, which was the only magazine used by Sivanandham(AIR-87), who achieved this feat in his very first attempt.
  • Mock test series-This makes it easier to show your degree of readiness overall. They are intended to cover all of the key topics on the prelims syllabus while also enhancing your understanding. Before the prelims, attention must turn to full-length practice exams that follow the format of the real prelims. The new style of mock test series designed at Officers’ IAS Academy contains UPSC-level questions, elaborate and precise explanations, and a discussion post the exam for doubt clarifications. Additionally, we have introduced “value-added notes” related to that topic and retrospective analysis of your answers, which will quantify your confidence, guess-taking ability, and risk management.
  • Previous Year Questions & Syllabus-When preparing for the final 150 days, you must adhere to the syllabus because this specific topic is limitless. Keep a copy of the syllabus in front of you at all times to ensure that the topic is addressed. Couple this with the Previous Year’s Questions to get yourself acclimatized with the nature of the questions asked.
  • Elimination Techniques- Use this to respond to questions that your prior expertise is unable to address. Our very effective teaching methods at Officers’ IAS Academy have helped our students significantly raise their test results, making us the top IAS institution in Chennai. Click hereto watch the Intelligent Guessing Techniques
  • Focus on important areas- Revise subjects and chapters that can help you ace static questions. Spend more time on topics like Polity, Economy, Modern India, etc, and Revise the books and materials you previously studied.
  • Religiously follow your tests and learn from them. The tests of Officers’ IAS Academy have been carefully curated to best mimic the actual IAS Prelims exam, making us one of the best IAS academies that create consistent results.


Prelims are crucial since even worthy candidates might fail them owing to their unpredictable nature. Therefore, I implore each candidate to treat the approaching Prelims 2023 seriously and to place a high value on the aforementioned advice, particularly the Prelims Mock Test Series. Here, a student’s scores are a representation of their UPSC preparation, therefore any necessary adjustments should be made in light of their test-day performance. For instance, if you aren’t scoring well in a topic like politics, which has a large weight in the preliminary exams, allot more time to it in the final days of your study. Click here to join the mock test series offered by Officers’ IAS Academy to maximize your chance of acing Prelims.



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Officers IAS Academy – Best IAS Coaching in Chennai.

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